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Top freelance Google Cloud Platform developers available to hire
Freelance Google Cloud Platform Developer5.0 (129 reviews)
* Experienced Software Engineer with 7+ years of experience in designing and developing highly scalable software products for enterprise ecosystems.
* Proficient in **AWS** and **GCP**, leveraging services like AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and Kubernetes for deployment and orchestration.
* Designed systems with event-driven architecture.
* Supporting various web applications built in React and Angular. Equally capable of leading teams and delivering directly, Laleet has worked with hundreds of developers from different organizations to solve their technical problems and bugs. He learns fast, communicates well, welcomes challenges, and has excellent debugging skills.
Freelance Google Cloud Platform Developer5.0 (171 reviews)
Working in the IT sector for more than 10 years.
With over 10 -years of freelancing and professional experience taught me all kinds of frameworks and languages, ranging from React, Angular, Vue, Node js, Express js, React Native, Redux, Rx JS, JavaScript, Typescript, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, Sqlite, Postgresql, ES5+, Python3, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, RNN, CNN, Android Java/Kotlin, iOS Swift/SwiftUI, C/C#/C++, .Net, Assembly, VBA, VB, Excel Macro, Java, Spring Boot Micro-services, Zoho, Salesforce, Hubspot, R, Shiny, STATA, MATLAB, Google Sheet, App Script, Bubble io, etc.
Over my long career, I have come across all kinds of challenges and gained vast experience with different kinds of industries like portals, medical industry, perception exercise, employee management, etc.
I have good experience with frontend development using React JS along with Typescript, Firebase, GraphQL, React Native, Native Script, React, Material UI, Ionic, Node.js, Web Sockets, and real-time communication.
I have also worked on containerization technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, GCP, Azure etc.
I am very good with backend technologies as well like Java Spring boot, Microservices, MySQL, Postgres, Elasticsearch, AWS/Google integration.
Please contact me to get the result done in a professional way.
Freelance Google Cloud Platform Developer5.0 (222 reviews)
Welcome to visit!
I am a Senior **Full Stack** developer with 10+ years experiences of development.
My Expertise:
- React.js, Angular, Vue Front-End development
- React Native, Flutter Mobile app development
- Node.js, Express, Django, FastAPI, Flask Backend development
- Python, Machine Learning, Generative AI
- Cloud Platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP
- Swift/SwiftUI/Objective C, Kotlin, Java
- SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
- C/C++, C#
- Agile software development
I'm excited to work with you and help you achieve your coding aspirations.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a session.
Thank you.
Freelance Google Cloud Platform Developer5.0 (32 reviews)
I'm an experienced React Native developer with five years in the field, specializing in creating cross-platform mobile applications. Alongside my frontend expertise, I have strong experience as a backend engineer and MERN stack developer, allowing me to work across the full stack. I also bring DevOps experience, including Kubernetes orchestration and deployments on platforms like AWS, Digital Ocean, Google cloud and Azure. My journey has involved collaborating on diverse projects, staying updated on industry trends, and contributing to both frontend and backend development. Looking forward, I aspire to contribute to innovative projects, leveraging my full-stack and DevOps expertise to create seamless, scalable, and user-centric solutions.
Freelance Google Cloud Platform Developer5.0 (27 reviews)
Full-stack software craftsman and technical leader with over 15 years of experience. Equally adept at system design, programming, technical leadership, mentorship, and business collaboration. Have a wide breadth of technical experience, but specialize in backend API development, relational databases, and web applications. Passionate about simplicity and efficiency.
I have worked at over a dozen companies large and small, in a handful of different domains. Also participated in hundreds of interviews, about half-and-half as the interviewer and the interviewee. I have given dozens of talks and training sessions on a variety of topics, mostly focusing on distributed systems, caching, and testing.
My top skills are Java, SQL, testing, and refactoring.
I have experience with formal academic and professional mentorship, and would love to help you skill up, solve a problem, or just nerd out with you today!
Freelance Google Cloud Platform Developer5.0 (4 reviews)
I'm an expert software engineer and I handle application development with PHP (Laravel), Dart (Flutter), Golang, Javascript (VueJs & ReactJs, Nodejs), and Typescript.
Github: [](
LinkedIn: [](
Hi, I'm an experienced web developer with 10+ years of expertise in building robust applications in the fitness, marketing, customer engagement, and edtech domains. I am proficient in the MERN stack and excel at delivering scalable solutions.
Currently, I am working at Kodekloud as a lead full-stack developer
As a mentor, I’m passionate about sharing knowledge, solving complex challenges, and empowering developers to achieve their goals.
Let’s build something amazing together!
I am a Physics Phd with two years and a half of experience in Data Science. I worked in a startup in the medical area doing deep data analysis and machine learning models to optimize the outcome of Photobiomodulation Therapy and find patterns in data. Now, I am working in a R,D&I (Research, Development and Innovation) project to predict by several methods if there will be a defect in power transformers by using Machine Learning Techniques. This project has been granted by ANEEL and potentially will save millions of dollars of the company anually. I also have three publications in the international journals concerning data science.
I’m a Software Engineer with 7 years of experience specializing in mobile app development, AI, and backend systems. I’ve built and scaled solutions using Python, Java, and Firebase, including an AI-powered agricultural tool that helps farmers optimize crop production. I’ve also led projects in healthcare, e-commerce, and sustainability, such as a parking space-sharing app and a decentralized healthcare data system. Passionate about innovation, I leverage my expertise to create impactful, problem-solving technologies.
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Google Cloud Platform projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Google Cloud Platform project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Google Cloud Platform request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Google Cloud Platform developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Google Cloud Platform developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Google Cloud Platform developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Google Cloud Platform developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Google Cloud Platform developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Google Cloud Platform project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.
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