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Top freelance Three.js developers available to hire

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Freelance Three.js Developer - Ligali Farouk
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (96 reviews)

I have experience programming on various cross-platform and web/software development stacks. I love making things and helping people build things. **Disclaimer**: The short durations in my recent experience are a result of a short contract position/role. I am looking to collaborate and work on interesting projects with amazing team members. My preference is on long-term employment or cooperation but open to short-term contracts full of challenges and promising growth.

Freelance Three.js Developer - Augustine Francis
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (37 reviews)

Hello there, I've completed **30+ jobs** and about **82+ sessions** ranging from website and web app development with React, Next.js, Python programming, and Threejs, to Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity. I work in an agile environment and communicate my thoughts and work. I've also maintained a 5.0 Star Review throughout my time at Codementor.

Freelance Three.js Developer - Matthew Spence
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

_Lets create business value, through strategic use of digital technology._ _Actively mentors on Codementor - see reviews - [https://www.codementor.io/@mrspence](https://www.codementor.io/@mrspence)_ I have a wealth of experience with full-stack technologies that have been applied to various products in my career. Having worked closely with the hospitality industry with software, websites, and tools, I've since pivoted for the last 4 years and now lead technology projects at a company named Barr Media. I have a patient and easy-going attitude, perfectly willing to explain in as little or as much detail as you need. Together we can solve your technical problems. _(freelancer, who can bring in a wider team when suitable)._

Freelance Three.js Developer - Oren Rozen
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (6 reviews)

I am a senior software engineer with 14 years of experience in developing scalable, high-performance solutions. My expertise spans multiple programming languages and technologies, with a strong focus on Nix-based development, functional programming, and systems integration. I have a proven track record in leading projects that improve workflow efficiency and reliability, particularly in environments utilizing advanced Linux tooling and cross-compilation. My work includes designing and maintaining complex applications, from CAD routines for civil engineering to 3D drill hole design solutions for mining. Additionally, I am experienced in building robust integrations for business systems, crafting APIs, and creating automation solutions for enhanced data accessibility. Skilled in collaboration, I also mentor teams on best practices and code quality, fostering a high standard in every project.

Freelance Three.js Developer - Santiago Forero Molano
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (151 reviews)

I'm a senior full stack developer, entrepreneur & consultant. ------------------------------------------------------------- I like solving challenges using modern web technologies & creative thinking. I design, implement & deliver high quality user experiences. I like to build beautiful interfaces that are simple, clean and easy to use; along with information systems that are modular, easy to maintain and optimized for the relevant use cases. Take a look at some of the projects i've worked on below.

Freelance Three.js Developer - Daniel Downes
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

Throughout my career, I have enjoyed tackling the technical and design challenges that come with crafting quality, maintainable, and reusable code. As a lead developer, I take pride in mentoring my peers and positively impacting both the company and its individuals. I have played a critical role in guiding projects from inception through delivery and onto continuous development. My goal is to drive projects that align with client visions while providing an agile roadmap for implementation. I have applied my leadership skills across multiple teams in high-velocity startups, as well as in highly structured departments of large organizations. This diverse experience has strengthened my ability to quickly adapt and thrive in new environments. My expertise in technical problem solving spans various industries, including health, education, energy, defence, and manufacturing. I excel at quickly grasping domain knowledge and applying my skills to discover multiple technical use cases tailored to the target domain. In my most recent role I served as the primary technical point of contact between stakeholders and teams. As the first technical member of the team, I established foundational working practices, procedures, and software architecture. I believe that fostering a culture rooted in agile methodologies is key to building a strong and motivated team. As we are in tech revolution, its important to highlight how AI LLM are changing how software is developed. My qualifications included machine learning courses and developers are finding new ways to develop faster and better software using tooling workflow. I have experience in generating neural networks, implementing LLM API, and using on edge AI libraries. Like many developers I am striving to keep on top of advancements by trying latest LLM locally, and keep an eye on the latest research papers. I am invested in leveraging this new tooling as it becomes more generally available.

Freelance Three.js Developer - Alexandre Martins
Freelance Three.js Developer

I'm a developer with 15+ years of experience and with a strong computer science background. I've been involved in projects related to web development, game development, virtual and augmented reality, and computer vision. I've contributed to, and I also lead open-source projects, including: * **encantar.js:** GPU-accelerated Augmented Reality for the web * **speedy-vision.js:** GPU-accelerated Computer Vision for JavaScript

Freelance Three.js Developer - Akhator Itua
Freelance Three.js Developer

I am a frontend engineer with 5 years of experience building extensible and efficient software. I have a knack for pixel-perfect design and design. I am more interested in how our user interact with the platform and how efficient user workflow should be.

Freelance Three.js Developer - smartcaveman
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (288 reviews)

Freelance Three.js Developer - Bartek Banachewicz
Freelance Three.js Developer5.0 (167 reviews)

IMPORTANT: If you want to contact me, and your timezone is significantly different, feel free to just open a session request during my timezone evenings (after 8pm till midnight). I've noticed that figuring out the request details via chat is extremely cumbersome. I'm a professional developer working on Application Performance Management in Dynatrace; currently stationed in Gdynia, Poland. I've done a number of jobs in the past, including Graphics Driver development at Intel, Game Development at Huuuge Games and other, potentially unrelated things. I've started programming wanting to be a game developer, so there's a huge chance I can help you with your C++ game project. I also know my ways around the low-level parts of C and C++. Right now my main focus at work is Node.js, so if you have some questions about that, ask away. I also did a fair share of weird front-end experiments, so Three.js, WebGL and stuff like WebWorkers don't scare me. And finally, if you need some tips about Haskell or functional programming in general, that's my personal hobby area. In general, don't hesitate to ask, as I always try to get the feeling for your problem so that we both end up satisfied!

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How to hire a freelance Three.js developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Three.js projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Three.js project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Three.js request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Three.js developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Three.js developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Three.js developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Three.js developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Three.js developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Three.js project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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