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Top freelance jQuery Mobile developers available to hire
A **Team Lead**, and a **Senior Software Engineer (Full-Stack )** with **7 years** of experience. I have worked on all front-end frameworks **(Angular JS, Vue JS, React JS, JavaScript, jQuery)** with responsiveness **(Html5, CSS, bootstrap)** and back end including **PHP (Laravel /code igniter/ Yii framework , Python, Java)**, **Node JS** and **Server-less (AWS-Amplify)**, etc. Strong Programming and OOP concepts. I am really good at **Design Patterns**, databases **(MySQL, SQL Server, Mongo DB, GraphQL, Dynamo DB, PostgreSQL)**, and Data structures. Ability to handle and make advanced database queries and provide solutions for big data applications. Extensive knowledge to deploy code on **Linux-based servers** and **AWS**. I have also worked on CMS platforms like **WordPress** and **Magento**. I want to do/give something to the IT industry and to our young developers by sharing my skills and knowledge with them.
I've been a computer nerd since I taught myself QBasic and C++ at the age of 13. I am detail-oriented, thorough, and passionate about clean, elegant, efficient code, and using it to solve interesting and useful problems. I have 15+ years of professional experience in web application development, and mobile app development experience as well.
Freelance jQuery Mobile Developer5.0 (190 reviews)
It is my pleasure to offer my services to you as an experienced PHP developer, as a person who takes his work very seriously and strives to do anything professionally.
I try to learn new things and incorporate them into my code standards during my free time. Every day, I strive to improve myself.
My passion is sharing my knowledge in my field of expertise. I have worked as a lead employee in Web Development for many companies.
Please contact me if you need any help with PHP, WordPress, Codeigniter, YII, AngularJs/Angular latest version, and web design.
Software Engineer with 9.5+ years of experience in web development, backend development, and server architecture. Expertise in building and maintaining various web/backend solutions, from automobile websites to job portals to freelance platforms with live chat integration . Proficient in server architecture setup, deployment, and optimization.
I will give a **full refund** if I am not able to help.
I'm a **1StopSolution** to IT requirements, no matter which technology or language!
**Full Stack Development:**
**Mobile App Development** (Native/Cross-Platform iOS/Android Apps)
**Technologies / Languages I can work with are:**
JavaScript Frameworks: Angular Node React Nuxt Next Nest Vue & other..
Full Stack / Mean Stack / Mern Stack / .Net FullStack
.NET Core
Generative AI
UI UX Design - Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop
AWS / Azure / Heroku
Native App Development
Cross platform Applications
Server Management
Hosting / Deployment
Database Management (MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB)
Git, Jest, MaterialUI
Infra: Terraform, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Github Actions, Jenkins, CircleCI TDD
-->> 10+ years of experience in Development / Providing Customized Generative AI powered Solutions / Consultations work and have worked for everything from small business to unicorn startup.
Opportunity to collaborate with startups who are in search of a partner to build their ideas; with enterprises to transform their operations into impact-full solutions.
I've been coding since high school. After collage I started working with .NET technologies and some with Python. Python was my language of choice, for building prototypes for machine learning pipelines. In last few years I am also working a lot with web technologies, developing web applications and I also started developing mobile applications. For a weekend project in 2018 I built a useful web application eKatasterJam, which is an online database for Karst caves, registered and explored in Slovenia in last 150 years. I am just about to release to mobile stores mobile applications for eKataster as well. With this project I also became fluent with Azure cloud services.
Besides that I am passionate cave explorer, climber and expedition leader.
I am a seasoned expert in web technologies.
My experience includes projects spanning the entire ecosystem. On the backend, I have crafted rest APIs, designed databases, and managed various environments. My frontend work includes modern web applications and mobile apps.
I heavily leverage popular frameworks, including Django, Flask, React, React Native, Vue.js, and jQuery.
As a seasoned full-stack software developer with a passion for solving real-life challenges through coding, I bring over five years of diverse experience in building and managing various web applications. My expertise encompasses a wide range of technologies, and I am committed to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of industry advancements. I take pride in creating robust, efficient, and user-friendly applications that align with best practices.
**Web Development Expertise:**
*Frontend:* My proficiency in frontend technologies includes HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, ReactJs, Redux, React-Redux, NextJs, JQuery, Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Material UI, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, ChartJs, SASS, SCSS, and Styled Components.
*Backend:* I have a strong command over NodeJs, NestJs, ExpressJs, Python, and Django for developing powerful backend systems.
*Mobile:* I am well-versed in React Native and Expo for crafting responsive and seamless mobile applications.
*Database:* My database skills cover MongoDB and MySQL, enabling me to design efficient data storage solutions.
*CRM:* I use WIX and WordPress to build top-notch no-code web solutions.
*APIs and Other Tools:* I have extensive experience with various tools and APIs, including PassportJs, Git, Github, Mongoose, Jest, Mapbox, Multer, Nodemailer, JSONwebtoken, Cloudinary, Joi, TypeScript, chartJs, and TypeORM. Additionally, I am familiar with integrating Paystack API for secure and seamless payment processing.
**Technical Writing Experience:**
In addition to being a full-stack software developer, I possess over six years of general writing experience and more than three years dedicated to technical writing. I worked with dynamic tech companies such as Cloudinary and Bunzz, producing engaging and easily comprehensible content on subjects like blockchain and video streaming development. My strength lies in breaking down complex concepts into reader-friendly terms and creating user guides, FAQs, knowledge base articles, API documentation, and other technical documents for diverse audiences.
**Personal Characteristics:**
Beyond my technical expertise, I am characterized by a strong sense of responsibility, punctuality, and trustworthiness. My excellent communication and time management skills facilitate smooth collaborations with teams and clients alike. I embrace challenges and am known for my risk-taking attitude while maintaining a friendly and easy-going demeanor that fosters productive teamwork.
**Get in Touch:**
If you seek high-quality web development services or engaging technical content, don't hesitate to reach out. I am available for chat discussions or video meetings, and I respond promptly to inquiries. Let's connect and explore how I can contribute to your success.
I am eager to work with you and look forward to the opportunity to create exceptional solutions together. Thank you for considering my profile.
How to hire a freelance jQuery Mobile developer on Codementor
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Frequently asked questions
How long do jQuery Mobile projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance jQuery Mobile project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance jQuery Mobile request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance jQuery Mobile developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for jQuery Mobile developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor jQuery Mobile developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all jQuery Mobile developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing jQuery Mobile developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your jQuery Mobile project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.
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