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Top freelance Model-View-Presenter developers available to hire
I am an experienced Android Developer, public speaker and Kotlin lover. I can help you about any of these topics. You may ask me how to fix your coding problems. I am always open to help.
I have worked on different domains(Banking, retail, medical, education) and developed 24+ Native android application development and contributed code for some github repositories.
Hey all - I've been developing android applications for 6 years and love teaching, I'm happy to advise also on the best courses to take, how to establish your career, whether it is your first time, you're looking to pick up a new skill, or keep up on the latest technologies, what technologies to learn next, and how to get your first application or company started.
Full stack mobile & web engineer having 15 years of experience. I'm a very effective communicator thanks to my experience of working with clients as a freelancer. Having been the CTO of 3 companies (two of them my own startups), I practiced code reviewing and mentoring a lot.
As a result of working for 6 years at Nokia Research as a research engineer, then 3 years as a freelancer and also later on becoming the CTO of 3 companies, I'm very good at prototyping, figuring out the initial architecture for new services and general problem solving. The technologies I'm using in the past few years and the ones I'm strongest at are: python, django, java, android and javascript.
I also have a strong interest in and can help with writing maintainable and well designed, high quality code, creating well designed APIs, defining best practices for a development team.
NOTE: please use the following link to check my availability: http://atleta.hu/calendar/?cm . It's synced with my calendar, so it should be up to date, while the one on the codementor site just shows my preferred hours.
I try to help those who are just starting out down their path to becoming a developer. Frontend Javascript and Typescript frameworks are what I am best at, but I can design and build a webpage the hard way if need be.
I've been exposed to the web development world since I was 15 and I've been a developer since I was 25.
Tech Lead and Mentor with ten years of experience in various domains and tech stacks following the industry's best practices, architecture, testing, code reviews, debugging, profiling, and CI/CD pipelines.
**I have something special for you - let's discover:**
- Student discount is applied automatically.
- Displayed rate is not pocket friendly - no worries - I have something special for you.
- Mentoring is one of my passions, and I have helped numerous mentees on their journey to become successful developers in various fields such as web, native mobile, and cross-platform development.
- I have helped many developers to fix critical bugs and implement complex features on the platform.
- Proficient in working with teams on software development life cycle(SDLC) from requirement gathering or planning, defining, designing technical architecture, building or developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining applications
- Well verse with development process/tools like Github Actions, CircleCI, CodeMagic, Fastlane, Jenkins, BuddyBuild, Git workflow, Github workflow, Agile PM tools, Continuous integration, and continuous deployment(CI & CD), Test/Domain-driven development with keeping healthy test code coverage, etc.
- Proficient in creating and working with different kinds of APIs - REST / GraphQL
- Proficient in working with databases SQL and NoSQL
- Proficient in object-oriented design, data structures, problem-solving, complexity analysis, and debugging.
- Proficient in writing efficient, maintainable, reusable, testable code that preserves privacy and security.
- Proficient with different platform/services integrations
- Right knowledge of toolset and libraries for effective and productive work.
A results-driven, customer-focused, articulate, and analytical Software Engineer who can think “out of the box”. Strong design and integration problem-solving skills. Good in Android, Java, and Kotlin. Challenge lover and passionate about writing good code and creating applications that help people. I have 6+ years of experience in developing mobile applications.
Other than mobile I have also worked on Backend technologies like Spring Boot to write web services that are being consumed by mobile apps.
Gabriel has worked as an AWS Authorized Trainer for years and holds 10 AWS certifications, ranging from professional to specialty. He is the founder of Bootcamp Institute, a company specializing in democratizing the usage and knowledge of AWS for Spanish speakers. He is also the main author of the book AWS Solutions Architect - Associate by Packt Publishing, and he enjoys writing technical articles on Medium.
Gabriel is the organizer of several AWS User Groups in Mexico and a strong contributor for social programs like AWS Educate, empowering students to adopt the AWS Cloud and get certified. He has helped thousands of people pass the AWS Solutions Architect exam by doing workshops, webinars, and study groups on different social networks and local Meetups. He loves teaching and speaking about all kinds of technologies with an obsession to make everything easier to be understood.
Gabriel has a Bachelor’s Degree in Systems Engineering and has a strong background as a Solutions Architect, as this field is his major expertise in the last 15 years.
Hello! I'm Mayel,
I was until recently CTO, lead developer & co-founder of Babelverse – the universal translator for spoken communication, powered by polyglots around the world – a revolutionary global startup which I have presented at dozens of international conferences and various events, won some awards (TechCrunch Disrupt, LeWeb, TheNextWeb, etc), and gotten plenty of press coverage (CNBC, FastCompany, etc). We received funding from the likes of Startup Chile, 500 Startups (Dave McClure) and SV Angel (Ron Conway).
I consider myself a "MacGyver" – quickly finding hacks or solutions to any technical or other problem – with duct-tape programming methods, which allows for the rapid creation of innovative and feature-rich applications, leveraging and bringing together the latest advances of any relevant open-source projects, open APIs, (draft) industry standards, research, cloud services, etc. It's like playing with lego. I like creating "working prototypes" of new tools and services.
I’ve been in charge of everything from product design to coding, pitching to fundraising, hiring to project management, cloud/server setups to system admin, community building to creating a movement, branding to PR to social media, marketing to sales to customer service, etc...
Beyond quick coding session, we can discuss your needs, which may involve agreeing on a limited amount of further contract work, such as helping with a PR/social media campaign/stunt, or hacking together a rapid prototype, etc.
For example, I can walk you through building an MVP, figuring out what is feasible, what tools you'll need, how to hire the right talent, and more. Or we can discuss platforms – LAMP. Rails. AWS. Etc. What are they? Which one is right for you, and especially why?
In the process of starting my next company, but taking time to do some contracting and mentoring while I work out the details on that.
I've been programming since I was 9 and have over 25 years of professional development experience. As a serial entrepreneur, I've started 3 software companies and sold 2.
I bring deep experience and wisdom gathered over the past 25 years along with skills in hot new technologies like Ember, React & Node.
I specialize in creating paradigms--conceptual maps that help people navigate your product, API or codebase. I help you draw the lines between concerns, organize related parts of your application and name the boxes in your architecture diagrams.
I'm passionate about getting the concepts of your application right, since they affect everything from your user interface to your database design to how you organize your code. But I can also help out with gnarly debugging issues.
In my volunteer work, I am a mentor for Venture Asheville, a mentor program based off the MIT Venture Mentoring Service. I mentor startups using frameworks like Scrum and Lean Startup to search for product-market fit, then figure out how to scale their businesses to achieve rapid growth.
In my personal time, I am an avid swing dancer & barefoot runner. I practice life hacking--using tricks and techniques to improve my habits, lifestyle and happiness--and continuous personal integration, where I introspect the challenges and successes in my life to improve my performance and to stay aligned with my life goals.
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Model-View-Presenter projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Model-View-Presenter project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Model-View-Presenter request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Model-View-Presenter developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Model-View-Presenter developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Model-View-Presenter developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Model-View-Presenter developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Model-View-Presenter developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Model-View-Presenter project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.
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