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Top freelance Graphs developers available to hire

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Freelance Graphs Developer - Sourav Paul
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (50 reviews)

Sourav is a Senior Software Developer at IBM Research Lab. He is working as a Full-Stack Developer in building highly scalable, resilient distributed systems. Sourav will help you with to prepare coding interviews, System Design for FAANG and other top product companies Have been passionately solving Leetcode, HackerRank, Codechef, Codeforces, Codesignal problems, and enthusiastically solving problems with the analysis of space... ♛ Career Domain - ▪️ Data structures & algorithms. ▪️ Large-scale distributed systems(HLD/LLD). ▪️ E2E Backend system architecture(API Gateways/LB/Cache/DB/Messaging Queues/Microservices). ▪️ REST APIs/Data Streams/Batch Jobs/Event-driven systems. ▪️ Java/Rx/SpringBoot/Hibernate/MySQL/Cassandra/Docker/Kubernetes/CICD/Git/Cloud. ▪️ Software engineering mentorship to the freshers/experienced professionals. ♛ Key Responsibilities - ▪️ Building scalable quality software solutions by designing, writing code, and unit tests through consistent development practices with a focus on continuous integration/continuous deployment, continuous monitoring, and automated testing(TTD/BDD). ▪️ Debugging software components, identifying code defects, and remediating the buggy flow. ▪️ Participating in code reviews and collaborating on best practices with colleagues. ▪️ Enabling the deployment, support, and monitoring of software across test, integration, and production environments. ▪️ Identifying opportunities for adopting new technologies. ▪️ Demonstrating increased self-reliance to achieve team goals. Influencing team members with creative changes and improvements by challenging the status quo and demonstrating risk-taking. ▪️ Effectively interpreting technical & business objectives, functional/non-functional requirements, involved challenges, and articulating solutions. ▪️ Collaborating with a team of Engineers, Scrum Master, and Product Owner to effectively achieve objectives by clearly communicating ideas and concepts. ▪️ Mentoring and guiding junior team members to success within the team. ▪️ Interviewing college grads/senior engineers as part of global hiring events across the org. ```Feel free to reach out for anything related to,``` ▪️ Software Design/Development/Prototyping/Pair coding. ▪️ Web Technologies/API design/Code reviews. ▪️ Career development/Consulting/Training/Mentorship/Interviews in technology/DSA/System Design. ▪️ Business Idea and its transformation into technology.

Freelance Graphs Developer - LAN HOANG
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (127 reviews)

I am senior software developer with more than 11 years of experiences in C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, .NET in many fields: Back-end/Front-end software: Algorithm, Design, Implementation and Report

Freelance Graphs Developer - Johnny B. (Ionică Bizău)
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (1736 reviews)
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Hey! I am Johnny B. 🙏 (Actually, my Romanian friends call me Ionică, which in English is basically: Johnny). ...and I 💖 emojis! I started coding around 2010, starting with simple static websites, WordPress applications, and then tried Node.js for the first name around 2012. Since then, I have been working with Node.js. I like it a lot. Currently, I do the best in: ★ Node.js 🚀 ​ ​ ☆ Command line tools ​ ​ ☆ Express.js ​ ​ ☆ Passport ​ ​ ☆ Raw/minimal code, without frameworks (e.g. simple HTTP server) ​ ​ ☆ Using npm ​ ​ ☆ Creating npm packages for Node.js (and for the front-end as well) ​ ​ ☆ Scraping the web ​ ​ ☆ Automation of repetitive tasks ​ ​ ☆ Image processing ★ JavaScript ✨ ​ ​ ☆ Creating and importing libraries ​ ​ ☆ jQuery (creating plugins, using them etc) ​ ​ ☆ Scraping ​ ​ ☆ Automation of repetitive tasks ​ ​ ☆ Publishing npm packages ​ ​ ☆ SVG (SVG.js, d3.js) ★ HTML & CSS 🎨 ​ ​ ☆ Fixing CSS quick issues ​ ​ ☆ Implementing mockups ​ ​ ☆ Making the page responsive ​ ​ ☆ SEO tips & tricks ★ Command line 💻 ​ ​ ☆ Shortcut tips ​ ​ ☆ Creating command line tools ​ ​ ☆ Using VIM & Tmux ★ Code Review 👀 ​ ​ ☆ I do code review offline, for Node.js, JavaScript, eventually CSS. ​ ​ ☆ Can be done in a live session as well. ​ ​ ☆ Security checks ​ ​ ☆ I point things that can be done in a better way ★ Using Git & GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket etc. 😸 ​ ​ ☆ Introduction to how Git works ​ ​ ☆ Using Git hosting services (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc) ​ ​ ☆ Top Git commands ​ ​ ☆ Shortcuts If I can help, I will definitely do it, as long your app is not promoting things that tend to be potentially immoral. For example, I'm happy to help you build an e-shop, but I will probably not build an e-shop designed specifically for selling wine since I am against the use of alcohol for drinking. ♦ 🚀 Node.js: 9 years of experience, ~700 packages published on NPM ♦ 💛 JavaScript: 9 years of experience, lots of libraries you can download freely (https://goo.gl/ewoQsK) ♦ 🗣 Fluent in speaking English & Romanian, and comfortable in Spanish & Portuguese ♦ 😸 GitHub Enthusiast (follow me: https://github.com/IonicaBizau) ♦ 😻 Git & GitHub power user ♦ 🍀 Comfortable with MongoDB (especially, the native driver for Node.js) ♦ ❇️ I will not charge you if I can't fix your issue. Why you can trust me: ★ I am a vegetarian. I have never eaten meat. 🍍🥑🥗 ★ I have never drunk wine, beer, etc. Water is the best. 💧 ★ I work for 6 days, and I rest on the 7th day. That's why I am *not* available on Saturdays (specifically between Friday's sunset and Saturday's sunset, my location at the time—you can my timezone a little bit below). 🙏 ★ I sleep between 9:18 PM and 4:42 AM. Depending on your timezone I can wake up earlier if you book a session with me. 💤 ★ I am a musician (pianist and organist). 🎹 ★ I use VIM on macOS and Linux. 🐧🍏

