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Top freelance Containerization developers available to hire

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Freelance Containerization Developer - DARPAN BANSAL
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (22 reviews)

Experienced developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Algorithms and Data Structures. Strong art and design professional.

Freelance Containerization Developer - Anish Kumar
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (21 reviews)

Highly skilled AWS Cloud Architect with 5+ years of experience in designing, architecting, securing and implementation. An outstanding performer in building high quality solutions that are scalable, highly available and fault tolerant tailored towards an enterprise business outcome. Hands on experience with developer tools (AWS CodeSuite services, Git, Jenkins, Gitlab), Container orchestration (AWS Container Services – ECS, EKS and open source Kubernetes), Infrastructure automation (Terraform, CloudFormation and AWS CDK). Experienced in designing and deploying secure network architectures for operating in hybrid mode (AWS and on-premise). Proficient in DevOps, Containerization, Cloud Engineering and Cloud Security with proven success in automating, building and deploying processes for operational excellence. Accomplished in defining, planning and implementing strategies for cloud adoption of enterprises.

Freelance Containerization Developer - Olamiji Kareem
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (11 reviews)

A full-stack developer with extensive experience developing web applications. I have extensive knowledge in: - Programming languages - Frameworks - Databases - Algorithms - Version Control (Git,etc) - Designs, and best coding practices. If you're looking for an experienced software engineer with a passion for problem-solving and creating quality solutions, please get in touch. Cheers to the bugs solved, and to the ones we're about to solve.

Freelance Containerization Developer - Sheena
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (21 reviews)

I'm about solving problems. Usually I do that by writing code. Often I do that by leading the efforts of others. I get a lot of satisfaction from the constant learning and puzzle solving that comes with my profession. I get even more satisfaction from contributing to a successful and worthwhile product. I also get a lot of joy out of mentoring - I've taken people who know zero Python to being capable developers, and I've managed to inspire a few people who thought coding was totally beyond them to take the leap. I'm good at explaing stuff and I like it.

Freelance Containerization Developer - Montek Singh
Freelance Containerization Developer

Highly skilled AWS Cloud Architect with 4+ years of experience in architecting, designing, securing, automation and implementation. An outstanding performer in building quality solutions that are highly scalable, available, secure and fault tolerant. Hands on experience with Git, GitHub, Python, Container orchestration (Docker, AWS EKS, ECS), AWS Serverless (Lambda, Batch), IaC (Terraform, AWS CDK), Database (RDS, DynamoDB).

Freelance Containerization Developer - Kumar Raja Gattamaneni
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (204 reviews)

I am a seasoned IT professional with extensive expertise in Python and JavaScript development, proficiently delivering scalable and efficient solutions. My proficiency extends to DevOps practices, where I excel in automating deployment pipelines, ensuring seamless integration, and enhancing overall efficiency. Leveraging cloud technologies, I specialize in designing and implementing robust, scalable, and secure solutions on major cloud platforms. With a solid foundation in both development and DevOps, I bring a holistic approach to building and maintaining cutting-edge applications in cloud environments.

Freelance Containerization Developer - Emmanuel Bobby Amadi
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (51 reviews)

A demonstrated history of working as a **software engineer** and **data analyst** with strong skills in *Asp.net*, *.net core*,*c#*, *Javascript*,*React*,*R*,*Tableau* and *Power BI*

Freelance Containerization Developer - Gur Raunaq Singh
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (70 reviews)

I'm a Software Engineer from India, with 5 years of Work Experience. I'm most proficient in working with Python and have worked on a variety of projects such as Streaming Video Analytics software, Web-Apps, and a lot of Web Scraping. In addition, I'm very proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms (https://leetcode.com/raunaqness/) and mentor students from my Alumni College to help prepare them for Job Interviews. In addition, I'm the Co-Author of the Book "Amazon Sumerian by Tutorials" (https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Sumerian-Tutorials-First-Creating/dp/1942878877). Finally, I also do Consulting and Freelance work with Unity3D and am a Remote Author at RayWenderlich.com (https://www.raywenderlich.com/u/raunaqness) where I write Unity3D tutorial every now and then.

Freelance Containerization Developer - Arushi Singhal
Freelance Containerization Developer5.0 (48 reviews)

I am Arushi Singhal, Software Engineer at Amazon. I have a keen interest in Algorithmic Problem Solving and have been programming for around 7 years now. I interned in Summer 2019 at Google as a Software Engineer. In Summer 2018, I did a Machine Learning internship at Robert Bosch Engineering and Private Limited, Bangalore, India (RBEI). I have multiple experiences of back-end development for large-scale systems. During my internships, I worked with Python and machine learning libraries in Python, Java, gRPC, Protocol Buffer, Google Guice and Google’s Internal Frameworks, Django, Ruby on Rails. I have also contributed to many open-source projects, including the Linux Kernel. I have submitted over 50 patches to kernel code. My other contribution to Open Source can be seen on my GitHub Profile. I am also passionate about mentoring and motivating people to contribute to open-source projects and was Google Code-In Mentor in 2017 for OpenWISP and Sugar Labs. I also worked as a Computer Science Instructor at CodeConnect, where we as an instructor ensure that our computer science education is accessible, empowering, and supportive for the next generation, and committed to our mission of increasing diversity in tech. In CodeConnect, I gave Python lectures to Pre-University students. I also used to be a Student Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant and I find teaching/mentoring extremely motivating - sometimes I'd get introduced to new interesting topics that I'd probably never think of finding out about on my own if it wasn't for the purpose of explaining it to someone else. Sometimes I'd get a completely new perspective on subjects I thought I knew when trying to find a way to present it to someone else. I'd really love to keep learning this way. One of the topics I'm always happy to talk about are the interviews - I've done a fair share of them, most of them in top tech companies and I would love to share what I've observed so far. I'm always up for tackling interesting interview questions, doing mock interviews or just giving resume tips (I got my interviews at Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google and also at open-source communities without a referral, so I might help you with reviewing your resume to make it stand out. :)) Other than that, you can always reach out to me if you have questions related to Java, Python, R, Matlab, C, C++, Data Structures, Algorithms, SQL, GIT, Mathematics etc. I try to keep my knowledge and skills up to date and learn something new every day by helping you! Being a researcher, quick learner and having software development experience, I believe I am a good fit for mentoring.

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How to hire a freelance Containerization developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Containerization projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Containerization project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Containerization request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Containerization developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Containerization developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Containerization developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Containerization developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Containerization developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Containerization project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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