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Top freelance Active record developers available to hire

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Freelance Active record Developer - Ikechukwu Orji
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (143 reviews)

I dwell in the midst of complex problems. I make my bed with solutions to problem. Have built solutions ranging from complex stocks management system with realtime stock data synchronisation to web applications that manage and analyse user data in their millions. In summary, I love seeing problems solved. I am also a debugger tool (kind of) and a teacher. I spot and easily detect bugs lurking in your code within minutes. I specialised in Javascript, but you would find me working with ruby, python, Go and even dart. Would love to help out with your project and help you find those solutions that have proven difficult, together we can bring walls down.

Freelance Active record Developer - K M Rakibul Islam
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (2545 reviews)
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Experienced (18+ years) developer and friendly Ruby on Rails and React/Next.js/Redux Developer/Mentor (with passion for helping others learn) | ★ 3,645+ 5 ★ sessions/jobs. 9+ years on top of the Codementor Ranking ★ https://www.codementor.io/ruby-on-rails-experts I am a Senior Software Engineer from Toronto, currently working as a Ruby on Rails and React/Redux Developer at theScore Inc. I am passionate about helping and mentoring people, especially those who are new to web development and the programming world. I am specialized in explaining the core concepts of Ruby and Rails, Javascript, React, APIs and everything else along with the best practices. I focus on the learning experience of my students and make sure they get exactly what they want. I have excellent academic track records (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Masters in Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto) along with strong development and industry experience in Software Development and Web Development (18+ years coding experience in total). I have helped more than 800 individuals here at CodeMentor (with 3,645+ 5 ★ sessions) with their projects implementation, bug fixes, architecture advices, performance improvements etc. I have worked with a bunch of CEOs and CTOs of YC start-ups and helped them with their projects. Made long term relationships with many of them which I help in a regular basis today. I have helped a ton of bootcamp students here at CodeMentor and helped them build their web development career path and getting jobs after the completion of their bootcamp cohorts. Here at CodeMentor, I have helped people from all levels: From someone who is brand new to programming to 30+ years of experienced Senior Software Engineers, Product Managers and everyone in between. It's been an amazing journey here at CodeMentor for the last 8+ years! :-) I started programming and solving problems in 2006, at the age of 18. Since then, I wrote programs in a variety of programming languages such as C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Javascript, etc. These days, I use Ruby and Rails and React JS as my primary programming languages and frameworks. I can help with debugging your issues as well as refactoring your code according to the best practices and conventions out there. Helping people is my passion and motto in life. If you think I can help you in any way, please get in touch! Specialties: * Building scalable and performant backend APIs in Ruby on Rails (Active Model Serializer, GraphQL, Grape, Jbuilder, RABL, etc.) for android, iPhone or web applications. (For more than 12 million users). * Integration of backend APIs with Javascript frontend framework (ReactJS) using JSON Web Token (JWT). * Built highly scalable Push Notification System for theScore sports application (For ~10 million users). * Implemented instant player, team and news article search for the theScore and theScore eSports apps which have more than 6 million monthly active users using ElasticSearch and Rails. * Backend Ruby on Rails Development (With scaling, performance optimizations, database query optimizations, caching best practices, etc.). * Test Driven Development with clean code and best practices. * Web Scraping (Nokogiri, Mechanize) (Scrape data from anywhere on the internet!). * Reverse engineering complex APIs and web applications to write automated scripts to mimic and automate user behaviour and extract required data. * Explain concepts/solutions clearly and concisely according to the level of the client/student. (Helped over 800 people on CodeMentor with 3,645+ 5 ★ sessions) * Giving architecture advice for your application. Explain which tools/gems to use and why. * Setting up SSL certificates for Rails application (Nginx server) on AWS EC2 instance and securing your application. * Suggesting best practices and focusing on the best learning experience and long-term achievements. * Showing cool tips and tricks that I have learned over the past 18+ years (and still learning!) as a professional Ruby on Rails developer to be more productive and efficient at work. * Upgrading Ruby/Rails versions for your existing application. * Finding bottlenecks and Optimizing performance for your slow Rails applications. * I can help you to prepare for interviews for Ruby on Rails developer position, or any other Software Development position. I have successfully guided many developers who got their dream jobs after practicing coding interviews with me!

Freelance Active record Developer - Arup Rakshit
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (951 reviews)

I am a freelance web developer working out of India. My weapons of choices are : HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React JS. I literally spend as much hours as possible every day on coding.

Freelance Active record Developer - Taiwo
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (842 reviews)

Thanks for checking out my profile. I have over a decade of full-stack dev experience with languages/frameworks like Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Nextjs and React. I enjoy mentoring/tutoring but I also have experience founding and growing a company. I co-founded a vc-backed startup that has helped SMBs exchange over 80 million messages with customers etc.

Freelance Active record Developer - Marek Publicewicz
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (261 reviews)

* in 2000 as a founding engineer, I helped to build a local version of [Morningstar.com](http://morningstar.com/) from the idea to IPO and scale the development team from 1 to 10; I've administered Linux & FreeBSD servers, managed a complex PostrgreSQL database, wrote triggers and implemented a custom MVC web application using perl, * in 2005-2010 worked as a senior Java developer for a large international supply chain solutions provider (Syncron - [https://www.syncron.com/](https://www.syncron.com/)); * since 2010 have worked on +100 various consulting projects, using Rails, Python, Django, Flask, PHP, Objective-C, Rust, C++, Typescript, Java, Scala, Odoo and more; clients include Alation (https://www.alation.com/), Lonza (https://www.lonza.com/), Vantage Surgical (https://vantage.healthcare/), FurnitureFinders (https://www.furniturefinders.com/), Tanzle (https://tanzle.com/) * 25 years of software development experience; full-stack, devops but also focused on the product & user experience/value, * I'm based in LA

Freelance Active record Developer - Wasif Hossain
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (65 reviews)

**Wasif** is a fullstack developer (**Rails**/**React.js**) working in the **Ruby**/**Javascript** ecosystem for last **6 years**. Along the journey, he has contributed to empowering businesses with **SaaS** (Software as a Service) applications, based in **EU** and **US**, while also helping them hiring and managing engineering teams. He is also actively maintaining a highly popular ruby gem, called **active_model_serializers**, since 2019 https://rubygems.org/gems/active_model_serializers Besides, he is highly passionate about **UX, design, security, privacy** and **entrepreneurship**. He has a **Bachelors** degree in **Computer Science and Engineering**. **You can reach him anytime! Thank you.**

Freelance Active record Developer - Alejandro Corpeño
Freelance Active record Developer5.0 (85 reviews)

Creator of the "Become a Heroku Rails Ninja" course at Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/become-a-heroku-rails-ninja/ Co-Founder at Icoms Technologies (http://icoms.co) and Lead Platform Architect for Kamio (http://kam.io), the platform that powers photo manipulation mobile apps such as The Walking Dead Dead Yourself app, which has been the #1 app on the iTunes AppStore and has surpassed 8 million downloads. The platform runs completely on Heroku and has been able to support intense traffic and load spikes. Over the last 15 years I have worked on a variety of projects as a consultant, developing web applications for large companies and small startups. I also have developed several personal projects and prototypes for startup ideas of my own, most of which I host on Heroku as well. I have been developing dynamic database driven web applications since 1999, initially with PHP & MySQL and since 2006 started working with Ruby On Rails.

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How to hire a freelance Active record developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Active record projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Active record project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Active record request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Active record developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Active record developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Active record developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Active record developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Active record developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Active record project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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