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Top freelance Functional Programming developers available to hire

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Freelance Functional Programming Developer - David Schoutens
Freelance Functional Programming Developer5.0 (27 reviews)

Full-stack software craftsman and technical leader with over 15 years of experience. Equally adept at system design, programming, technical leadership, mentorship, and business collaboration. Have a wide breadth of technical experience, but specialize in backend API development, relational databases, and web applications. Passionate about simplicity and efficiency. I have worked at over a dozen companies large and small, in a handful of different domains. Also participated in hundreds of interviews, about half-and-half as the interviewer and the interviewee. I have given dozens of talks and training sessions on a variety of topics, mostly focusing on distributed systems, caching, and testing. My top skills are Java, SQL, testing, and refactoring. I have experience with formal academic and professional mentorship, and would love to help you skill up, solve a problem, or just nerd out with you today!

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Ashish Jaishwal (QA Test Automation)
Freelance Functional Programming Developer5.0 (89 reviews)

**Automation Tools:** Selenium WebDriver with Core Java, Selenium with C#, Selenium with JS, Cypress,WebDriverIo, Playwright, Appium,Swtbot, etc **Languages:** Java, C#, Javascript, Python **Framework Used:** Page Object Model / Data Driven Framework/Keyword Framework, Cucumber(BDD), Jasmine, Robot framework, Specflow, Mocha **Mobile Automation:** Appium for Android and Ios Automation, WebDriverIo for Android automation only, etc **API and SQL Automation:** Java with JDBC, JS with mysql library, Cypress, postgres automation, etc **Unit Testing Framework:** TestNG, JUnit, NUnit **IDE Used:** Eclipse, IntelliJ, VSCode, Visual Studio IDE, Pycharm, etc **IDE automation:** Eclipse with swtbot, VSC with vsc-native-tester, IntelliJ with Java robot framework **Build Tool:** MAVEN, Gradle, Ant **Project / Defect Management Tool:** JIRA, Kanban,github, TestRail, ontestpad, Mantis, ASANA,Trello,BaseCamp,Redmine **Report:** TestNg Default, ReportNG, Extent Report, Allure Report& variousHTML reports **Version Control:** Git (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket) **CI Tool:** Jenkins, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/CD **Software Testing/QA:** Regression Testing, Smoke Testing, Health Check, Functional Testing, Database Testing, Api Testing using Postman, Bug Life Cycle & Testing life cycle **TEST AUTOMATION** • Designed and implemented different automation frameworks from scratch like Page Objects framework, Keyword Driven framework, Data Driven framework and Hybrid framework for a number of projects • Have hands on experience on different flavors of Selenium like Selenium Web Driver with Java, C#, Python. • Have hands on variety of TDD & BDD testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, XUnit, Mstest, Specflow, Cucumber, Pytest, Nose etc. • Have hands on experience on Cypress with TS or JS, Cypress for API Testing, Cypresss with Cucumber. • Have hands on experience with API Testing, with postman or programatically using REST Assured, RestSharp, Mocha-axios, etc. • Have hands on experience with IDE Automation like Eclipse with swtbot, VSCode with Vscode-extension-tester, Intellij with Robot framework • Have hands on experience with Mobile App testing with Appium & Java • Good Knowledge of different tools like Git, Jenkins, SQL, MySQL, etc **MANUAL TESTING** • Have a good knowledge of applications from various domain like, E-Commerce, AI based Job Portal, Telecom, Warehouse Management Domain, Content Processing application (OLIVE SOFTWARE), Health Care that makes me comfortable understanding the business and functional requirements of system. • CRM based application : Microsoft Dynamics 365, Magento, Salesforce • Extensively involved in preparing Test Scenarios & Test Cases from Requirement docs, Use Cases & KT's. • Defect reporting using various bug reporting tool and Involved in the defect review meetings. • Good exposure to Bug Life Cycle. • Accurate, efficient & methodical in handling assigned tasks. Possess excellent numerical, problem-solving & analytical abilities. • Have hands on writing End to End Scenarios/Business logic cases, Test plan, etc. and have performed Smoke Testing, Regression Testing, Comprehensive testing, Acceptance Testing.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Vatsal Mehta
Freelance Functional Programming Developer

