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Top freelance CocoaPods developers available to hire
Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Android Development,Kotlin, Java . with a Bachelor's degree focused in Computer Engineering from Shoubra Faculty of Engineering. - always keeping up with the latest technologies and techniques available around the globe for as to be adapted with any change that occurs
- Certified Andoid Developer from Google and Udacity
- Always eager to learn
- Always providing quality
- Always testing as if I am a customer as somethings as a user I would like to always find my app to go smoothly
Brian's career had him working on video games, eCommerce, productivity, finance and travel apps. After spending years working as an iOS and Android developer, he sees Flutter as the next big pillar for mobile.
Software Contractor and Senior iOS Engineer (Swift, RxSwift, SwiftUI, Combine, UIKit)
Mentoring and focusing on the essentials, foundations and best practices of Software engineering and development.
Swift, SwiftUI, clean code, Test Driven Development, Design Patterns, Software principles.
Expert with MVVM, VIPER and The Composable Architecture (TCA) and more architectures.
Building and deploying Startup and Enterprise apps to the App Store.
Born in Spain🇪🇸, living in the UK🇬🇧, originally from the Philippines🇵🇭.
- 8+ years of commercial experience building iOS applications in Swift.
- Full Stack Developer. MERN stack. Cypress, Jest
- 3 years of experience with React Native and bridging applications from Swift to React Native.
Are you a freelancer looking to build a new app?
Do you need a prototype for an app?
Do you have a design and need a developer to build your app?
Are you a company looking to outsource or build an app?
Let's talk if you answered yes to any of the above questions.
I provide solutions for startups offering the best options to save you time and keep your business growing.
**Paradigms**: Object-oriented and Functional/Reactive programming.
Creating meaningful and enjoyable UI transitions to keep the user engaged and access their data in real-time.
Worked on production apps extensively with:
- Swift
- SwiftUI
- Combine
- Async/await
- RxSwift
- Firebase
- Node.js
- Cocoapods
- Swift Package Manager
Fundamental knowledge and teaching software architectures:
- **MVC** (Model, View, Controller)
- **MVVM** (Model, View, View Model)
- **TCA** (The Composable Architecture)
Software design principles: SOLID to improve orthogonality, flexibility and reusability of components.
Communication of **data** from view controllers to any other view such as UIAlertController, container views, UITableViewCells, UICollectionViewCells, etc.
Options to communicate data can be achieved through the use of weak delegates + Segues with Storyboards.
Other options include using Databases.
- Firebase Real-time database, Firestore.
- MongoDB,
- UserDefaults
- CoreData
- Custom API (Facebook, Google, Github, your website, etc.)
Alternatively offering a different solution programmatically without using Segues from Storyboards to increase performance and code maintainability.
Several presentation styles, modals, over current context, custom, etc. with animations.
Native components are the way to go with performance and maintenance.
Working with UIKit, Foundation, SwiftUI
- UITableView + Headers + Footers and custom UITableViewCell
- UICollectionView + Headers + Custom UICollectionViewCell
- UICollectionViewFlowLayout
- Managing the Delegate and Data Source into their own components for efficient unit testing.
- SwiftUI Lists and Stacks
- iOS 13 and 14 Compositional Layouts in UICollectionView
SwiftUI focuses on a declarative way of writing code.
Teaching about the essentials of Functional Programming.
Native iOS
- URLSession
- Combine
Third-party, external
- Alamofire
- Moya
- PromiseKit
**Testing frameworks**
- XCTest (iOS native)
- Quick
- Nimble
I have experience creating Full stack applications connecting different services and stacks together. From iOS to Firebase, a custom backend and connecting 3rd party APIs to your application.
5+ years of experience building commercial and business iOS apps using different Software Architectures such as MVC and MVVM and following the SOLID principles.
Adhering to Test-driven development along with pipeline automation and working closely with the Directors, team and customers to build a stable app on every release.
Delivering high-quality products for easy maintenance, robustness, and readability along with applying the Agile principles.
iOS networking and REST API implementations to gather data from the backend or other third-party providers.
A seasoned iOS Developer with 10 years of industry experience in working with teams spanning multiple timezones in software industry. Delivered 10+ production quality iOS apps including enterprise and startups. Hands on experience with cutting edge techs like Swift, Firebase, UIKit, SwiftUI, Foundation, Core Data, Core Location, Analytics, XCTest, XCUITest etc. Thorough knowledge of new generation design patterns like MVC, MVP, MVVM, MVVM-C, VIPER, Observer, Delegation etc.
Work experience includes working on iOS apps and 3rd party libraries available through Cocoapods.
Work domains like IoT, Medical Software, Workforce Management, Social Experience, E-Commerce, Education, Recruitment, Messaging, Remote Desktop and Security.
Here are quick references of two of the apps I developed:
**GetintheLoop** (
**ArtMuseo** (
My LinkedIn profile:
My Github Profile:
I'm a full-stack software developer with over 10 years of professional experience.
I work as a software architect on my day job. I'm a generalist with advanced knowledge in many platforms, tools, languages and frameworks. I have worked as a senior software engineer in both backend and frontend techonoglies.
iOS developer, technical consultant and mentor with post-graduate teaching qualifications and Managing Director at FutureSonic Ltd, a software development agency specialising in audio technology for mobile devices. David is an expert in audio and music technology (DSP, audio signal processing, filters, effects, audio engineering etc.) and is featured mentor for Codementor and Udemy's iOS and Swift course.
I love developing software and enjoy learning day by day. Always focused on delivering great and satisfying experiences in the products I work. Perfectionist and pragmatic to get the job done.
20+ years of experience working in WWF, Motorola, CXA, Westpac, and other logistic and financial companies and startups.
📱30+ apps in the AppStore.
😎10+ interviews with FAANG and 20+ with other startups and companies.
🤓Solid CS and Math background - Master Degree, Russia Federation.
🤝 Helping to prepare and pass FAANG interviews.
👍 Mentoring startups.
Excellent English, experience in US, AU, SG, and KO startups. Co-founder of ThreadWeather and Tech Lead at JRB Technologies.
Obj-C & Swift, strong in OOP/POP patterns, Jenkins CI, Auto-Layout, Responsive Design, GIT, RESTful API's, Multithreading, In-App purchases, Push Notifications, Firebase, Parse, Backendless, Google Analytics, AppCenter,, AWS, Fabric, Facebook SDK, Instagram, Uber, Twitter, OAuth2, SSO... you name it 😊 When it comes to iOS development or interviews, I am your guy!
I can help you to build a product your customers will ❤️.
I'm here for you. Let's talk!
I'm a seasoned iOS developer with a passion for sharing what I've learned and having fun while we do it. My broad knowledge of every aspect of iOS development, from architecting to coding to testing, to debugging to deploying and improving, is going to help you push your knowledge forward, solve your problems and exceed the expectations of those around you. I value providing clear, straightforward advice on both how to solve the problem and how to structure your code for maintainability and best practices.
Apple iOS, iPadOS, macOS software developer and power user of Apple hardware, software, services & tools. Proficient with Swift, SwiftUI, and Objective-C programming.
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Frequently asked questions
How long do CocoaPods projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance CocoaPods project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance CocoaPods request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance CocoaPods developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for CocoaPods developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor CocoaPods developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all CocoaPods developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing CocoaPods developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your CocoaPods project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.