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Freelance Gh pages Developer - Yuriy Linnyk
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (1775 reviews)
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You can understand it! Whether you're catching up in a coding bootcamp, or nailing a bug — reach me in the chat and we'll figure it out. I know you can, because I see it everyday! I enjoy explaining basics patiently, or move to advanced topics in my expertise anytime. Got a project idea? I can help you code it during a session or multiple sessions! If you feel overwhelmed about any of these — Javascript, CSS, React, Node, Firebase, web technologies in general — or actually just want someone to be around while you are figuring them out and point you in the right direction, just let me know. *BUILD & LEARN — one-on-one pair-coding learning experience with a mentor* Web development is my life, since 2002. For over decade I'm excited to work on the full stack of web sites and applications. With more focus on Front-end and Javascript full stack in recent years. **Practice Javascript** Javascript is probably the most versatile programming language that anyone can start even without installing any specialized software, as the developer tools are built into every browser nowadays. Your browser is a great playground to learn and understand Javascript, HTML and CSS, while also possibly making your experience with the web better. Install Node.js and enable the power of using the same language to access files on your computer and automate your workflow. Node comes with NPM - access to a repository of plethora of Javascript utilities for any task. **Practice HTML & CSS** CSS can be hard sometimes, but it's well defined with great tools to understand it built into the browser. Skills of building UI with HTML & CSS can now be reused not only for websites and web apps, but also mobile and desktop apps. And also your TV, your fridge and your nearby ATM. **Practice React** React provides building blocks to create components, where every component has UI defined with HTML & CSS, with Javascript logic attached to it. Scaling UI for a web app, mobile or desktop app becomes a no-brainer. Practice building on the web platform with me, I'll watch you 👀 and make your learning faster. **Let me hold your hand** (virtually) I know what it's like - to know how to do it, but still feel burnt out. Too easy to fall into an infinite loop of procrastination. Just schedule a session and let me be your focus buddy. I've seen work done in no time after a wait too long. ---- **How to call**: let me know in the chat what you need help or tutoring with. **Before the call**: message me, I may be available immediately, but most likely not—it's generally better to schedule a session, ask me for my availability (after telling me which technologies you need help with). **During the call**: In the codementor session room press "set up zoom", it will launch Zoom where you can share your screen. **If you messaged me and I didn't answer**: Don't be discouraged! There's a high chance I missed your message — feel free to message me again! Sorry, sorry, sorry! But do give a little bit of intro, so it's easier for me to answer whether I can help or not. ---- I only provide help during online sessions where you can share your screen and discuss the issues. ---- My focus: ● **HTML, CSS ● Javascript**, ES6 ● **⚛ React**, JSX, React-Router, Redux, Material-UI ● **Firebase for Web**: Database, Auth, Storage, Hosting, Functions ● jQuery, Backbone, Marionette ● AJAX, Axios, fetch ● async ● Git, Github ● npm, yarn ● Chrome DevTools ● **CSS Frameworks**, Tailwind, Bootstrap, SASS ● Handlebars ● **NodeJS**, ExpressJS, MongoDB ● Webpack, Browserify, Gulp, Bower, Require.js ● Jekyll ● Feel free to message me in the chat anytime — just tell me which topics you need help with — and we'll go from there. ---------------✁------------------------- If you are beginning your journey into web-development and need a longer session to go through the basics of technologies and tools listed below, then I am happy to offer my encouragement with about 20% off my usual rate. * Only applies to **longer sessions** of 1 hour and more. * Only applies to **practice sessions**, where you need help with fundamentals of the technologies listed below. Welcome to discuss or learn these technologies with me. * **Does not apply to commercial** work. The discount doesn't always get applied automatically, so feel free to ask and remind me about it after a session. To get the discount: - **Let me know** that you are a beginner, need a longer session and that a discount would help - **Be nice**, positive and respectful Please only contact me if you actually need help understanding the following technologies, and not just have someone complete your student homework on your behalf! I'm happy to offer a lower rate to guide you through the basics of these technologies: - HTML, CSS, Javascript: building web-pages and understanding all the concepts to make them work beautifully and efficiently - Javascript basics, intermediate and advanced - Javascript libraries and frameworks: jQuery, Backbone, React - Firebase for Web: Database, Auth, Storage, Hosting, Functions - Backend Javascript with Node.js and Express.js - CSS Frameworks: Tailwind, Bootstrap - CSS Tooling: SASS, Stylus - Web-dev tools basics: npm, browserify, webpack - Web-dev concepts, such as AJAX - Command line basics and Git - Basics of hosting your static website for free - Using template engines such as Handlebars - Creating website with Jekyll and host on Github - Basics of automated Javascript testing ---------------✃------------------------- Over the years, I have: - Developed hundreds of HTML/CSS/JS Mockups (since 2002) - Wrote several large Backbone.js/Marionette.js javascript applications, for web and mobile (since 2010) - Developed Node.js/MongoDB applications - Developed dozens of CakePHP/MySQL applications (2006-2010) - Installed dozens of Wordpress websites - Worked with large data sets and developed social network-like websites - Developed projects with Laravel, Zend Framework - Developed several popular extensions for Textpattern CMS (2006) - Got experience with video and audio production, screen recording I am keen on advanced web-development tools for front-end and back-end development. Git, Chrome DevTools NPM, Browserify, Grunt, Gulp, Bower, Require.js I feel comfortable working on both small and large websites. Jekyll, Bootstrap jQuery, AJAX Preprocessors: SASS, Stylus, CoffeeScript Done a lot of projects in PHP earlier, but switched to more javascript work in recent years. I am a mac guy, and I manage Debian virtual servers for private projects. $$ Money-back guaranteed – just let me know if you're not happy and your money stay with you. Feeling unproductive? Schedule a session for some quality focus time.

