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Top freelance Cassandra developers available to hire

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Freelance Cassandra Developer - Ugo A
Freelance Cassandra Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

I've solved many different types of problems only some of which involve code. I can provide an interesting perspective and help achieve your goals by working intelligently and efficiently with you. To achieve the best results, I allow for a free consultation to fully understand your problem. And if I can't solve it immediately, I'll determine a future date by which I can have that problem fixed for you.

Freelance Cassandra Developer - James Quacinella
Freelance Cassandra Developer5.0 (82 reviews)

Professional computer engineer working mainly as a Python developer. My career spans Linux Systems administration to Python software engineering and automation to predictive machine learning. Masters Degree in Data Analytics, with 5 years experience in Machine Learning. Deep interest in artificial intelligence, semantic web technologies and graph databases.

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Brijesh Gupta
Freelance Cassandra Developer5.0 (29 reviews)

Problem Solver,Regular coder , Mentor and a Self taught develor Having Extensive experience in DSA , Java , Spring Boot Micoservices and BIg Data Technologies like Spark,GCP, Cassandra,Kafka,Bq , Apache Hadoop etc. I have been working as DSA and Java Trainer for last 2 years and have trained more than 1000 students and professionals. Learning and Teaching is my passion so I offer discount rate for students and long term tutoring.

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Iván Pondal
Freelance Cassandra Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

Iván is a problem solver and facilitator with a range of software development skills, including React, Next.js and Spring, which enable him to solve and materialize clients' needs efficiently. He is a full-stack developer empowered by a strong expertise in API and microservice development. Leveraging his computer science background and endless curiosity, he balances battle-tested solutions with the latest technical advances, delivering clients an industry-grade solid and scalable product.

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Benign John Ihugba
Freelance Cassandra Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

As a dedicated Software Engineer and Systems Integration Specialist, I possess six (6) years of experience in **Java**, **REST APIs**, and **Microservices**. My expertise includes utilizing frameworks such as Spring Framework, **Spring Boot**, **AWS**, Restful Web Services, **Hibernate**, and **JPA**. In addition, I am well-versed in other frameworks such as **Docker**, Kubernetes, **Kafka**, JAX-RS Jersey, Struts, Oracle ADF, JSF, and PL/SQL. My proficiency extends to various SQL databases such as OracleDB, **Postgres**, **MongoDB**, **MySql**, **SQLServer**, and **Elastic search**.

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Puneethkumar ck
Freelance Cassandra Developer

Highly skilled solution oriented professional with 13+ years of experience in software design, development, and integration. Advanced knowledge of Java ecosystem in developing applications for Banking, fintech and retail ecommerce industries across USA, UK, and Europe. An engineer with clear focus on developing and productionalizing applications, making me a good fit for roles that strategize digital transformation for organizations. Would like to get to a role where agile and practices work hand in hand to attain craftsmanship. A natural instinct to review, automate and optimize, gives me an extra dimension and a DevOps mindset. \*\*Find me here \*\* https://www.linkedin.com/in/puneethkumarck/ [https://github.com/Puneethkumarck](https://github.com/Puneethkumarck)

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Yash Pathak
Freelance Cassandra Developer

I'm a Full Stack Developer with 6 years of experience in Java Spring Boot, Node.js, GoLang, and React. I specialize in both backend and frontend development, with a strong focus on creating scalable and user-friendly applications. My expertise includes AWS, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and MySQL. I excel in designing robust solutions and managing complex data systems. I’m eager to bring my full-stack skills to your projects and deliver impactful results. Let’s work together to achieve great success!

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Rahul Singh
Freelance Cassandra Developer

With over a decade of experience in full-stack development, I specialize in **Ruby on Rails, custom eCommerce solutions** (Spree, Solidus), **ReactJS**, and **DevOps**. My expertise spans designing and developing scalable, distributed cloud-based applications with a strong foundation in **database architecture** and **system refactoring**. As a technology leader, I’ve successfully delivered complex, high-impact projects across industries including **Real Estate, Finance, Healthcare, Marketing**, and **eCommerce**. My portfolio includes building sophisticated eCommerce marketplaces, **SaaS platforms**, and multi-channel selling applications. I am passionate about crafting innovative, robust software solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs. **Key Expertise:** - **Backend:** Ruby on Rails, building and scaling RESTful APIs. - **Frontend:** ReactJS, JavaScript, responsive UIs with Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap. - **eCommerce Solutions:** Spree, Solidus, custom marketplaces, multi-tenant SaaS platforms. - **Database Architecture:** MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, optimized for high performance and scalability. - **DevOps:** CI/CD pipelines (CircleCI, AWS Pipeline), containerization (Docker), cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Heroku, DigitalOcean). - **Test-Driven Development:** Expertise in TDD using RSpec, ensuring high code quality and maintainability. In addition to my technical expertise, I have a strong commitment to **open-source contributions** and have developed multiple **Ruby/Rails/Spree extensions**. I also bring a wealth of experience in **refactoring legacy code bases**, implementing **performance optimisation**, and improving **scalability** and **security**. My passion lies in helping businesses unlock their full potential through technology, and I am always eager to collaborate on long-term, impactful projects. Let’s build the future, one line of code at a time. Best regards, Rahul Singh

Freelance Cassandra Developer - Akhil Surapuram
Freelance Cassandra Developer

Sr Software Engineer over 6 yers of Experience. 5 years in Software Development Including Full-Stack, 3 year in Data Engineering (Infra, ETL pipelines, BI tools) and 2 years in Data Science (as Researcher) Checkout my Resume on https://surapuramakhil.github.io Technologies I have worked with Backend - Java (Spring-boot), Python (flask/Django), Go, Node.js (Express), PHP (Laravel) Frontend - React (most Recent), Vue & Angular Data Engineering - Airflow, Python, Athena, Quicksight (BI), Apache Superset Data Science - NLP, CV problems (Face Recognition and Detection), object detection

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Cassandra projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Cassandra project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Cassandra request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Cassandra developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Cassandra developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Cassandra developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Cassandra developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Cassandra developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Cassandra project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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