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Top freelance FFmpeg developers available to hire

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Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Jang Si
Freelance FFmpeg Developer

Fueling success with trust and over a decade of tech expertise: With over 10 years of experience in software engineering and a rich background in mentoring and guiding teams, I am well-equipped to support companies in achieving their goals. My technical skills include: * JavaScript * TypeScript * React * HTML * CSS * Python * Node.js * Go * SQL * Solr Coupled with a passion for fostering a positive and productive working environment, drive me to share my knowledge and experiences to propel your projects to success. I understand the value of reliability and stability, and I am committed to bringing these qualities to your team.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Ed Mays
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (555 reviews)

I am an experienced, committed software engineer who continually seeks clean, elegant solutions to business challenges. My lifelong passion for technology drives me to proactively expand my horizons, constantly exploring and evaluating new languages, platforms, frameworks, tools, and best practices and applying them in my work to produce truly awesome results. I also believe that a fundamental prerequisite of highly successful teams is the open, honest interchange of ideas, feedback, and experience, culminating in an environment of personal and professional growth for all involved. It is in this spirit that I offer to share my experience with others as a CodeMentor.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Joe Cooper
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (59 reviews)

**Consultant and full-stack software developer and consultant.** * Currently an AI service and application development consultant. * Backend specialist for 5 years at S&P and Banqsoft. * Mobile specialist for 7 years with Diversido, Noble Muffins and other clients. * Professional experience with Python, React, TypeScript, C++ and Java. I got my start when I took over IT at a horse trailer dealership to gather money to move to Europe. At AI Horizons, I built a complete AI entertainment product, including advanced and precise content filters necessary for monetization. At S&P, I took our team's first two microservices from zero to production. I later served as scrum master, and was given a technical excellence award for my work in SQL optimization. As a game developer, my Turbo Slicer product has been featured repeatedly by the Unity Asset Store. I wrote a finite element analysis kit for PlayWay S.A. to manage building collapse for the games Construction Machines 2016, Demolish & Build 2017 and Demolish & Build 2018. On CodeMentor (Arc), I help developers with interesting problems. Some highlights: * Helped an experienced engineer build a Gtk-based UI for an industrial control unit. * Helped an entrepreneur deliver a Unity-based VR demo to customers and investors. * Debugged problems of concurrency, thread safety and asynchronous IO in iOS apps. * Lead a student through correct authoring of a filesystem driver. Write me and let's get something done!

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Aditia A. Pratama
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (28 reviews)

I am Tech Programmer for web application and 3D animation projects. I have experience in developing blender add-on with python API, create automation for lighting and compositing setup. Also building web application for renderfarm and digital assets management. I often assist the team with technical problem solving and developing strategies that drive the team to succeed the projects and meet the deadline.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Anton Angelov
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (27 reviews)

I have long-term (15+ years) experience in software engineering, both professional and mentoring. I enjoy learning as well as teaching new technologies and I'm passionate about bringing value to my mentees.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - David Weldon
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (13 reviews)

I'm a generalist software engineer with over **20 years of experience**, and a master's degree in computer engineering from Cornell. I've built two successful businesses, and gone from 0 to 1 on numerous, extremely challenging, ideas. Here are a few examples of projects I've led over the years: * Built a cross-platform, fault-tolerant video recording and uploading tool along with a transcoding and streaming pipeline. * Developed an AI chat assistant (prior to the release of GPT) capable of guiding teachers through a highly-personalized and interactive coaching process. * Designed and deployed a large-scale advertising network for domain-name traffic. Names were matched with a custom NLP model. * Researched the initial compiler optimizations for cache preloading in the first hyper-threaded Intel CPUs. My approach is to measure three times and cut once, and my superpower is anticipating failure. If you're looking for someone to design, build, or guide you in the process of creating high-quality software, let's talk. If you'd like to go deep on a particular piece of technology, here are some of the tools I use on a daily basis: Vue, Node.js, Typescript, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, FFmpeg, tRPC.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Kliment
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (9 reviews)

I love working on exciting projects. I have worked on couple startups. I'm all about building stable, reusable, maintainable projects. I'm always exited with new challenges. All of the projects that i was working are build with the latest technologies and trends in the programming world. I believe in building agile and well organized solutions with good enough code base.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Chester McLaughlin
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I create Brand Messaging and API Integrations. Ten years ago I developed the opinion that "Content Management" != "Data Management" and began my search for a better way to manage data than most CMSs allow. My first stop was Google Sheets and the corresponding API. It worked well but was ultimately quite lacking because of how flexible Google Sheets was/is. Any user could modify just about anything and it was too easy to destroy complex formulas that linked sheets and formatted data. My next stop was researching JSON storage services that essentially had no interface yet would allow me to flexibly store "typed" data. This didn't go very far because of how much development would have been required to create a usable interface for clients to manage that data. When I found Airtable I kinda felt like somebody created it just for me. It did more than I hoped it would and it nailed the API right out of the gate. I haven't looked back and have created many Airtable + Wordpress integrations that allow data management in Airtable and data display in Wordpress.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Nikke Leskelä
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

I've grown up with the web as my main creative outlet since I was 10 years old. I've learned from the ground up, so I can confidently call myself a more senior developer for everything related to the web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.) From the back-end side of things, I'm well-versed in Node.js, Ruby, Python, SQL and a bunch of Unix-side dev-ops stuff. I know that "full-stack" developers can be seen as some sort of mythical creatures that don't really exist, but I'd say I get pretty close to being one. My latest love interests in development are in the realm of serverless computing, and in the last few years I've gathered vast amounts of knowledge on how to best set up low-maintenance architectures using modern service providers (AWS, Netlify, Vercel, FaunaDB etc.) I've been part of small to medium sized development teams as a team member and a team leader in well over 25 different projects from duration of 1 to 24 months.

Freelance FFmpeg Developer - Chien-Yu Chan
Freelance FFmpeg Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

I am the main contributor for AWS Mediaconvert video transcoding service for 5 years. Currently in IoT industry to develop realtime communication system for home devices.

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How to hire a freelance FFmpeg developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do FFmpeg projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance FFmpeg project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance FFmpeg request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance FFmpeg developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for FFmpeg developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor FFmpeg developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all FFmpeg developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing FFmpeg developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your FFmpeg project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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