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Top freelance Solution Architecture developers available to hire

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Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Umair Jameel
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (6 reviews)

● Development in Javascript and its frameworks/libraries like Angular, React, Next.js, Express, Node, Express, mongodb, mongoose etc. ● Full stack development in next.js including frontend, backend and databases. ● Architecture projects from scratch as well as building new features in existing projects. ● Debug and fix errors in existing projects. ● Database architecture using mongodb, postgres, ORMs like prisma and drizzle. ● Implement the best practices of code structure, logic building and making code efficient. ● Follow pure Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures for solving problems. ● REST API development using node and its frameworks (mainly express). ● Know best practices of writing test cases (it includes unit testing and automation testing). ● Decision making in choosing programming languages, frameworks and libraries for a particular project. ● Good communication skills and understanding client requirements. ● Do research and development to stay up to date with new technologies and always keen to adopt better approaches in solving any kind of problem. ● Experience in CI/CD, docker, github actions etc. ● Teaching experience for over 5 years now. These are some projects I have worked on: https://learnwith.flashclass.io/ https://www.getconch.ai/ https://www.blackbox.ai/ https://www.dexhero.io/ https://unation.com/

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Miroslav Nikolov
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer

I’ve participated and led a wide range of web projects with multimillion user base for the past 17 years. The most interesting and truly heavy part of that process is solving the challenges between technology and its interactions with the human factor in different teams.

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Himanshu Gupta
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (9 reviews)

7+ years of experience in building meaningful products and solutions via different frontend and backend technologies along with the number of integrations across different tools and frameworks. Built a complete Social Network from scratch, worked on a platform for Coding assessments handling 2 Million+ Userbase and currently working on a **B2B SAAS Marketing Automation platform** to help anyone use No-code and Low code to scale up and their marketing and sales. Technical Interviewer at Flexiple where have already interviewed 350+ Interviews for freelancers all over the world.

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - sriram G
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

I personally believe that there is more to mentoring a person than the perceived financial incentive. I like the ease and flexibility that codementor is providing in facilitating virtual mentoring when it is needed by the mentee. I believe in helping teams formulate a winning AI strategy, helping them think through multiple aspects and dimensions like infrastructure, AI Model, cloud vs on premise deployment, operationalizing the models, strategizing the AI/Ml Ops and other critical decisions which I specialized in. Please note that I am more focused on helping teams/ individuals in formulating the technical strategy like picking up right algorithms, what techniques to be used rather than pure debugging the code written

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Erik Gunther
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (16 reviews)

Hello mentor seekers! I'm a ServiceNow architect and process management expert in the areas of ITSM, CSM, ITAM, Flow Designer, and integrations. I have over 9 years of hands on design, programming, and process configuration experience within the platform. My certifications include: PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist – IT Service Management ServiceNow Certified Application Developer ServiceNow Certified System Administrator ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals. I can help developers overcome blockers as well as improve their coding/configuration techniques to make their solutions more testable and easier to support operationally.

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Don Onwunumah
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer

Senior technologist and solutions architect with extensive experience in designing and implementing AI-driven architectures and cloud-native solutions. Deep expertise in machine learning, large language models, and enterprise software integration. Proven track record of leading cross-functional teams and delivering innovative solutions across multiple industries. Research background in Machine Learning and AI using Kernel-Based Methods. I offer tutoring services from bootcamp support to long-term mentoring and a complete educational experience. I've directed teaching programs and led classroom instruction in fullstack development, professional strategies. I can help you learn to make apps with the features you want and explain exactly how they work. If you want to become a professional software engineer or entrepreneur and are eager to gain the necessary knowledge, I would be honored to help you improve your understanding, code, or career. I can help you assemble and manage a team of developers or coach you through an individual project. I offer pair-programming, consulting, and architectural planning alongside direct management and training. I can help key contributors or entire teams deliver features and understand how their solutions work. I can guide decision makers through complicated technical challenges to confidently determine the best course of action.

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Udyan Sharma
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer

I have an extensive 17-year career in technology & engineering. My professional journey has been diverse, starting from my roots as a Java developer to strategic roles in globally renowned consulting and product organisations like PwC, EY and Oracle. As I transitioned into more multi-dimensional roles, my focus shifted to building and overseeing robust enterprise solutions. Managing technical customer accounts, I routinely found myself at the intersection of business needs and technical solutions, ensuring that the two aligned seamlessly. A few noteworthy innovations which I was able to bring to life were Enterprise BPM, Chatbots and Mobile apps in an integrated ecosystem which could handle 10 million transactions a day. However, I am still hands-on technical person with ability to write code across different backend technologies like Go, Java, Python and even Flutter on frontend side and can create complex technical architecture, build integrations across middleware platforms

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Kumar Raja Gattamaneni
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (204 reviews)

I am a seasoned IT professional with extensive expertise in Python and JavaScript development, proficiently delivering scalable and efficient solutions. My proficiency extends to DevOps practices, where I excel in automating deployment pipelines, ensuring seamless integration, and enhancing overall efficiency. Leveraging cloud technologies, I specialize in designing and implementing robust, scalable, and secure solutions on major cloud platforms. With a solid foundation in both development and DevOps, I bring a holistic approach to building and maintaining cutting-edge applications in cloud environments.

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Denis Čahuk
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (46 reviews)

I am a hands-on software architect with over 13 years of experience in backend engineering and team leadership in ad-tech, e-commerce pre-seed and series-A start-ups. I have modernized tech stacks and mentored teams, improving their development speeds and quality while reducing their maintenance cost and time to market. Seeking to leverage my unique overlap of leadership, engineering, mentoring and architecture skills for a strong architect, principal engineering or technical coach role.

Freelance Solution Architecture Developer - Ethar Alali
Freelance Solution Architecture Developer5.0 (28 reviews)

Hi! My name is Ethar, though you'll get away with pronouncing it "Ether". "I love coding!" and despite that intro, I don't like sounding like Donald Trump. Not that you could ever confuse us two really :) I've been a full stack guy for over 20 years and these days, churn out JS, Node, C#, both SQL & NoSql and run on AWS, including developing IoT platforms and Alexa skills. As well as coding help, I also encourage developers and architects to look at problems differently. Committing to effective, clean, value driven solutions is crucial and my experience both in code and business provides a unique slant on why code is written in the first place. I also regularly recruit, so understand the needs of folk trying to break into the industry. Despite over 22 commercial years in the IT industry, holding very senior roles, and running companies and organisations, I still prefer coding. I've spent a lot of time doing complex computing tasks and building circuits, and work across IoT, AI/Machine Learning, High performing computing and use Lean-EA and Lean Startup to help enterprises and startups alike work more effectively. Many of my calls end in YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It), which saves on unnecessary costs elsewhere. Ethics? Plenty. Probably to my own detriment. Projects: Contributed to OSS including JabaJS and a local community tech calendar Alexa Skill OSS project called "WhatGeeks" (accepting PRs if you're interested).

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How to hire a freelance Solution Architecture developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Solution Architecture projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Solution Architecture project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Solution Architecture request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Solution Architecture developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Solution Architecture developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Solution Architecture developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Solution Architecture developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Solution Architecture developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Solution Architecture project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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