Find top freelance Stripe developers quickly and easily on Codementor. Work with our vetted developers who have the proven skills and experience to get the job done. Get help with projects by-the-hour or long-term. Hire a trusted Stripe freelancer on Codementor today.
I am an experienced full stack developer 15 years in the field with consistent knowledge in developing web portals with expertise in all opensource of PHP like Wordpress , Opencart, Oscommerce, Shopify, Magento, Joomla and all frameworks of PHP - cake php , larvel, CodeIgniter, YII . I do also offer services in SEO, Malware removal, speed optimizations ,
Skilled with Javascript ,Node js and React . Hence moving forward with full stack development
Faster delivery and 24/7 communication are my greatest plus. I do have a team of 10 . 2 designers and 8 coders to support on large scale web developments
Mission driven, startup veteran, 7+ years experienced fullstack developer with a strong background in Node.js, TypeScript, React, and cloud technologies. Proven track record of designing and implementing scalable microservices architectures and working with large data volumes. Adept at rapidly delivering value through efficient system design and best practices implementation.
Over 18+yr Experienced seasoned engineer in IT industry with Telecom, E-commere, Sales, Hospitality etc.
Experience in End to End Small Scale web app / SAAS, Architecture Design, Prototype, Delivery and Migration to Maintenance solution Provider with Modern Technologies.
Experience in Backend and Frontend Development in Large scale SAAS platform development.
Software Engineer with 9.5+ years of experience in web development, backend development, and server architecture. Expertise in building and maintaining various web/backend solutions, from automobile websites to job portals to freelance platforms with live chat integration . Proficient in server architecture setup, deployment, and optimization.
I will give a **full refund** if I am not able to help.
Microsoft Certified Professional having 18 years of software development experience within Microsoft technology skills such as C#.Net, VB.Net & SQL Server, and Cloud computing – Microsoft Azure. Available for challenging and rewarding opportunity to demonstrate substantial abilities and technical skills to make an effective contribution.
I dwell in the midst of complex problems. I make my bed with solutions to problem. Have built solutions ranging from complex stocks management system with realtime stock data synchronisation to web applications that manage and analyse user data in their millions. In summary, I love seeing problems solved.
I am also a debugger tool (kind of) and a teacher. I spot and easily detect bugs lurking in your code within minutes. I specialised in Javascript, but you would find me working with ruby, python, Go and even dart.
Would love to help out with your project and help you find those solutions that have proven difficult, together we can bring walls down.
I am a hands-on software architect with over 13 years of experience in backend engineering and team leadership in ad-tech, e-commerce pre-seed and series-A start-ups. I have modernized tech stacks and mentored teams, improving their development speeds and quality while reducing their maintenance cost and time to market. Seeking to leverage my unique overlap of leadership, engineering, mentoring and architecture skills for a strong architect, principal engineering or technical coach role.
7+ years of experience in building meaningful products and solutions via different frontend and backend technologies along with the number of integrations across different tools and frameworks.
Built a complete Social Network from scratch, worked on a platform for Coding assessments handling 2 Million+ Userbase and currently working on a **B2B SAAS Marketing Automation platform** to help anyone use No-code and Low code to scale up and their marketing and sales.
Technical Interviewer at Flexiple where have already interviewed 350+ Interviews for freelancers all over the world.
I am a geek, visionary, startup enthusiast, occasional tech blogger, software developer & entrepreneur and most of all a salesman.
I am simply uninterested in mediocrity. I don’t settle for average. People say I have a mind that is always running--I'm just that guy who's guilty of staying up all night thinking about how I can be truly exceptional at what I do. You might call this a truly positive or competitive spirit, but I call it passion.
I have cofounded that received +$1 million funding.
I do web application (ruby on rails, padrino, lotus, javascript, haml, sass, css, twitter bootstrap, backbone.js, angular.js, sails.js, loopback, MEAN stack, ember.js, d3, react, ionic, cordova, phonegap, jquery, sinatra, less, bdd, spec, cucumber, tdd), mobile devices (objective-c, swift, iPhone, iPad, android, blackberry), SAP Mobile Platform, big data (hbase, hadoop, elastic search, opentsdb), dbs (mysql, sqlite, postgresql, sql server, mongodb, couchdb, memcached, cassandra, redis), fintech, startup, quant, clojurescript, typescript, go (revel), Scala (Play framework, Lift, Scalatra), facebook, twitter, java (grails), Erlang (Elixir), etherium, dapps, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, EOS
- customer development
- business development
- project and product management
- hybrid mobile applications Cordova PhoneGap ionic
- iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple Watch application
- Android application
Business: customer development, biz dev, product development, social marketing, scrum, agile, saas
Finance: Portfolio Management, Quant Research, Statistical and Latency Arbitrage, Algo Strategies, Systematic and CTA Research, Quant Development, Portfolio Pricing and Valuation, Machine Learning Algo Trading, HFT, Implementing mathematical models for products and business processes.
Cloud services: Firebase, Deployd,, Parse, Salesforce, Heroku, Amazon AWS, Tesseract, Tridion,, Pubnub, RethinkDB, neo4j, twilio,
other skills: Fortran, Cobol, Lisp, C++, AI, kdb+, financial tools, product design, UX and UI design, Unix
How to hire a freelance Stripe developer on Codementor
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Stripe projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Stripe project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Stripe request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Stripe developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Stripe developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Stripe developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Stripe developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Stripe developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Stripe project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.