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Top freelance Apache Configuration developers available to hire
Production systems fire fighter - there is nothing I cannot debug.
I will not do your homework.
Member of Mensa & Intertel, backwoods enthusiast. Human languages for fun, programming languages for breakfast. I left Detroit in the Dot-Com era to live deep in a north woods cabin w/my animal family.
I solve my own problems with grace and efficiency. I'll be happy to solve yours!
My five most valuable skills:
* Anticipation (of variables and user expectations)
* Debugging
* Machine logic
* Problem solving
* Versatility
These skills when applied to any challenge, design or technology stack, have consistently produced efficient and reliable results across an unlimited technology stack since childhood.
What I enjoy most about Code Mentor:
Utilizing my unique skill set to solve a diverse set of challenging critical issues for people in a bind. My most satisfying sessions solve very difficult and unique situations for those who have already exhausted their available human and intellectual resources.
* No, I am not a robot. But my bots might be one day.
* No, I will not travel anywhere , unless you provide a space ship or parachute.
* I try to make a record of all changes and be able to revert them quickly, but it is your responsibility to archive responsibly
- AWS Anything
- Dedicated support through to resolution
- Defensive cyber security
- Disaster recovery
- Emergency response for mission-critical systems
- High pressure environments
- Forensics / electronic discovery
Check out my video course on pfSense!
Full-stack software developer with 6+ years of experience in a professional setting. I thrive in collaborative, distributed teams and have a passion for solving complex problems. I have worked in diverse environments, from startups to mid-size companies.
Outside of work, I enjoy blogging and spending quality time with family.
For many years now, I've been helping institutions of Higher Education, State & Federal Governments, & Private Companies to leverage Drupal solutions. Training, Consulting, & Developing Drupal is all I do, and I do it a lot!
NASA, The US Federal Court, Highlights Magazine for Children, The Ohio State University, Cal State, A.C.T. & many others have counted on me to deliver Drupal in a practical and engaging way. Whether onsite or remote, let me help you get where you want to be in your Drupal adventure.
I entered Geekdom as a fifth grader in 1983 with a Commodore 64 & a 300baud connection to CompuServe. 31 years later I started the Indiana Drupal Users Group & develop websites in Drupal and teach Drupal full-time.
Catch my blog at Google "Drupal Song," and you're likely to find a few videos of me, jamming on the guitar, unabashedly proclaiming my passion for Drupal!
My love for learning and experimenting in Drupal is overshadowed only by my love to teach and evangelize it. I have presented in Minneapolis, Toronto, Indianapolis, Ohio LinuxFest, DoItWithDrupal, and DrupalCamps in New York City, Madison, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Charlotte, Chicago, Orlando, Nashville, Chattanooga, Denver, etc.
You can often find me on the FREENODE IRC Network in Drupal-support helping people get through the learning curve of Drupal.
I reside in Indianapolis, Indiana with my wife of 18 years, & our 4 children.
Specialties: Individual training, Corporate training, Module development, Project discovery, Information architecture, Site Development.
Being a good geek is not enough in this high-tech era. I understand that technology means business & business means money. Wether I'm training you, building your project for you, or building your project with you, I understand that you have expectations that the final product will deliver solutions and positively impact your business.
I make sure that happens.
Running at a low rate until I get some reviews!
Currently a co-founder at my virtual reality start-up,
Previously an engineer at Groupon where I automated financial systems with Rails, Clojure, MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB/TokuMX, Salesforce, and more.
I have 15 years of experience in IT with degrees: MsD in Product and Service development, (Industrial engineering), BsC in IT, (electrical engineering), computing and automation, computer sciences and information technology.
Before contacting me, unless you have enormous budget, it would be good for you to get some formal degree in IT (3-5 years of education), which guarantees that you understand merely basics of:
- computer hardware
- domain names and hosting
- client-server architecture
- source control management
- SQL/RDBMS systems
- object oriented programming
- MVC concepts (for web)
Because otherwise you probably won't understand what am I talking about...
Good place to start is my book on Redmine
It will help you and your IT team get more organised, store your code on git/github or svn, properly use issue-code relationship, perfom SCRUM, reduce time required for new projects. Maintain better relations with clients...
About me:
Currently employed as Department Head of IT Services at "Informatika" providing IT Services
IT Product and service development specialist.
Redmine administrator and implementation specialist.
Management in IT:
project management, procurement management, product management, infrastructure management, IT strategic management, business process development, IT security, redmine
IT Development specialties:
javascript, jquery, .NET, PHP, CSS, cakephp, symphony, MVC, vmware, ubuntu, apache, mysql, microsoft sql, C#, XML
IT Administration:
Netowrk security, firewall zones, antivirus, MSSQL, MSSCM, Linux, Ubuntu, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, PostgreSql, VmWare, ProxMox, HyperV, Redmine, PHP, Cpanel, Plesk
Software Engineer turned DevOps.
Coming from a software engineering background focused in web development, I have always been interested in the supporting infrastructure. With the emergence of DevOps, I have truly found my passion. This newfound enthusiasm has led me to pursue DevOps professionally. I have recently received my first AWS certification, and plan on having all 3 associates and both professional certs sometime next year (2018). I have been working professionally as a software engineer in the web development world since 2012, and have been focusing on DevOps since 2015.
*Coder*, long time *hacker* and infosec pro, into *exploit dev* and *security tool development*. I love everything computers, and I love to help people figure out how to do what they need to do in tech!
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Apache Configuration projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Apache Configuration project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Apache Configuration request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Apache Configuration developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Apache Configuration developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Apache Configuration developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Apache Configuration developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Apache Configuration developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Apache Configuration project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.
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