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Top freelance Functions developers available to hire

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Freelance Functions Developer - Bryan Mayor
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (233 reviews)

NYC based developer with 16+ years of experience (independent freelancing, at Fortune 500s and at small startups). Languages include PHP, Javascript, Python, and Java. I have framework experience with Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, and Vue. Always up for a challenge, whether it's new development or tracking down a bug. I enjoy overall architecture as much as getting into the finer details.

Freelance Functions Developer - Nishant
Freelance Functions Developer4.7 (69 reviews)

I am an IT professional with over 16 years of experience. My primary skills are C/ C++ programming and database/SQL I offer lessons in the following - - C Programming - C++ Programming - SQL and database - MS Excel, VBA - Other applications - after understanding the requirements through a discussions Teaching is my passion and I love it. I ensure the subject matter content and the knowledge transfer will be seamless.

Freelance Functions Developer - Surbhi Garg
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (202 reviews)

I am a software engineer with 10+ years of experience using technologies such as Python, Javascript and Java. I have led development of various e-commerce websites and also worked with AI/ML projects. I have worked with multi-national companies. I recently accelerated to top 5 finalists in Microsoft Women Hackathon. I graduated (with Honors, course topper) in Information Systems from my country's most prestigious college BITS Pilani. I also have online tutoring experience, teaching students of all levels ranging from Kindergarten to University and professionals. I also volunteered to mentor in many non-profit organizations.

Freelance Functions Developer - Douglas Vann
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (98 reviews)

I TEACH & DEVELOP Drupal! For many years now, I've been helping institutions of Higher Education, State & Federal Governments, & Private Companies to leverage Drupal solutions. Training, Consulting, & Developing Drupal is all I do, and I do it a lot! NASA, The US Federal Court, Highlights Magazine for Children, The Ohio State University, Cal State, A.C.T. & many others have counted on me to deliver Drupal in a practical and engaging way. Whether onsite or remote, let me help you get where you want to be in your Drupal adventure. BIO I entered Geekdom as a fifth grader in 1983 with a Commodore 64 & a 300baud connection to CompuServe. 31 years later I started the Indiana Drupal Users Group & develop websites in Drupal and teach Drupal full-time. Catch my blog at www.DougVann.com. Google "Drupal Song," and you're likely to find a few videos of me, jamming on the guitar, unabashedly proclaiming my passion for Drupal! My love for learning and experimenting in Drupal is overshadowed only by my love to teach and evangelize it. I have presented in Minneapolis, Toronto, Indianapolis, Ohio LinuxFest, DoItWithDrupal, and DrupalCamps in New York City, Madison, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Charlotte, Chicago, Orlando, Nashville, Chattanooga, Denver, etc. You can often find me on the FREENODE IRC Network in Drupal-support helping people get through the learning curve of Drupal. I reside in Indianapolis, Indiana with my wife of 18 years, & our 4 children. Specialties: Individual training, Corporate training, Module development, Project discovery, Information architecture, Site Development. Being a good geek is not enough in this high-tech era. I understand that technology means business & business means money. Wether I'm training you, building your project for you, or building your project with you, I understand that you have expectations that the final product will deliver solutions and positively impact your business. I make sure that happens.

Freelance Functions Developer - John Opaluwa
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (19 reviews)

I am a software engineer with about 5 years experience. I usually turn customer requirements into code. I have most of my strength in the frontend and also do some routine backend work. For frontend I use angular. Ngrx and rxjs also completes my frontend tool sets. For backend development I use nestJs. I also have some experience with R and matlab. During my university days I worked quite a lot in this field.

