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Top freelance Infrastructure developers available to hire

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Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Matheus Acosta Martins
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I’m a dedicated software engineer with 5+ years of experience, specializing in Ruby and Rails development. My primary focus has been building and optimizing payments and financial systems, ensuring robust, scalable, and secure solutions for complex transactional workflows. Beyond Rails, I’ve worked with JavaScript, Golang, Elixir, Python, and other technologies, giving me a broad technical foundation to approach diverse challenges. I’m also skilled in implementing CI/CD pipelines, leveraging Docker, and automating workflows with GitHub Actions to streamline development and deployment processes. In addition to my industry experience, I’ve served as a university IOT teacher, combining my technical expertise with a passion for teaching. Whether it’s debugging code, designing architecture for financial systems, or mastering best practices, I enjoy mentoring developers and empowering them to succeed. Let’s collaborate to solve your coding challenges and elevate your projects to the next level!

Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Razvan Radu
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

Software Architect, Networking Engineer, Linux Admin, Blockchain Architect, IP Protocol Expert | 20 years

Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Florent FAUCHILLE
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I'm a software engineer, educator, and DevOps practitioner with a passion for clean code, automation, and mentoring developers. With experience in web and mobile development, SRE, and CI/CD, I love building reliable systems and sharing knowledge. I'm native in French and working in an English for the past 6 years.

Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Souhail Mssassi
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (8 reviews)

With more than 10 years of experience in cybersecurity as an offensive Security Engineer specialized in application security, cryptography and security of decentralized applications, he assisted several organizations in improving their own cybersecurity strategy. And as an Instructor and a Speaker, he presented Security lectures in universities and Conferences. Recently researching on Formal Verification in the cybersecurity Field. He is Also a Blockchain Developer in Solidity and also working as a Security Researcher in Blockchain.

Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Nika Jones
Freelance Infrastructure Developer

A 15-year web/infrastructure professional who loves keeping up with the latest best practices.

Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Jason
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (181 reviews)

Production systems fire fighter - there is nothing I cannot debug. I will not do your homework. Member of Mensa & Intertel, backwoods enthusiast. Human languages for fun, programming languages for breakfast. I left Detroit in the Dot-Com era to live deep in a north woods cabin w/my animal family. I solve my own problems with grace and efficiency. I'll be happy to solve yours! My five most valuable skills: * Anticipation (of variables and user expectations) * Debugging * Machine logic * Problem solving * Versatility These skills when applied to any challenge, design or technology stack, have consistently produced efficient and reliable results across an unlimited technology stack since childhood. What I enjoy most about Code Mentor: Utilizing my unique skill set to solve a diverse set of challenging critical issues for people in a bind. My most satisfying sessions solve very difficult and unique situations for those who have already exhausted their available human and intellectual resources. FAQ * No, I am not a robot. But my bots might be one day. * No, I will not travel anywhere , unless you provide a space ship or parachute. * I try to make a record of all changes and be able to revert them quickly, but it is your responsibility to archive responsibly ** SUPPORT SPECIALTIES ** - AWS Anything - Dedicated support through to resolution - Defensive cyber security - Disaster recovery - Emergency response for mission-critical systems - High pressure environments - Forensics / electronic discovery Check out my video course on pfSense! https://www.packtpub.com/product/hands-on-pfsense-2-x-for-firewalls-and-routers-video/9781789805017

