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Top freelance Erlang developers available to hire

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Freelance Erlang Developer - William Li
Freelance Erlang Developer

A senior web / mobile developer 10+ years of experience in all phases of the SCRUM Software Development Life Cycle model including Requirement Analysis, UX Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance, provides ➤ Deliver clean and high-quality code ➤ Support and maintenance with a quick turnaround time ➤ Daily, weekly, monthly detailed SCRUM reports ➤ Excellent communication with fluent English ➤ 24x7 online & availability to work in a different timezone ⭐ My Skills ⭐ ➤ Front-end: ReactJS (Redux, ES6) | VueJS (Vue, Vuex, NextJS) | AngualrJS ➤ Back-end: PHP (Laravel, Codeigniter, CakePHP, YII) | Python (Django, Flask) | NodeJS (ExpressJs, SailsJS, [Socket.io](http://socket.io/), Selenium) | Ruby (RoR) | Java (Spring) | [ASP.NET](http://asp.net/) (Core) | Go | Erlang | Scala ➤ Mobile: Native App (Android - Java, Kotlin | iOS - Swift, Objective C) | Hybrid App (React Native, Flutter, Ionic, Phonegap, Xamarin) ➤ Desktop: C++ | .NET (Windows Form, WPF, DevExpress) ➤ Game: Unity 3D | Unreal ➤ eCommerce: Shopify | Magento | Prestashop | OpenCart | WooCommerce ➤ CMS: WordPress | Joomla | Drupal | DNN | Wix ➤ Database: MySQL | MS SQL | Oracle | MongoDB | Redis | SQLite Expertise: ➤ Social Network Web / App ➤ Dating Web / App ➤ Food delivery Web / App ➤ Taxi Booking Web / Apps ➤ Travel & Entertainment Web / App ➤ Real Estimate Web / App ➤ Online Music Web / App ➤ Online Education Web / App ➤ Image & Video Editing Web / App You can expect: ➤ Quality of Deliverables ➤ Very Quick Response ➤ Free Consultation and Support My workflow: ➤ Collect, Analyze and Research Requirements ➤ Wireframe and Prototype ➤ Design ➤ Development ➤ QA and Test ➤ Maintenance and Support

Freelance Erlang Developer - Stan Krasnoyarov
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

I'm a full-stack engineer with 15 years of experiences. Last 7 years I'm doing mobile and web applications. I can implement your ideas into a working product, design architecture and user experience, implement MVP, hire and manage developers and QA, build development and deployment processes. I've got a team of 4 developers working with me. I've experienced with the following technologies: Node.js, Rails, Elixir, Haskell, AngularJS, React, Objective-C, iOS SDK, React Native, Java, Android SDK, C++, C#/.NET. Top 5 benefits working with me: - You will have an access to a vast pool of talented developers from Eastern Europe. I've done over a hundred of technical interviews during my career. I know what to look for and what questions to ask. Devs from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are well-known for their skills. - Your web application will be running reliably 24/7. I've implemented proper high-availability architecture and automated deployment procedures for different cloud providers. I stick with continuous integration process in order to eliminate upgrade downtime. - You will have a solid maintainable codebase. I'm an experienced engineer with a passion for a clean well-structured code. Code review procedures help me to maintain integrity as project grows. - Your product will be well-tested. I've begun my career as a QA engineer. I understand how to produce good test cases and scripts, and manage QA stuff. I'm a strong proponent of automated testing. The projects I work on have a set of unit and integration tests with good enough coverage. - Your product might have a non-trivial implementation. My school is well-known for the strong mathematical background. I've run projects requiring knowledge of computer vision, machine learning and sophisticated algorithms. If you're a start-up founder looking a CTO to develop a prototype or an MVP and build a development team with a strong engineering discipline please drop me a line to s.krasnoyarov@gmail.com.

Freelance Erlang Developer - Ivan Turkovic
Freelance Erlang Developer

I am a geek, visionary, startup enthusiast, occasional tech blogger, software developer & entrepreneur and most of all a salesman. I am simply uninterested in mediocrity. I don’t settle for average. People say I have a mind that is always running--I'm just that guy who's guilty of staying up all night thinking about how I can be truly exceptional at what I do. You might call this a truly positive or competitive spirit, but I call it passion. I have cofounded that received +$1 million funding. I do web application (ruby on rails, padrino, lotus, javascript, haml, sass, css, twitter bootstrap, backbone.js, angular.js, sails.js, loopback, MEAN stack, ember.js, d3, react, ionic, cordova, phonegap, jquery, sinatra, less, bdd, spec, cucumber, tdd), mobile devices (objective-c, swift, iPhone, iPad, android, blackberry), SAP Mobile Platform, big data (hbase, hadoop, elastic search, opentsdb), dbs (mysql, sqlite, postgresql, sql server, mongodb, couchdb, memcached, cassandra, redis), fintech, startup, quant, clojurescript, typescript, go (revel), Scala (Play framework, Lift, Scalatra), facebook, twitter, java (grails), Erlang (Elixir), etherium, dapps, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, EOS - customer development - business development - project and product management - hybrid mobile applications Cordova PhoneGap ionic - iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple Watch application - Android application Business: customer development, biz dev, product development, social marketing, scrum, agile, saas Finance: Portfolio Management, Quant Research, Statistical and Latency Arbitrage, Algo Strategies, Systematic and CTA Research, Quant Development, Portfolio Pricing and Valuation, Machine Learning Algo Trading, HFT, Implementing mathematical models for products and business processes. Cloud services: Firebase, Deployd, Socket.io, Parse, Salesforce, Heroku, Amazon AWS, Tesseract, Tridion, Keen.io, Pubnub, RethinkDB, neo4j, twilio, other skills: Fortran, Cobol, Lisp, C++, AI, kdb+, financial tools, product design, UX and UI design, Unix