Freelance Functions Developer - Jacob Heater
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (9 reviews)

GitHub Repository: http://github.com/jacobheater I am an engaging individual with a strong passion for software architecture. I have excellent interpersonal skills, and communicate well in both oral and written forms. I am a natural leader and have experience in leading a team of developers, client presentations, meetings, and exhibit good leadership characteristics. I have software architecture experience in small and enterprise level applications, and am highly experienced in the SDLC process. I enjoy working in a team setting, in fast-paced environments and leading a team to success. I believe that writing high-quality code is a must, not a nice-to-have, and I enjoy mentoring developers and learning from other people. I am highly skilled in multiple programming languages and platforms. Please see a high-level list below. --Microsoft .NET: C#, WCF, SignalR, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, WPF, VB, LINQ, ASP.NET MVC/WebForms, Team Foundation Sever (TFS), Windows Forms, Desktop Applications. --Java Proficiency in the Java programming language. --JavaScript Node.js, AngularJS, Knockout, Underscore, SignalR JavaScript client, jQuery and jQuery plugins (authoring), ExoTools.js (author/creator), Vanilla JavaScript, Three.js, D3.js --Responsive Web Design Twitter Boostrap --Web Standards HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebRTC --Mobile Android, Sencha Touch, PhoneGap/Steroids, Apache Cordova, Xamarin --Python I have an intermediate understanding of the Python language. I have written several Python scripts for production environments.

Freelance Functions Developer - Teodor Savov
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (7 reviews)

I graduated the American University in Bulgaria in 2016 with a double major in Computer Science and Information Systems. In early 2016 I became one of the co-founders of Centroida, where we designed and built Central Property - a complete cross-platform solution for property managers. I have 3+ years of experience with Microsoft.NET and MS SQL - including Entity Framework, .NET MVC, and .NET Web API. I have designed and implemented the entire back-end structure of numerous projects, including Central Property, using the aforementioned technologies. I also have experience with back-end Node.js, AWS (Lambda, S3, Route 53, DynamoDB etc.), having developed several infrastructures for products working with big data. As hobby projects, I like creating simple games - both multiplayer browser games and stand-alone indie games.

Freelance Functions Developer - Pablo M.
Freelance Functions Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

I learned my first programming language at six on an Apple ][ and sold my first commercial application at sixteen. I though myself C including pointers when I was a teenager by reading the K&R book. These days I code mostly in Javascript, Swift, Java and some Python but in the past I have written programs in Assembler, all C flavors including Objective-C, Scheme, Perl, bash and PL/SQL among others. In short, I have been around the block and I can help you understand and share insights that only many years of experience bring.

Freelance Functions Developer - Sy Dyat
Freelance Functions Developer4.9 (10 reviews)

Greetings! I work as a professional mentor as a web dev bootcamp in Vancouver, BC called Lighthouse Labs, where I teach students about programming, web development, problem solving, UX/UI and anything else they need help with, one-on-one, in groups, and remotely. I also conduct practice tech interviews with the students - ensuring they are prepared for the kind of questions and format they might expect from a real tech interview, perform code and UX/UI reviews, evaluate projects and actively contribute to the curriculum. I've received praise from students, instructors, administrative staff and fellow mentors for my friendly and helpful demeanour, patience with students of all levels, ability to break concepts down to a level as basic as an individual student needs, tendency to commiserate with and relate to their struggles and frustrations, thoughtful and comprehensive feedback on code reviews and tech interviews, willingness to go above and beyond to help students, often staying late to ensure everybody has been taken care of and coming in on my off days or mentoring remotely when the mentors are understaffed, and of course for my knowledge and skill - particularly in UX/UI and front end design and development (HTML5, CSS3, SASS, jQuery, AJAX), Javascript (client and server-side with Node and Express), Ruby/Rails, full-scale project design (data modelling, information architecture etc), and conceptual explanations/examples. I have experience with a variety of other languages/platforms/frameworks - Objective-C/iOS development, Java, C++, some PHP, SQL, Angular.js, Bootstrap, Foundation - as well as OOP, imperative and functional programming, and concepts like recursion, complexity, algorithm design, closures, callbacks, and other concepts that regularly stump students. On my to learn/improve on list are React/Redux, Swift, Scala, Python, ES2016+ additions like async/await, and ever-strengthening my existing skills and improving my knowledge, and further developing my expertise in UX/UI design and pushing the boundaries of frontend development as far as I can.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Functions projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Functions project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Functions request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Functions developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Functions developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Functions developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Functions developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Functions developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Functions project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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