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Top freelance Makefile developers available to hire

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Freelance Makefile Developer - Fernando Pelliccioni
Freelance Makefile Developer5.0 (54 reviews)

Hi! I'm Fernando, a professional systems programmer since 1997. I have another 10 years as an amateur programmer, since I started programming when I was 9 years old, or maybe earlier, because my father is also a programmer. I have a Degree in CS. In recent years I have been involved in the Bitcoin and Blockchain development: I'm a member of the Bitcoin Cash developer committee, contributor of Bitcoin-ABC (main BCH implementation) and the lead developer of Bitprim (BTC, BCH and LTC full-node implementation), both nodes are open-source. I'm a tech blogger and public speaker. I love algorithms, data structures, mathematics, computer architecture and low-level computer stuff. If you want to improve your skills in C++, C#, Bitcoin, blockchain, algorithms, system programming or performance optimizations don't hesitate to get in touch.

Freelance Makefile Developer - Mohammed Essaid MEZERREG
Freelance Makefile Developer

I am a good learner and teacher-ish and most of my learning time is dedicated to programming, development, and related stuff to this field. I am a computer science engineer and I love spending my time solving problems (not always fun but ...). I work full time as a developer and I am managing some projects on the side. I freelance and mentor people from time to time and i spend 10 hours at least doing what I love most ( programming). I am a web developer by heart at the moment, I love JavaScript and Go (I don't know why, perhaps you may take a look at the nanobox.io (nanopack.io) opensource projects, I love these guys and you may love them too). You can find me everywhere, but remember that I am a developer whenever you stumble upon something related to me :)

Freelance Makefile Developer - Muhammad Shahzad Iftikhar
Freelance Makefile Developer

A skilled software engineer with over 6 years of experience in designing and development of software tools with core Java, eclipse-based IDE, C, C++ and shell scripting. As part of my self-learning, I have completed certification for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. Here's brief summary of my expertise: - Core Java development (Versions: 17, 11, 8) - Algorithms/problem solving in Java, C and C++ - Utilities related to C language and System programming. - JUnit tests development. - Eclipse plugins creation using RCP. - Java desktop applications development using SWT and JFace. - C/C++ applications development. - Debugging with GNU Debugger (GDB), DStream and QEMU. - PowerShell and bash shell script writing. - Toolchains handling for Cygwin, MinGW, Arm, AArch64, RISC-V. - Maven for build automation of plugins. - Build system setup and building using Makefile.

Freelance Makefile Developer - Angelo Compagnucci
Freelance Makefile Developer

Really passionate about embedded, I started more than 10 years ago to contribute to the buildroot project. Always interested in complex subjects, I progressed into device drivers, low level programming while building real world products.

Freelance Makefile Developer - J.R. Heisey
Freelance Makefile Developer

**Teaching** Trained customers including first time computer users how to use a complex turnkey system targeting the large scale cabinet manufacturing industry. - Over the phone support to first time computer users of user applications including word processing, spreadsheet and database. **Software Development** - Retired after over 30 years of software development. - Initially self taught since the late 80s. - Received my BSCS 2004 at the age of 44. - Used C++ for twenty years. - Used C++11 for the last 6 years. - Been updating my knowledge of the latest C++ features. - Developed for Windows GUI, system level and kernel driver, Linux user level embedded and bare metal embedded. - Used dozens of libraries and APIs including Telephony, SQL, gRPC / Protobuf, SWIG, etc. - Some Python / Qt work at my last job. - Highly skilled using Visual Studio and Eclipse for project builds and debugging. - Experience with CMake, Docker, gRPC, and Protobuf among dozens of other tools and APIs.

Freelance Makefile Developer - Doug Gale
Freelance Makefile Developer5.0 (350 reviews)

Started programming at age 12 in 1988 on a Commodore VIC-20. Extremely adept at debugging of all kinds, performance optimization, databases, embedded systems, operating systems, networking, testing and automation across a wide variety of languages, APIs and frameworks, high level as React/Typescript and as low level as knowing several CPUs assembly languages and designing microcontroller PCBs. It is way too much to just enumerate. Formerly worked at Microsoft in Windows Protocols and Engines team.

Freelance Makefile Developer - Marek Publicewicz
Freelance Makefile Developer5.0 (261 reviews)

* in 2000 as a founding engineer, I helped to build a local version of [Morningstar.com](http://morningstar.com/) from the idea to IPO and scale the development team from 1 to 10; I've administered Linux & FreeBSD servers, managed a complex PostrgreSQL database, wrote triggers and implemented a custom MVC web application using perl, * in 2005-2010 worked as a senior Java developer for a large international supply chain solutions provider (Syncron - [https://www.syncron.com/](https://www.syncron.com/)); * since 2010 have worked on +100 various consulting projects, using Rails, Python, Django, Flask, PHP, Objective-C, Rust, C++, Typescript, Java, Scala, Odoo and more; clients include Alation (https://www.alation.com/), Lonza (https://www.lonza.com/), Vantage Surgical (https://vantage.healthcare/), FurnitureFinders (https://www.furniturefinders.com/), Tanzle (https://tanzle.com/) * 25 years of software development experience; full-stack, devops but also focused on the product & user experience/value, * I'm based in LA

Freelance Makefile Developer - Azeez Olaniran
Freelance Makefile Developer4.9 (296 reviews)

Hello there, I'm a Software Engineer who enjoys solving problems and writing instructions for the computer, either through team collaboration or independently. I've very fluent in Go, Java, Javascript, I speak other computer languages as well and enjoy learning new ones :)

Freelance Makefile Developer - Akul Mehra
Freelance Makefile Developer5.0 (66 reviews)

Ask me anything :) I'll do my best mentoring you in the fields of Data Science, Machine Learning, Web and Backend Development using Python, Version Control System (Git) and tips to be more productive. I'm a Design Engineer @ASML developing the machines to make smaller chips. I'm a Master's Graduate in Computer Science (Data Science & Technology) and an experienced Python Enthusiast and Web Developer and worked as intern at various startups & companies in Japan and Netherlands. I have been to lot of hackathons, won a few including AngelHack. I'm also an International Speaker @ PyCon HK and PyCon IT.

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How to hire a freelance Makefile developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Makefile projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Makefile project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Makefile request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Makefile developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Makefile developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Makefile developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Makefile developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Makefile developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Makefile project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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