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Top freelance Alamofire developers available to hire

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Freelance Alamofire Developer - Jorge R Ovalle Z
Freelance Alamofire Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

My first approach with iOS was in 2011 when I developed my first application. After that, I worked as a freelancer for some years. It was until Apple released Swift when I became an iOS developer. It has been six years, and I have worked with very well know brands and applications that are being used by millions of people.

Freelance Alamofire Developer - Andrew Halls
Freelance Alamofire Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

I've been developing iOS apps since the iOS 3.0 days. I'm fully engaged in Swift but still can grok a bit of Objective-C. I love sharing my long experience in the software and startup world with students as I help them take on specific challenges. I help people build mobile apps for the iPhone and all the other great platforms. By Apple putting a mobile phone on the wrist with Apple Watch Series 3, I think there will be a real push for watch apps and deeper integrations into the platform with Siri and other App extensions.

Freelance Alamofire Developer - Marcin Zbijowski
Freelance Alamofire Developer5.0 (2 reviews)

I'm a developer with vast experience in various technologies and industries. I started as PHP developer, moved into iOS (Objective-C, Swift) development and now I'm enjoying frontend technologies like React, Angular or Typescript I have over 18 years of software development experience, while I'm always up for new challenges and keen to learn new things. I have "can do" attitude and I try to apply it in both professional and private life.

Freelance Alamofire Developer - Chris Budro
Freelance Alamofire Developer

I'm an iOS developer with a serious obsession with efficiency. No matter what it is, there's a better way to do anything, and I'm always in search of it. I am proficient in both Objective-C and Swift. Although iOS is definitely my focus and the platform on which I'm most proficient, I love learning new things and consider it a necessity for my own happiness. I have experience working with Java, JavaScript, Node.js and I've also done some work in Python. I have a Bachelor's degree in music production and engineering which has given me plenty of experience with project management. In my free time I love the outdoors especially when I can combine it with my love for travel. I'm also obsessed with fly fishing.

Freelance Alamofire Developer - Javier E. Otero
Freelance Alamofire Developer

A Chicago-based digital product development leader dedicated to exploring new frontiers in technology and design guiding teams to create well-crafted innovative initiatives and products across all platforms. I believe in the power of user-informed research to enable the creation of thoughtful experiences through iteration.

Freelance Alamofire Developer - Eliah Snakin
Freelance Alamofire Developer

Through my 7 years of web and mobile development experience I've been mentoring a number of developers, as well as co-organising local dev communities such as CocoaHeadsMSK and Symfoniacs. With CocoaHeads community I've organised the world first Swift Hackathon in Moscow. I love to teach and excited when my experience helps a fellow developer.

Freelance Alamofire Developer - Aashish Tamsya
Freelance Alamofire Developer

Talented mobile engineer helping organizations build a robust & scalable mobile application on iOS and Android

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How to hire a freelance Alamofire developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Alamofire projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Alamofire project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Alamofire request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Alamofire developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Alamofire developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Alamofire developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Alamofire developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Alamofire developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Alamofire project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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