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Top freelance Aws iam developers available to hire
Dynamic and articulate Technical Program Manager with over two decades of experience in the Software Development space, primarily serving the Education, Government, and Legal Industries. Intimately familiar with both Proprietary and Open Source Application & Reporting environments, bolstered by a strong background in Network, Server & Security administration.
Proven knowledge leader and detailed Systems Design Analyst, offering unique strategy and change management techniques toward significant organizational performance and efficiency improvement gains. Provides collaborative tailor-designed solutions from concept to launch, artfully applying industry Best Practices to boost innovation and facilitate Organic Collaboration and Ideation.
Continuous Process and Systems Improvement Specialist seeking creative teams. Over 15 years of experience as a Remote First worker and leader in the [Remote]( workers community. Member of the 2020 [Tulsa Remote]( Workers Program cohort. In off-time, mentors and administers the [Drupal Developers Club](, engages in the [Drupal Slack]( workspace, serves on the leadership team for the yearly [MidCamp]( event, acts as the Intern Coordinator for [Drupal 4 Gov](, and runs the growing [Digital Career Sandbox]( community on LinkedIn.
Hi there! I'm Udit :) I have been programming in Python for the last 6 years dealing in Web, Data Science, Hardware, Maths, Business Applications, Automation Projects & Web Scrapers. I'm available for jobs and sessions on specific days and in certain business hours. If you'd like to book a session, please use which is synced with my Calendar
I'd like to help you here, these are some of the things you can talk to me about
* Design & Developing Django, Flask Web Applications
* Design & Developing REST APIs
* Deploying Python application to Servers (A lot of SysAdmin stuff)
* SQL & NoSQL Databases
* Key-Value Stores like Redis, DynamoDB
* Solr & ElasticSearch Implementations
* Serverless Python Application deployments on AWS Lambda (my new favorite)
* Wordpress Customization and Deployment
* Javascript, HTML & CSS
* Dash and Plotly Dashboards
* Pandas Data Analysis
* ETL Systems
* Quantopian
I can also help you with Pandas, NumPy (rudimentary data science questions), Math problems development and implementation (I really enjoy doing these), Web scrapers (Scrapy or Requests BS4).
I also love to teach and explain concepts in the simplest way. Being a self-taught programmer, I know the difficulties and problems that each of us face when trying to learn and pick up a new language.
Let's use the chat to communicate and understand problems first before heading into a session as it can save all of us from bad experiences so feel free to message me.
Production systems fire fighter - there is nothing I cannot debug.
I will not do your homework.
Member of Mensa & Intertel, backwoods enthusiast. Human languages for fun, programming languages for breakfast. I left Detroit in the Dot-Com era to live deep in a north woods cabin w/my animal family.
I solve my own problems with grace and efficiency. I'll be happy to solve yours!
My five most valuable skills:
* Anticipation (of variables and user expectations)
* Debugging
* Machine logic
* Problem solving
* Versatility
These skills when applied to any challenge, design or technology stack, have consistently produced efficient and reliable results across an unlimited technology stack since childhood.
What I enjoy most about Code Mentor:
Utilizing my unique skill set to solve a diverse set of challenging critical issues for people in a bind. My most satisfying sessions solve very difficult and unique situations for those who have already exhausted their available human and intellectual resources.
* No, I am not a robot. But my bots might be one day.
* No, I will not travel anywhere , unless you provide a space ship or parachute.
* I try to make a record of all changes and be able to revert them quickly, but it is your responsibility to archive responsibly
- AWS Anything
- Dedicated support through to resolution
- Defensive cyber security
- Disaster recovery
- Emergency response for mission-critical systems
- High pressure environments
- Forensics / electronic discovery
Check out my video course on pfSense!
Hello there! My name is Joe, and I'm extremely passionate about programming education. You can see the research I've done on the subject of teaching programming and computer science concepts here:
I have experiencing teaching students with and without formal backgrounds. I took algorithm and data structures courses in college in addition to higher level mathematics. You can examine the comments on my YouTube videos, and you will see that many people find my explanations of concepts helpful:
I'd be glad to help you reach the next level in your programming abilities!