Freelance Gh pages Developer - Jason
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (181 reviews)

Production systems fire fighter - there is nothing I cannot debug. I will not do your homework. Member of Mensa & Intertel, backwoods enthusiast. Human languages for fun, programming languages for breakfast. I left Detroit in the Dot-Com era to live deep in a north woods cabin w/my animal family. I solve my own problems with grace and efficiency. I'll be happy to solve yours! My five most valuable skills: * Anticipation (of variables and user expectations) * Debugging * Machine logic * Problem solving * Versatility These skills when applied to any challenge, design or technology stack, have consistently produced efficient and reliable results across an unlimited technology stack since childhood. What I enjoy most about Code Mentor: Utilizing my unique skill set to solve a diverse set of challenging critical issues for people in a bind. My most satisfying sessions solve very difficult and unique situations for those who have already exhausted their available human and intellectual resources. FAQ * No, I am not a robot. But my bots might be one day. * No, I will not travel anywhere , unless you provide a space ship or parachute. * I try to make a record of all changes and be able to revert them quickly, but it is your responsibility to archive responsibly ** SUPPORT SPECIALTIES ** - AWS Anything - Dedicated support through to resolution - Defensive cyber security - Disaster recovery - Emergency response for mission-critical systems - High pressure environments - Forensics / electronic discovery Check out my video course on pfSense! https://www.packtpub.com/product/hands-on-pfsense-2-x-for-firewalls-and-routers-video/9781789805017

Gh pagesDevOpsAWSServerLinuxMeteorJavaScriptMongoDBSecurity softwareFirewallsGitVimPHPCode ReviewTradingViewMigrationYAMLBashGIMPLive StreamingVideo streamingWordPressRESTful APIDeployAzureAuthEs6CacheMemcacheNew RelicExpress.jsDigital ForensicsData parsingBootstrap 4Aws iamApache HTTP ServerTLSAws CodebuildAws CodepipelineInfrastructure as CodeAWS PoliciesAWS OpsWorksAWS VPCAWS DynamoDBAWS Data PipelinesAWS CloudFrontAws swfAmazon amiAws amiAmazon machine imageAmiDockerAWS IoTAws snsAws sesAmazon linuxAWS LambdaAmazon SESAmazon elastic beanstalkAmazon RedshiftAmazon elbAmazon vpcAmazon SNSAmazon EBSAmazonAmazon SQSAmazon RDSAmazon S3Amazon EC2Aws sdkHAProxyLoggingDeployment automationResource optimizationLoad BalancingReverse proxyProxyserverProxyCentOSRHELBSDGoogle Cloud PlatformDigitalOceanHerokuScalabilityNode.jsReactBootstrap 3HTML/CSSUnderscoreUnderscore.jsLodashGSAPExpress angularMEAN.ioMEAN.jsMEAN StackCorsECMAScriptBootstrapnpmReactiveMinimongoBlazeSpacebarsMeteor accountsMeteor pubsubFlow routerIron RouterAtmospherePackagesReal-TimeMeteor blazeMeteor upMeteoriteRed HatFedoraMintMandrivaUbuntuViShellAshHttp cachingHTTPPhusion PassengerSpdyNginx 1.6WHMcPanelApache Web ServerApache HTTP Server 2Apache ConfigurationNginxUnicornPumaSSL SecuritySSHSSL CertificateWebminMemcached phpVarnishAPIBackendlessOpenBSDDebianphpMyAdminHhvmSmartyPOSVim pluginVim macrosVim scriptsVim ConfigurationGit webhooksGit rebaseGit pushGit pullGit flowGit commitGitHub FlowGitLabGit pullrequestsGit branchGitHubGit hooksAWS EMRNetfilteriptablesFirewallpfSensePenetration toolsMetasploitWiresharkNmapDisaster recovery planningNetwork SecurityMongolabMongojsMongoidMongooseMongoadminPhp fpmFinancial DerivativesFinancial AnalysisData Center OperationsCloud infrastructureInfrastructureData MigrationWebsite migration+184
Freelance Gh pages Developer - Rashif Rahman
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (42 reviews)