Freelance Graphs Developer - Adam Barani
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (355 reviews)

More than 9 years of experience coding for big companies in the US. Mastery level in JavaScript and MERN stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node JS). I've also done a lot work with C#/.NET and Java/Spring Boot. I help junior/mid-level developers, Bootcamp, or computer degree graduates create a detailed study plan to improve their coding level and take **efficient steps** to land their desired role. I've helped many people pick up skills even when they were struggling and I'm experienced in getting people ready for interviews. Done Full-stack Bootcamps as a lead instructor, and I have extensive knowledge in the full life cycle of software (requirements definition, prototyping, proof of concept, design, testing, and maintenance). I have a track record for delivering software solutions using industry-leading technologies.

Freelance Graphs Developer - Kunal Dhawan
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (83 reviews)

Through my journey as a developer, I have 7+ years of professional experience and helped 150+ clients with their development projects across several Technologies including **Node, React, NextJS, Javascript, TypeScript, Python, C++, JAVA, Unity Game Development**. Due to my strong understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms along with programming fundamentals, I can quickly learn any new language and concept which enables me to design and develop production-level systems. My mantra is to enhance my knowledge with practical applications. I focus on writing simple, clean, consistent and beautiful programs by prioritizing a well-thought design to ensure that they are easier to debug and maintain.

Freelance Graphs Developer - Saurabh a.k.a Codedoctor
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (83 reviews)

Senior Software Developer at Booking.com and a tech advisor for a bunch of startups.I am a hard core techie and has worked on almost every tech stack out there.I also ranked among the top 500 programmers in the world.I mentored more than 150+ developers and 10+ startups on tech fronts.

Freelance Graphs Developer - Yuval Kogman
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (61 reviews)

I'm a self taught developer, and ever since my first job, given enough time at a workplace I've always become the guy who people go to when they're stuck, and I've enjoyed doing the same on various online communities. I've always found those interactions very rewarding, I find it much easier to apply myself in a focused way to helping other people solve their problems. I really believe in the "teach a man to fish" cliche. If you are a student or need help working on open source, I offer a 50% rate reduction. Note that I will not solve exercises/assignments for you, I am only willing to help you to solve them yourself. Finally, I suggest you check out this great write up by Adam Goldman, another mentor on this site, which has some great tips on how better utilize this service https://www.codementor.io/adamgold/get-the-most-out-of-your-session-5c5iho6ns

Freelance Graphs Developer - Hitesh Garg
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (40 reviews)

Senior Software Engineer with 4+ years of experience in Application development for B2B and B2C domains with strong problem solving, team leading, planning, and time managing skills. Diverse experience in building, securing, deploying, and optimizing modern software development projects and environments.

Freelance Graphs Developer - Nooray Yemon
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (37 reviews)

I am delighted to teach -programming and topics like big data, data visualization, image processing -pure **JavaScript** or FWs like Angular, React or Vue -pure **CSS** or preprocessors SCSS/LESS/SASS -C, **C++**, C# -**R** -**Python** -GIT -PHP Give me a knock if you need any assist with **AWS** (EC2, SSL, ACM, S3, Route 53 ...) setup. Have a cool idea in mind? Want to build a proof of concept? I am always excited to dive in with you! experimenting with js & css: *https://codepen.io/yemon/popular* I will also be happy to provide consultancy on starting or managing your awesome project. Thanks.

Freelance Graphs Developer - Dmitry Zherebko
Freelance Graphs Developer5.0 (32 reviews)

React/Golang developer HI, I'm web developer with golang and react as primary skills. I enjoy working with algorithms, web and backend stuff. I'm super passionate about creating graph visualisations and related stuff. Right now I'm working on repo with guides and implementations for complex data structures for beginers.

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How to hire a freelance Graphs developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Graphs projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Graphs project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Graphs request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Graphs developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Graphs developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Graphs developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Graphs developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Graphs developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Graphs project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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