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Top freelance Database Development developers available to hire

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Freelance Database Development Developer - Belal Haikal
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (221 reviews)
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Welcome to visit! I am a Senior **Full Stack** developer with 10+ years experiences of development. My Expertise: - React.js, Angular, Vue Front-End development - React Native, Flutter Mobile app development - Node.js, Express, Django, FastAPI, Flask Backend development - Python, Machine Learning, Generative AI - Cloud Platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP - Swift/SwiftUI/Objective C, Kotlin, Java - SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis - C/C++, C# - Agile software development I'm excited to work with you and help you achieve your coding aspirations. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a session. Thank you.

Freelance Database Development Developer - Olajide Olanrewaju
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (199 reviews)
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I am a **Multi-talented** professional adept in **Full Stack Web Development**, **Web Security Research**, and **Robotics Engineering**. As a dedicated Web Security Researcher and ethical hacker, I uncover vulnerabilities and mitigate security risks, bridging the gap between development and cybersecurity. Additionally, as a Robotics Engineer, I design and build sophisticated robotic systems, applying my deep understanding of mechanics, electronics, and programming. Passionate about crafting clean, scalable code and innovative robotics solutions, I contribute to projects that prioritize both robust development, cybersecurity practices, and cutting-edge robotic technology.

Freelance Database Development Developer - Daniel Uche
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (55 reviews)

Daniel Uche is a senior Full Stack software engineer with great skills. I live and breathe code, as a software craftsman, I craft code that scales for web and mobile. I have built applications that serve millions of user traffic. Feel free to hit me up on any problem you might have across **React**, **Redux**, **Node**, **JavaScript**, **Mobile app**, **Software Architecture**, **Software Engineering**, **Database Design**. I can help make complex concepts look simple. I can also help with your Software Analysis project using **LLVM Compiler Infrastructure** Also I am familiar with CI/CD, container container orchestration and elastic search and logstash ecosystem.

Freelance Database Development Developer - David Schoutens
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (27 reviews)

Full-stack software craftsman and technical leader with over 15 years of experience. Equally adept at system design, programming, technical leadership, mentorship, and business collaboration. Have a wide breadth of technical experience, but specialize in backend API development, relational databases, and web applications. Passionate about simplicity and efficiency. I have worked at over a dozen companies large and small, in a handful of different domains. Also participated in hundreds of interviews, about half-and-half as the interviewer and the interviewee. I have given dozens of talks and training sessions on a variety of topics, mostly focusing on distributed systems, caching, and testing. My top skills are Java, SQL, testing, and refactoring. I have experience with formal academic and professional mentorship, and would love to help you skill up, solve a problem, or just nerd out with you today!

Freelance Database Development Developer - Kamlesh Panwar
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

🏅TOP-RATED ⭐ 5-star service ✅ Upwork verified 👍🏼100% client satisfaction 4+ years of Mobile App development experience and more than 15 high-quality apps delivered for iOS, Android, and the Web. ➥ Services Offered: • Full Stack development for Android, and iOS using Flutter & FlutterFlow • Rapid Prototyping and MVP Development • User Interface & User Experience Design (UI/UX) • App Deployment and Publishing Assistance • App performance optimization I began my career developing native apps such as Todo lists, note-taking tools, and chat applications like WhatsApp. After discovering Flutter, I was intrigued by its ability to streamline Android and iOS development into a single codebase. Over time, my interest in Flutter grew, leading me to explore FlutterFlow for developing apps with low-code solutions. For the past 4 years, I have dedicated myself to mastering Flutter and FlutterFlow, consistently delivering exceptional applications. I'd love to learn about your project and see if we can be a great fit. Let’s transform your app ideas into reality together!

Freelance Database Development Developer - Umair Jameel
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (7 reviews)

● Development in Javascript and its frameworks/libraries like Angular, React, Next.js, Express, Node, Express, mongodb, mongoose etc. ● Full stack development in next.js including frontend, backend and databases. ● Architecture projects from scratch as well as building new features in existing projects. ● Debug and fix errors in existing projects. ● Database architecture using mongodb, postgres, ORMs like prisma and drizzle. ● Implement the best practices of code structure, logic building and making code efficient. ● Follow pure Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures for solving problems. ● REST API development using node and its frameworks (mainly express). ● Know best practices of writing test cases (it includes unit testing and automation testing). ● Decision making in choosing programming languages, frameworks and libraries for a particular project. ● Good communication skills and understanding client requirements. ● Do research and development to stay up to date with new technologies and always keen to adopt better approaches in solving any kind of problem. ● Experience in CI/CD, docker, github actions etc. ● Teaching experience for over 5 years now. These are some projects I have worked on: https://learnwith.flashclass.io/ https://www.getconch.ai/ https://www.blackbox.ai/ https://www.dexhero.io/ https://unation.com/

Freelance Database Development Developer - Lanre Fasuyi
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (121 reviews)

Hi, I'm Lanre! A full-stack developer with expertise in web development, cloud storage, automation, and microservices. I specialize in React, Next.js, Laravel, Python, and Node.js. Let’s build efficient, scalable, and user-friendly solutions together!

Freelance Database Development Developer - Sanjay Parmar
Freelance Database Development Developer5.0 (49 reviews)

Hello, my name is Sanjay Parmar. I have been working as a professional WordPress, Laravel, Codeigniter, Core PHP and Javascript developer for 5+ long years now. I have strong knowledge in WordPress customizations, Plugins, and Themes development or customizations also have good expertise in Laravel and Shopify. I consider myself the best in my professional career. I never had one unsatisfied client. What can I propose to you? ✔ Create all types of websites like blogs, directories, membership, e-commerce, etc. ✔ Create a WordPress E-commerce shop or marketplace from scratch. ✔ Migrate website content, post, and product to another website. ✔ Develop custom plugins and themes. ✔ Customize themes and plugins. ✔ update to the latest version. ✔ Payment / Shipping methods integration. ✔ API integration or Development. Through our projects, I always focus on three main principles: ✔ User Experience ✔ Performance ✔ Elegance If you don't want to pay twice for the same work and prefer a high-quality code that doesn't break, then let's discuss your tasks or project. I appreciate your attention and feel free to contact me.

Freelance Database Development Developer - Lionel Roodyn
Freelance Database Development Developer

I have over 20 years of experience in project management, successfully delivering software development projects by ensuring clear specifications, effective communication, and timely execution. Alongside my project management expertise, I have extensive experience in technical writing, creating clear, concise documentation, including user guides, technical manuals, and detailed specification documents.

DatabaseApplication DevelopmentSoftware DevelopmentC#Technical WritingProject managementMicrosoft AccessCRMProductivity+1
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Frequently asked questions

How long do Database Development projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Database Development project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Database Development request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Database Development developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Database Development developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Database Development developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Database Development developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Database Development developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Database Development project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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