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Top freelance Data modeling developers available to hire

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Freelance Data modeling Developer - Alok Agarwal
Freelance Data modeling Developer5.0 (296 reviews)
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I have a great passion for solving problems and can help people with various programming languages, databases, information systems, software related projects.

Freelance Data modeling Developer - Kafil Ahmed
Freelance Data modeling Developer5.0 (9 reviews)

Senior BI/Data Analytics Consultant, a committed software engineer who seeks to develop elegant solutions to business challenges. My driving force is the passion that pushes me to seek new heights and keep learning the latest ideas, platforms, frameworks, tools, and best practices. I believe in a world of personal and professional growth for all of us and in this spirit, I am always ready to learn and offer to share my expertise as a mentor and a Codementor.

Freelance Data modeling Developer - Syed Rehan Ali
Freelance Data modeling Developer5.0 (215 reviews)

I am a Business Intelligence Consultant and Coach with over 20 years of experience in managing operations and implementing data-driven projects across multiple industries. My expertise spans Power BI, Tableau, Looker, business intelligence, project management, data analytics, and process optimization, ensuring organizations can leverage data for smarter decision-making. ➡️ CERTIFICATIONS: ♦ Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst ♦ Project Management Professional (PMP) ♦ Six Sigma Green Belt ♦ Scrum Master ♦ Scrum Product Owner ➡️ EXPERTISE IN: ♦ Power BI – Integrating, preparing, modeling, visualizing, analyzing, securing, and distributing data ♦ Business Intelligence – Data-driven insights, reporting, and automation ♦ Project Management – Waterfall & Agile methodologies ♦ Lean Six Sigma – Process optimization and efficiency improvements ♦ Data Mining – Extracting, transforming, and analyzing large datasets ♦ Dashboard Design – Creating interactive, real-time analytics solutions ➡️ TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: ♦ Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, Power BI Report Server ♦ Microsoft Excel & Power Query ♦ SQL Server – Data connections & queries ♦ DAX for Big Data – Advanced calculations & analytics ♦ R Script & RStudio – Statistical analysis & predictive modeling ♦ RapidMiner – Machine learning & data mining ♦ Data Integration – Connecting, extracting, cleaning, and organizing data from various sources, including Google ♦ Automation – Streamlining workflows with Power BI dashboards and reporting solutions Power BI Portfolio & Blog 🔹 Power BI Samples: https://links.edds.com.pk/powerbi-samples 🔹 Power BI Blog Posts: https://www.edds.com.pk/category/blog/bi/microsoft-power-bi/ 📌 Long-Term Engagement Terms: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AkmOjWjLHddxhKVBJj0rfUcTPGZ2gw?e=11z3SG

Freelance Data modeling Developer - syed saqib ghawas
Freelance Data modeling Developer4.9 (315 reviews)

Hello I have been working in the market for the past 10 years. in the field of Database, SQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, NOSQL,DWH,ETL ,reporting and BI tools. Have knowledge of multiples domain areas such as Finance & banking ,Telecom, health care, Tax & Legal and FMCG

Freelance Data modeling Developer - Federica Gazzelloni
Freelance Data modeling Developer

Federica is a data professional specializing in **R programming**, **data analysis**, and **troubleshooting**. As a Certified Carpentries Instructor, she is dedicated to teaching and mentoring learners in data science. With experience in statistical modeling and open-source contributions, she actively supports the global data community, helping others develop strong analytical skills.

Freelance Data modeling Developer - Cliffosa Okoro
Freelance Data modeling Developer4.9 (120 reviews)

As a software developer with 8 years of experience, I am captivated by programming paradigms and the best practices for designing and implementing software architectures. **I'm happy to offer a 10-minute free session to look at your current work if any exist. This will help us see if I can solve your problem before you pay for a session. This way, I'll better understand what you need and can help you more effectively.** Let's collaborate to create impactful solutions.

Freelance Data modeling Developer - Jason Davey
Freelance Data modeling Developer5.0 (36 reviews)

Hello! I have over 15 years of programming experience, and graduated with a first-class degree in computer science from a well-known university in the UK. I have worked in several sectors, including as a backend / data engineer for a large online retailer, as a full-stack developer of web and mobile apps, and as a video game developer. I currently provide freelance software development and consulting services to startups, helping them to get their ideas off the ground, and to build a solid technical foundation for their business. I also love teaching and mentoring, and have worked with several up-and-coming engineers to help them along their path in the industry, as well as producing educational / instructional content. Whether you're an entrepreneur with plans to build something great, or a student hoping to kick-start their career, I look forward to working with you!