Gabriel has worked as an AWS Authorized Trainer for years and holds 10 AWS certifications, ranging from professional to specialty. He is the founder of Bootcamp Institute, a company specializing in democratizing the usage and knowledge of AWS for Spanish speakers. He is also the main author of the book AWS Solutions Architect - Associate by Packt Publishing, and he enjoys writing technical articles on Medium.
Gabriel is the organizer of several AWS User Groups in Mexico and a strong contributor for social programs like AWS Educate, empowering students to adopt the AWS Cloud and get certified. He has helped thousands of people pass the AWS Solutions Architect exam by doing workshops, webinars, and study groups on different social networks and local Meetups. He loves teaching and speaking about all kinds of technologies with an obsession to make everything easier to be understood.
Gabriel has a Bachelor’s Degree in Systems Engineering and has a strong background as a Solutions Architect, as this field is his major expertise in the last 15 years.
I'm a DevOps, System Administrator and Solutions Integrator
I never go with "just working", I like to do things that hold up and automate as much as possible.
Anton is a long time developer and CTO. He runs a consulting company Betajob AS in Norway and helps companies around the globe building solutions using AWS, specializing on infrastructure as code, DevOps, and reusable infrastructure components since 2015.
Anton always experiments with technologies and tries to come up with new fresh ideas businesses will ask for soon. Take a look yourself -
He is an active open-source contributor and maintainer of several Terraform/AWS related projects:
- Terraform AWS modules ( )
- Terraform community modules ( )
- Terraform best practices ( )
- Terraform cost estimation ( )
- Terraform code generator from visual diagrams created using (
- See more of his projects here -
He enjoys working on open-source projects and with less bureaucracy as possible, and wants to build a partnership with leaders like HashiCorp and AWS.
If you are a recruiter and don't have anything special, he will not accept your LinkedIn request.
He has a keen interest in:
* Team leadership
* Amazon Leadership Principles
* HashiCorp tao & products
* DevOps & Continuous everything ("automate as much as possible" motto)
* Solution and software architecture
* Have fun
Specialties: Amazon Web-Services, Terraform, Packer, PHP, Python, Ruby, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcache, Redis, MongoDB, Elastic Search, RabbitMQ, Varnish, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, HAProxy, performance optimizations technics, nginx, *nix, various network services, and APIs.
Anton co-founded and co-organizes AWS, DevOps, HashiCorp User Groups in Norway, DevOpsDays Oslo, and often speaks at various technical meetups and conferences worldwide. Feel free to invite Anton to your event.
Social profiles:
Slides from talks:
* If you are dissatisfied with my service in any way, I will refund you fully.
* If your request rate is higher than my standard rate, our session rate will match your request rate.
Historical milestones:
* 2017.05.16 - My first session!
* 2017.06.16 - 10th session!
Developer of variety of web technologies since 15+ years. Worked with startups on different stages. From 1 employee to 400+. Familiar with optimization of code, databases, infrastructure and human interactions. I have worked professionally in Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Go, Java, PHP.
I am a seasoned agile engineering manager and senior engineer presently working as a freelance consultant. I have over 10 years of professional work experience, during which I worked on complex software systems both backend/cloud apps and web frontends. I am a generalist and can work with necessary tools to solve a problem.
I can help you with performant Nodejs, enterprise Angular apps or Python or Java backends. I am comfortable working with agile/scrum teams and have experience in managing scrum projects. I have also worked with machine learning and have helped few clients with pilot projects to explore use of ML in their business processes.
I'm a hybrid data scientist / software engineer who has worked across multiple domains including precision healthcare, personal wellness, proactive DevSecOps, agriculture, aerospace weather, and more. I've done ML systems from scratch to production, full-stack development in multiple stacks including Python, Ruby on Rails, Typescript, NodeJS, React.js, and Cloud-Native work with AWS using IaaC (terraform). I currently work on IDP (intelligent document processing) systems. Let's chat about your problem today!
How to hire a freelance Aws iam developer on Codementor
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Aws iam projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Aws iam project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Aws iam request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Aws iam developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Aws iam developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Aws iam developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Aws iam developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Aws iam developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Aws iam project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.