InfrastructureInfrastructure as CodeCloud infrastructureDevOpsAWSServerLinuxMeteorJavaScriptMongoDBSecurity softwareFirewallsGitVimPHPCode ReviewTradingViewMigrationBashGIMPLive StreamingVideo streamingWordPressRESTful APIDeployAzureAuthEs6CacheMemcacheNew RelicExpress.jsDigital ForensicsData parsingBootstrap 4Aws iamApache HTTP ServerTLSGh pagesAws CodebuildAws CodepipelineAWS PoliciesAWS OpsWorksAWS VPCAWS DynamoDBAWS Data PipelinesAWS CloudFrontAws swfAmazon amiAws amiAmazon machine imageAmiDockerAWS IoTAws snsAws sesAmazon linuxAWS LambdaAmazon SESAmazon elastic beanstalkAmazon RedshiftAmazon EMRAmazon elbAmazon vpcAmazon SNSAmazon EBSAmazonAmazon SQSAmazon RDSAmazon S3Amazon EC2Aws sdkHAProxyLoggingDeployment automationResource optimizationLoad BalancingReverse proxyProxyserverProxyCentOSRHELBSDGoogle Cloud PlatformDigitalOceanHerokuScalabilityNode.jsReactBootstrap 3HTML/CSSUnderscoreUnderscore.jsLodashGSAPExpress angularMEAN.ioMEAN.jsMEAN StackCorsECMAScriptBootstrapnpmReactiveMinimongoBlazeSpacebarsMeteor accountsMeteor pubsubFlow routerIron RouterAtmospherePackagesReal-TimeMeteor blazeMeteor upMeteoriteRed HatFedoraMintMandrivaUbuntuViShellAshHttp cachingHTTPPhusion PassengerSpdyNginx 1.6WHMcPanelApache Web ServerApache HTTP Server 2Apache ConfigurationNginxUnicornPumaSSL SecuritySSHSSL CertificateWebminMemcached phpVarnishAPIBackendlessOpenBSDDebianphpMyAdminHhvmSmartyPOSVim pluginVim macrosVim scriptsVim ConfigurationGit webhooksGit rebaseGit pushGit pullGit flowGit commitGitHub FlowGitLabGit pullrequestsGit branchGitHubGit hooksNetfilteriptablesFirewallpfSensePenetration toolsMetasploitWiresharkNmapDisaster recovery planningNetwork SecurityMongolabMongojsMongoidMongooseMongoadminPhp fpmFinancial DerivativesFinancial AnalysisData Center OperationsData MigrationWebsite migrationYAML+182
Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Ricardo Murillo
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (91 reviews)

I have a passion for software development, solving problems and learn every day.

Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Ian Sinnott
Freelance Infrastructure Developer - Manishanker Talusani
Freelance Infrastructure Developer5.0 (34 reviews)

I am a Senior software engineer with 7+ years experience building software products that are scalable, secure and resilient. I've built Machine Learning platforms from scratch and worked with large enterprises such as Inmobi (Asia's biggest Adtech company), Charles River Laboratories, AusNet Services, Forward Edge AI, Justdial (India's largest yellow pages company), IPsoft Research to reduce cost and improve performance. I am passionate about innovation powered by Machine learning. I love traveling and exploring deep blue seas. **I have taught total of 300 students in class room and online on Introduction to Python, Statistics, Machine Learning. Mentoring students in their Data science journey as a remote mentor for Thinkful Inc [New York]** **Technological skills:** - Languages: Python3, Java, Javascript, NodeJs - Frameworks: Apache Spark, Tensorflow, Google Dialogflow, FLASK, Kubernetes, Docker, Spring Boot MVC - Databases : Mysql, MongoDB - Cloud : Azure - AKS, Keyvault, VMSS, Blob, Azure Databricks, Azure Machine Learning Studio, Azure Batch AWS - EC2, EMR, S3, Lambda Datascience Specific packages : *pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, keras, scipy, jupyter notebook, Google colab* **Achievements:** - Google summer of code intern at Openstack - Favorite Datascience teacher award **References :** - [Teaching Portfolio] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fDNuPgR3OXamJbc07AMxT6ITMO8ArqLA/view?usp=sharing - https://gist.github.com/manishanker/68a130fc00d8424656e4ce10d6147a0b I love working on solving some challenging problems. I am very passionate about teaching and mentoring others. I believe a lot in this quote: ```Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.``` When I am not writing some code, I love to stay updated on recent advancements in Machine Learning. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures. I enjoy meeting people from different background and interacting with them and learning from them. This has enabled me to think in multi dimension and has ingrained me with a attitude of asking **why** to find more answer and always stay curious. I have done total 6 scuba dives in Thailand(1), Bali(4), Ibiza(1). I am always up for a healthy discussion on topics like travel, discovering yourself, learning from others.

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How to hire a freelance Infrastructure developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Infrastructure projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Infrastructure project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Infrastructure request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Infrastructure developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Infrastructure developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Infrastructure developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Infrastructure developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Infrastructure developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Infrastructure project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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