Freelance Data modeling Developer - Joey Burzynski
Freelance Data modeling Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

I drive revenue. All other metrics pale in comparison. Be it billion dollar brands or startups, I've spent the last two decades architecting technology solutions and innovative search marketing strategies (domestic & international) for e-commerce. I believe in the power of 'what if?'; leveraging hybrid expertise in search engine optimization (SEO), web development, e-commerce, and digital strategy to achieve extraordinary results. My core competencies include search engine optimization (SEO), search marketing strategy, data wrangling (NLP/computational ontologies), and e-commerce marketing automation. As founder and CTO of MarketKarma, I oversee organic search strategy for all enterprise accounts and work to create innovative solutions to assist retailers in tackling their online marketing challenges. I work with brands like.. Ace Cash Express, Athleta, Banana Republic, Blackhawk Network, Blockbuster, Buckle, CheapCaribbean, CheckPast, DashFly, Diesel, DistroMex, Ebates, Eddie Bauer, Fossil, GUESS, Gap, GiftCardMall, Gold's Gym, Horchow, JCPenney, Livingston Lures, Marciano, Mavis Tire, Mavor Lane, Old Navy, Orbitz, Oriental Trading Company, PacSun, Piperlime, Red Envelope, Ritter Dental, SPFM LP, Sacha Cosmetics, ShearComfort, Smart Bargains, Swanson Health, Williams-Sonoma Connect with me @: Email: joey@marketkarma.com Call: (888) 277-0225 Web: https://www.marketkarma.com Social: https://joeyburzynski.dev Connect: https://calendarhero.to/JoeyBurzynski AngelList: https://angel.co/u/joeyburzynski CoderRank: https://profile.codersrank.io/user/joeyburzynski CodePen: https://codepen.io/JoeyBurzynski Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Joey-Burzynski Quora Spaces: https://optimization.quora.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miamibeachseo/ Fast Company: https://board.fastcompany.com/profile/Joey-Burzynski-Founder-CTO-MarketKarma/12629614-d0b7-4a8c-8076-5be2166473a0 Forbes: https://profiles.forbes.com/members/tech/profile/Joey-Burzynski-Founder-CTO-MarketKarma/72b6886c-bd96-4988-ad8b-14287a291009 GitHub: https://github.com/JoeyBurzynski Gist: https://gist.github.com/JoeyBurzynski Google: https://g.dev/EcommerceSEOExpert LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/joeyburzynski Medium: https://medium.com/@joeyburzynski ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7448-8294 StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3767344/joeyburzynski Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeyBurzynski

Data modelingData warehouseData VisualizationData analyticsData analysisData structureData ScienceStructured DataData parsingSEOMarketing AutomationTechnical SEOSEO AnalysisDigital marketingJavaScriptRubyNLPJSON-LDMongoDBRedisGitDigitalOceanUbuntuWebpackNode.jsNginxGoogle Search ConsoleGoogle AnalyticsHTML/CSSMagentoMagento 2Amazon S3AWS CloudFrontShellGoETLReactMentoringGrowth hackingWordPressE-commerceSEMGoogle AdSenseAnalyticsPayment gatewayMagento E-CommerceWooCommerceBigCommerceWixShopifyMagento 1.9MySQLPHPComposerContent managementCMSFront-EndLiquid layoutLiquidDeployment automationConfiguration managementSSL CertificateWebserversLetsencryptContainersLinux System AdministrationLinuxCronSystem AdministrationUbuntu 16.04Continuous DeploymentContinuous IntegrationVersion controlGitLabGit pullrequestsGit branchGitHubRuby on RailsRubyGemsBundlerRbenvNokogiriParallel ProcessingPandasTranslationNltkPythonMachine learningArtificial Neural NetworksNeural NetworksNoSQLLuaDatabase AdministrationDatabaseMongooseWeb ServiceWeb ScrapingWeb DevelopmentWeb DesignReactive ProgrammingReact RouterStrategyLean StartupInterview PreparationGrowth MarketingGoogle Tag ManagerInternational seoMetaKeyword optimizationYoastKeyword ResearchOff-Page SEOTechnical MarketingBingWordpress seoPPCSchema markupContent marketingGrowth StrategiesSearch Engine MarketingSocial media marketingMeta tagsSsrNuxt.jsNext.jsSEO HacksMetadataMarkupJSONSchema.orgSchemaBashWeb ComponentsServer AdministrationVolumesDropletOntologyOrganic search marketingOrganic trafficFaceted searchLink buildingReduxWebsite migrationEs6BlogsCacheModellingUbuntu 14Search algorithmsPerformance OptimizationPayment systemsNoSQL DatabaseGoogle apisGit flowExpress.jsBack-EndApplication DeploymentVue.jsAWSServerless+146
Freelance Data modeling Developer - Daljinder Singh
Freelance Data modeling Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

End-to-end Analytics solution | Automate your daily boring tasks | Get actionable insights from your data

Data modelingDataData analysisData ScienceData analyticsData VisualizationData warehouseSalesforceExcelTableauSQLPower BI
Freelance Data modeling Developer - Mihai Chindris
Freelance Data modeling Developer

My name is Mihai and I am a senior data engineer with more than 5 years of experience at SAP. My expertise revolves around SQL, HANA modeling, CAP programming, nodeJS and UI5, but I also have experience as a full-stack developer. I am looking to collaborate B2B as a freelancer, since it removes a lot of the overhead of a normal employment contract, and makes everything more flexible both for the client and myself. I enjoy teaching and explaining stuff, and everyone I tutored/coached said i'm rather good at it. Also, I feel that when you teach and share your knowledge, you do a good deed to our entire society, which makes the world we live in a better place.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Data modeling projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Data modeling project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Data modeling request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Data modeling developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Data modeling developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Data modeling developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Data modeling developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Data modeling developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Data modeling project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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