As a seasoned software engineer having over 5 years of experience in the industry, I offer a unique blend of expertise, passion, and teaching acumen. From my time at renowned organizations like JP Morgan Chase, Zeta Suite, and now Google as a mid-level software engineer, I have cultivated a deep understanding of the field and a desire to nurture the next generation of programming talents. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of mentoring numerous junior engineers, witnessing their growth and development firsthand. I believe in fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where knowledge is shared freely, and complex concepts are transformed into easily digestible lessons. My ability to explain intricate topics in simple terms ensures that my mentees gain a clear understanding and develop the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes their way.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Petr Sima
Freelance Functional Programming Developer5.0 (245 reviews)

Available in all timezones. Excelent English. I removed my old bio because it becomes outdated quickly. By now I've done enough to be able to say: I've really done a lot 🙂. I provide a full range of services to meet all your Swift needs.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Maxim Filimonov
Freelance Functional Programming Developer5.0 (47 reviews)

Software Consultant and Team Lead with extensive expertise in software engineering and business consulting, leveraging 17+ years of experience to drive sustainable growth through innovative solutions. Proficient in Full Stack JavaScript, Ruby(RoR), and IoT, adept at implementing CI/CD pipelines and utilising AWS for scalable system design. Passionate about integrating AI and LLMs to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and support business expansion with data-driven insights and automation.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Federico Agustin Sawady O'Connor
Freelance Functional Programming Developer4.9 (15 reviews)

Software Engineer and University Professor (Functional Programming and Data Structures). Co-author of two books, based on research of computer science didactics. I like to apply multiple programming paradigms and solid academic theory, in the field of services and web applications, software architecture, programming language design, as well as in the analysis of large-scale projects.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Thomas Calloway
Freelance Functional Programming Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I enjoy helping projects of all kinds to move forward, solving a wide variety of problems, and producing well-tested code that is clean and thoughtful and that keeps paths open for future extension. Though most of my recent years have been spent building within the Elixir and Phoenix/LiveView ecosystem, I also have many years of experience with Ruby on Rails. I use a Lean perspective when planning a project and writing code, keeping a reasonable balance between short-term and long-term and between perfection and achievable greatness, as I explore the solution space iteratively. I have made a special study of software development productivity analysis and improvement, so I have insights and techniques to contribute from that domain. Over many years I have built internal and external B2B and B2C Full-Stack Web apps and Backend APIs for small companies, startups, and large organizations in the Advertising, Marketing, Education, Meal Kit, Health and Fitness, Accounting, Finance, Government, and International HR spaces. Along with that experience, my thinking was also shaped by the degrees I earned in Chemical Engineering and Computer Science, which formed an outlook that combines an engineer’s calculated pragmatism with the rigor of theoretical explorations and known methods, including significant exposure to Statistics, Data Mining, and Numerical Methods. While meticulous with my time and productivity, I value calm thinking, deep work, and a methodical process that also takes intuitive leaps and assesses a range of options, to drive delivery of projects and features. That ethos is reflected in my ongoing Phoenix LiveView (PETAL) side project, Peak Pace, which captures my research into techniques that go beyond typical Kanban and resource capacity management, to model and effectively optimize the productivity and predictability of business and team processes using BPMN, simulations, and queuing theory. Those same analytical tools are also valuable when diagnosing software application performance. I’m a U.S. citizen living for now in Portugal, and I have good conversational ability in German.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Aniket Bhatnagar
Freelance Functional Programming Developer

1. Experienced software engineer with a track record of building highly scalable and quality backend systems. 2. Keen open source contributor with contributions to popular projects like Apache Spark. 3. Out of many completed projects, creating stable coin USDC is what I am most proud of. With market cap of $1B+, its the fast growing stable coin and 2nd largest stable coin by market cap.

Freelance Functional Programming Developer - Arup Rakshit
Freelance Functional Programming Developer5.0 (951 reviews)

I am a freelance web developer working out of India. My weapons of choices are : HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React JS. I literally spend as much hours as possible every day on coding.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Functional Programming projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Functional Programming project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Functional Programming request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Functional Programming developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Functional Programming developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Functional Programming developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Functional Programming developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Functional Programming developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Functional Programming project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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