Freelance Erlang Developer - Vladimir Gordeev
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (169 reviews)

Personally I am passionate about programming languages in general, enjoying clear understanding about the way they work. I can help you to learn programming languages, including unconventional ones, like Lisp, Erlang, Prolog, Haskell or Scheme. I also can help you with academic topics such as Lambda Calculus, Finite Automata (Finite State Machine), Push-Down Automata, Finite State Transducers and others. I enjoy explaining complicated things in a simple way. My past production experience mostly comprises from three things: - backend development with Ruby on Rails on various small and average-size projects - work on Flussonic video streaming server at Erlyvideo company using Erlang - frontend development using React, JavaScript and also a wide range of other languages and technologies.

Freelance Erlang Developer - Alexander K.
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (97 reviews)

I’m a full stack web developer who loves working with open source technology. I work best at planning the architecture of web applications and their development life cycles. I also love to get the community involved and have had much experience with building and organizing large community related projects.

Freelance Erlang Developer - Khaja Minhajuddin
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (49 reviews)

I am a very passionate programmer and have been building software for almost 10 years. I love building robust and easily usable software.

Freelance Erlang Developer - Ale Miralles
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (39 reviews)

I started my programming career creating line of business applications for investment banks and slowly transitioned into web development roles working with Ruby on Rails and Elixir/Phoenix. I have experience working on high-profile web apps serving millions of active users and also smaller websites with modest traffic but terrific revenue. For the past eight years, I've been working remotely for American companies, mainly doing web development and playing tech-lead roles in several projects. I'm used to working with founders and CTOs, going from Plan A to Plan B to a plan that works. I've helped companies build MVPs, scale projects, and maintain large-scale systems handling millions of requests a day. I'm comfortable doing code reviews and pair programming sessions. These are some web apps I've worked on in the past couple of years: * [Canary Data (Elixir/Phoenix - React)](https://canary-data.com/) * [Blitz (Elixir/Phoenix)](https://blitz.gg/) * [Superkind (Elixir/Phoenix)](https://www.linkedin.com/company/superkind) * [About Fresh (Elixir/Phoenix)](https://aboutfresh.org/) * [AR Workflow (Ruby/Rails - Node.js)](https://arworkflow.com/) * [SnapCell (Ruby/Rails)](https://snapcell.us.com/) * [Walkboard (Python/Django)](https://www.walkboard.com/) * [Sky Sports (Node.js - Python)](https://www.skysports.com/football) I wrote [Data Structures From Scratch](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MZZT6SW), an ebook about creating essential, advanced, and persistent data structures using the Ruby programming language. I live in Buenos Aires (UTC-3) with my wife and beautiful son. If you made it this far, please check out [my resume](https://alemiralles.dev/alemiralles-resume.pdf) for a detailed version of what I've been doing. Thank You!!

Freelance Erlang Developer - Jonatan Sundqvist
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (38 reviews)

These days I work full time as a developer, so unfortunately I have very little time for mentoring. Apologies to my former mentees. I program in a smattering of different languages. I speak English and a bit of Spanish, aside from my native Swedish. I'm inquisitive, fastidious, and enjoy sharing what I've learnt and finding ways of explaining it.

Freelance Erlang Developer - Phani Mahesh
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (34 reviews)

Open source enthusiast, Polyglot developer with a preference for Functional Programming, Developer of Unity Tweak Tool. I usually prefer mentoring, pair programming, code review and debugging sessions. I love mentoring. I have working knowledge of most common programming languages, a habit of digging deep into docs & sources, and a fine-tuned intuition to guide me when I get lost. Python, modern JS, Erlang/Elixir and git are my forte. Currently exploring Haskell in depth. I have worked with a wide variety of languages, including mainstream languages like Python, Node, C, C++, Java, Ruby, relatively obscure and specialised languages like XSLT, VHDL, relatively recent, modern languages like go, Rust, Elixir, and more. Additionally, I have a few years of systems administration experience. Earnings from here will be partly used to match donations to Akshayapatra, a non profit, every March. All my sessions carry an implicit promise of full refund if you are not satisfied, no questions asked. Nobody asked for a refund yet. Students get a special discount for mentoring and tutoring sessions. Please ask for the discount if you are a student and need it.

Freelance Erlang Developer - Manu Datta
Freelance Erlang Developer5.0 (22 reviews)

My core skills are python, Django, elixir, phoenix, erlang, java, and spring. I have worked in big banks and smaller startups for the last 15 years. I have used various languages in frameworks in the past and very good understanding of different tools and frameworks available to a software engineer. In the past, I have worn multiple hats from architect to DevOps or from coder to Business Analyst. I get excited by projects which solve real-world problems. Love to work in situations where answers are not so obvious. I have worked in distributed global teams across different time zones since 2004. On the artistic side recently interested in Chinese brush painting and salsa, and on the geeky side history of computing.

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How to hire a freelance Erlang developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Erlang projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Erlang project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Erlang request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Erlang developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Erlang developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Erlang developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Erlang developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Erlang developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Erlang project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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