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Top freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developers available to hire

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Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Nedim Hozic
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

A dedicated and results-oriented full-stack tech lead with 10+ years of experience, I possess a deep understanding of C#, .NET, Azure, and a wide range of frontend technologies. My passion lies in crafting robust and scalable software solutions, while mentoring and leading teams to achieve technical excellence. I thrive on complex challenges and am committed to delivering innovative and impactful solutions.

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Chris Schaller
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (150 reviews)

20+ years commercial experience in the MS and Azure Dev Stack, specializing in Entity Framework and SQL based schemas and distributed APIs. I'll help you solve conceptual and actual application or data integration related issues. I'm an OData Evangelist from an Industrial IoT background, but am currently designing solutions for the Aged Care Industry using Web API on .Net 6 for the backend and UWP and Blazor for the front ends. I am a wizard with SSRS and both RDL and RDLC report designing and hosting within your applications. Did you know you can host RDLs without SSRS being installed at all? My preferred design paradigm aligns with search driven and natural design concepts, I like to use reports as dashboard widgets all through my applications. Let me help you consume or integrate with external systems, learn how to avoid common mistakes and how to design your solutions that can scale and be easily maintained in the longer term. Perhaps you just want a code review? I prefer to assist in live 1:1 sessions but can take on freelance work if you have anything that just needs to get done!

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Pankaj Kansodariya
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (286 reviews)

Microsoft Certified Professional having 18 years of software development experience within Microsoft technology skills such as C#.Net, VB.Net & SQL Server, and Cloud computing – Microsoft Azure. Available for challenging and rewarding opportunity to demonstrate substantial abilities and technical skills to make an effective contribution.

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Carlos Alberto Muñoz Rodriguez
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer

Senior Software Engineer & Tech Lead skilled in .NET, C#, and distributed systems. Passionate about clean architecture, DDD, and mentoring. Certified Scrum Master, Top 2% on Stack Overflow.

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Yasar Can
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer

I have been a part of the inhouse software development team within MNG Holding IT department for more than 10 years. In this journey, which I started as a Software Developer, I continue in the position of Co-Director of Software Development. I took an active role in the development of ERP components used jointly in group companies such as Human Resources and Payroll, Purchasing, Business Process Management, Accounting and Quality Management. Apart from this, I took part in the Aviation application developed specifically for MNG Airlines company, covering Warehouse Management, Import-Export Processes, Customs Declaration Procedures, Flight and Crew Planning and similar processes. While I am currently continuing the maintenance and support processes of existing applications, I am currently actively working on the Construction Project Costing project. In software development processes, I am responsible for tasks such as analysis, UI design, database design, creating project infrastructure/framework, task assignment, code review/improvement and application publishing, as well as developing the software for critical business processes. I am fluent in VB.Net, C#.Net, Asp.Net, Asp.Net Core software languages ​​and XML web service, WCF web service, REST API service architectures. I have good MS SQL and moderate Oracle database experience.

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - JAGBIR SINGH
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (59 reviews)

Jagbir RPA Solution Architect - Certified in UiPath and MS Power Platform Have 13 years of IT experience in the analysis, design, development, integration, testing, and maintenance using ASP .NET, C#, and SQL Server. Extensively worked on creating end to end Robotics Process Automation strategy for applications that includes web, desktop, mainframe, PDF files using Microsoft, Google OCR’s, SharePoint, excel using UiPath. • Delivered 100+ RPA UiPath bots. Project managed and delivered successfully across the globe where major was from US. • Have experience in Microsoft Power Platform – MS Automate Flows and Desktop, Power virtual agent, and Power Apps

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Yonas Woldemariam
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (58 reviews)

• More than 19 years of overall software development experience having expertise in all stages of the whole software development life cycle. • Microsoft Certified Solution Developer in .Net • Proficient in Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD), Object Oriented Programming (OOP), ,design patterns, software development best practices, Agile development Methodology, and TDD • Excellent interpersonal, communication and organizational skills, productive relationships by working effectively with team members at all levels; easily adapt to new environments and with great potential to learn. • Have a great passion about technology and always try to keep up by reading tech blogs, checking out developer podcasts and webcasts, and attending developer training classes

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Otee Best Ziregbe
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (30 reviews)

I'm a fullstack developer with major experience on the web, relational databases, APIs, microservice architecture using .net framework / .net core. I also develop single page apps using ES6/React. I build applications that are highly scalable, maintainable and testable

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Aron Tsang
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (9 reviews)

Software Developer who has been working in the Financial Industry sector since graduating from University.

Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer - Antarr Byrd
Freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

Web and enterprise applications developer specializing in API and cloud-based applications using Ruby on Rails and .NET

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How to hire a freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Service project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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