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Top freelance TypeORM developers available to hire

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Freelance TypeORM Developer - Ndubuisi Chukuigwe Junior
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I have a passion for breaking down complex problems to simple solutions. With over 6 years of professional experience in software engineering, I have a sound understanding of software principles and design patterns. I have developed over 10 products that attained commercial success both home and abroad. I am proficient in C#, .Net, .Net Maui, Javascript, Nodejs, Nestjs, typescript, React, and AWS.

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Babajide Oyafemi
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (22 reviews)

I am a full-stack software engineer with over seven years of experience building and managing web applications. Passionate about solving real-world challenges through code, I specialize in developing scalable, efficient, and user-friendly solutions. My expertise spans multiple technologies, and I am committed to continuous learning to stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Technical Expertise Frontend Development Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and modern frameworks such as React.js, Redux, Next.js, and React Native. Experienced with UI libraries like Bootstrap, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Semantic UI, and Styled Components. Backend Development Skilled in Node.js, NestJS, Express.js, Python, and Django, designing and implementing powerful backend systems that ensure performance and scalability. Mobile Development Experienced in React Native and Expo, crafting responsive and intuitive mobile applications. Databases Proficient in MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and GridDB, ensuring efficient and well-structured data storage solutions. CMS & No-Code Solutions Capable of developing and customizing web solutions using WordPress and Wix. APIs & Development Tools Well-versed in RESTful APIs, GraphQL, authentication (JWT, Passport.js), file handling (Multer, Cloudinary), email services (Nodemailer), testing (Jest), version control (Git, GitHub), and payment gateway integration (Paystack API). Technical Writing Experience Beyond software development, I have over six years of general writing experience, including three years focused on technical content creation. I have collaborated with tech companies such as Cloudinary and Bunzz, producing clear and engaging content on topics like blockchain, video streaming, and software development. My expertise includes writing API documentation, user guides, FAQs, knowledge base articles, and technical blogs, ensuring complex concepts are accessible to diverse audiences. Work Ethic & Collaboration I am a detail-oriented, responsible, and reliable professional with excellent communication and time management skills. I thrive in collaborative environments and am always open to learning and adapting to new challenges. Let’s Connect If you're looking for a skilled full-stack developer or an experienced technical writer, I’d love to collaborate. Feel free to reach out for a discussion—I’m available for chat or video calls and respond promptly to inquiries. Looking forward to building exceptional solutions together!

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Greg Gorlen
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (448 reviews)

I'm a full stack software engineer, technical writer and computer science educator. I enjoy testing, debugging, refactoring, application design, maintaining projects and teaching. My primary technologies are JavaScript, React, Express (PERN stack), Playwright, Puppeteer, Python, Flask and C. See my [Stack Overflow tags](https://stackoverflow.com/users/6243352/ggorlen?tab=tags) for more technologies ordered roughly by my interest and experience. In addition to Stack Overflow, I'm active on [Code Review Stack Exchange](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/171065/ggorlen). Feel free to peek at a few of these reviews to get a sense of the insights I can offer your code. For further information, visit my [Codementor FAQ](https://ggorlen.glitch.me/codementor). I'm looking forward to hearing about your project! _<sub>Profile picture by the wonderful [Emily Huston](https://emilyhuston.github.io) ❤️</sub>_

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Waleed Ahmed
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (42 reviews)

This is Waleed Ahmed, I am here to mentor you for your technical, managerial and time management growth. I have 8 years of hands on experience in this industry with nodejs, reactjs, redux, swift, ObjC and AWS.

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Capi Etheriel
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (16 reviews)

I used to be a lead instructor at [betrybe.com](http://betrybe.com/) and thinkful.com, now I work with data integration and web developments at [belvo.com](https://belvo.com/). I'm a Python and Nodejs expert, working every day with Nestjs, Typescript, Postgresql and AWS. Count on me to guide you through all things Web (HTML, CSS, Javascript/Typescript) and help you with modern Javascript frameworks (React, Angular, Vue).

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Bharath Kumar
Freelance TypeORM Developer

Versatile full-stack engineer with 10 years of expertise in building scalable B2B SaaS and fintech products. Demonstrated ability to develop robust distributed systems, high- performance frontends, and event-driven architectures. Thrives in dynamic startup environments and enjoys collaborating with global teams.

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Arup Rakshit
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (951 reviews)

I am a freelance web developer working out of India. My weapons of choices are : HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React JS. I literally spend as much hours as possible every day on coding.

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Zilin Jin
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (68 reviews)

Driven and detail-oriented Senior Full Stack Engineer with extensive expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, and scalable backend architectures. Proven success in fast-paced environments, delivering high-quality solutions for startups and enterprise clients alike. Skilled in developing microservices with NestJS, optimizing performance through caching and messaging systems, and ensuring security and efficiency across CI/CD pipelines. Passionate about mentoring, continuous improvement, and leveraging innovative tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and T3 Stack (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript) to create type-safe, responsive applications. Seeking to bring a strong back-end orientation and full-stack capability to a collaborative team focused on building resilient, high-performance software.

Freelance TypeORM Developer - Faizan Ali
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (22 reviews)

> 100% success rate - full refund if I cannot solve your problem. Are you a software engineer dealing with tough problems? Recent bootcamp/college grad feeling overwhelmed? New job and struggling to keep up? Obscure technical problems in your code? I can help! <sub>My rate reflects my success guarantee and familiarity with the latest tech. You're paying for quality.</sub> ### Background ___ Seasoned full-stack Silicon Valley engineer. 7+ years of experience building & deploying robust applications from conception to production at large-tech company scale and startups. My core principle is **empathy** - understanding your unique situation & background allows me to work with you to develop the ideal solution for your problems. I enjoy teaching and promise you will leave our session having learned something new. ### Skills ___ I specialize in the Javascript stack with expertise in Typescript. Well-versed in building backend services and serverless functions in Node.js, talking to SQL/no-SQL databases, and frontend applications in React and Next.js. I can help in every step of the stack - from app conception to deployment (AWS, Vercel) and scaling, including local development best practices, testing, logging/alerting, and structure/layout. Typescript is my magic weapon. I pride myself on strong written + oral communication skills, and I know how to convey the right amount of information in a package unique to your understanding of a topic. <sub>If you want expertise beyond my listed skills, reach out. I may offer a discount if you need to accomplish a task using technology I'm interested in learning about.</sub>

Freelance TypeORM Developer - David Inyang-Etoh
Freelance TypeORM Developer5.0 (21 reviews)

**A dynamic and highly motivated software engineer** with over 8 years of experience building scalable web applications/APIs with NodeJs, Typescript, ReactJs, VueJs and various AWS serverless services through diligent work ethic, creative contributions during product development planning and healthy collaboration on various communication channels with other team members to achieve excellence in delivering quality software **_A resilient team member_** that adapts well with diverse cultural shifts, understands dynamic priorities and security requirements of fast paced industry who excels in taking unfamiliar challenges and building web based tools for back-end and front-end to deliver quality results leveraging existing technology to implement automation of business processes **_An enthusiastic learner_** with strong attention to detail who visualizes every new challenge as a learning experience; great at simplifying and solving complex problems in an optimally productive manner, sharing experiences, learning from other team members and mentoring younger engineers.

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How to hire a freelance TypeORM developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do TypeORM projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance TypeORM project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance TypeORM request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance TypeORM developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for TypeORM developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor TypeORM developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all TypeORM developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing TypeORM developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your TypeORM project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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