I am a long-time [open-source contributor and Linux enthusiast](https://www.archlinux.org/people/developer-fellows/#schiv). In the past I spent most of my time staring at black screens with green text scrolling endlessly for hours and days. I am now a practitioner of [Knowledge Science](https://www.infoworld.com/article/3448577/who-should-be-responsible-for-your-data-the-knowledge-scientist.html), an emerging subdiscipline of Computer Science allied with the goals of [explainable](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/12/30/explainable-ai-the-rising-role-of-knowledge-scientists/#395937a2603f), ["semantic"](https://www.poolparty.biz/semantic-ai/) artificial intelligence (AI). With a background in the [Semantic Web](https://www.dataversity.net/semantic-web-and-semantic-technology-trends-in-2020/#) and traditional [symbolic AI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_representation_and_reasoning), I am a graph database specialist fully invested in data modelling and programming with semantic technologies. While as a Computer Scientist I am inclined on research and development (R&D), nothing gives me more satisfaction than building or leading a software technology project from inception to production, especially so at the bleeding-edge. I regret that I may be time-constrained, but you are welcome to check in with me for quick consultations.

Freelance Gh pages Developer - phil
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (36 reviews)

Hi! About 12 years ago I started turning my programming hobby into something more serious, helping local businesses and artists get websites off the ground. Since then I've taken on bigger projects, launched a startup, maintained libraries, consulted for medium-sized dev teams, and worked deeply with a full stack of web (and more!) tech. App / dynamic web focused. Accessibility is really important to me. Making art with embedded electronics is my secret passion.

Freelance Gh pages Developer - Innocent Amadi
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (32 reviews)

I've been programming for over 7 years. I've built quite a number of web applications and owe most of my expertise to mistakes. I still learn everyday and would definitely love to help anyone get better In my spare time I swim (or go underwater to think up more algorithms in quiet)

Freelance Gh pages Developer - Ivan Novikov
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (19 reviews)

Multi-faceted, efficient, and reliable product-minded software engineer with broad experience in building and delivering well-crafted software and services. Takes on responsibilities for implementing features from start to finish, along with team leadership roles as well as effective self-management and task prioritization skills, especially meeting cases’ deadlines. Solid experience with C# and .NET including design and developing highly distributed, scalable and performant self-hosted and Cloud services. Note: Ivan prefers long term advisory and mentoring using immersive and Agile approaches. Let's take a look at your problem and you realize that every solution to every problem could be simple. I just want to help you find the distance between the two where the mystery lies.

Freelance Gh pages Developer - John Ryan
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (11 reviews)

Web (JavaScript, Python, Django, Angular) & Mobile Developer (Swift iOS, Hybrid Ionic, etc) passion for building awesome apps that wow. Also have experience teaching command-line tools, Git + GitHub, JavaScript to over 200 engineers at large corporation. Really enjoy teaching programming & application development to anyone looking to become a developer. More Projects can be found on my GitHub: https://www.github.com/northDacoder Languages & frameworks I have experience with: Python Django Javascript jQuery NodeJS AngularJS MeteorJS UnderscoreJS PostgreSQL MySQL Front-end Design: HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap Foundation CSS3 Responsive/Adaptive Design Media Queries Mobile UI Design Mobile Development (Native) iOS 9 + Swift 2.1 Mobile Development (Hybrid): Ionic Framework (AngularJS) Cordova Hybrid iOS Development (PhoneGap/HTML5/JavaScript) jQuery Mobile API's & Data Django TastyPIE (Custom API Development) REST API Design JSON/JSONP AJAX Google API Twitter API Instagram API OpenWeather API XML Other: Tizen SmartTV Development Git Version Control GitHub Heroku FireBase Terminal Object-oriented Programming Mobile Web Development Cross-browser application development Model-view Controller (MVC) A-B Testing for CRO

Freelance Gh pages Developer - Osamah Aldoaiss
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (9 reviews)

Full-Stack UI Engineer focussing on **React, NodeJS & NextJS** • Experience in **Leadership** and **Team Building** • Highly proficient in setting up new **Architectures** and **Setups** for Projects • Quick to adjust to new systems

Freelance Gh pages Developer - Chandraprakash Sharma
Freelance Gh pages Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

I am a seasoned agile engineering manager and senior engineer presently working as a freelance consultant. I have over 10 years of professional work experience, during which I worked on complex software systems both backend/cloud apps and web frontends. I am a generalist and can work with necessary tools to solve a problem. I can help you with performant Nodejs, enterprise Angular apps or Python or Java backends. I am comfortable working with agile/scrum teams and have experience in managing scrum projects. I have also worked with machine learning and have helped few clients with pilot projects to explore use of ML in their business processes.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Gh pages projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Gh pages project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Gh pages request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Gh pages developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Gh pages developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Gh pages developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Gh pages developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Gh pages developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Gh pages project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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