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Top freelance Dropwizard developers available to hire

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Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Iván Pondal
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

Iván is a problem solver and facilitator with a range of software development skills, including React, Next.js and Spring, which enable him to solve and materialize clients' needs efficiently. He is a full-stack developer empowered by a strong expertise in API and microservice development. Leveraging his computer science background and endless curiosity, he balances battle-tested solutions with the latest technical advances, delivering clients an industry-grade solid and scalable product.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Syed Absar Ahmad
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (25 reviews)

Hello, Currently I am working as a Lead Engineer in an organization which is an industry leader in its domain. I have worked in the full stack role throughout my career. I love technology and try to keep myself up to date with the latest.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Yurii Rashkovskii
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (20 reviews)

I am a software engineer and a startup entrepreneur with depth and breadth of experience. I am currently heavily involved in [building *Postgres* extensions](https://github.com/omnigres/omnigres), so I am happy to help you figure out issues with Postgres. Besides that, I am proficient in Rust, C, Go and a bunch of other languages, technologies as well as frameworks, having used a broad selection of those over the past decades.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Gurdeep Singh
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

* I have worked in Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud team. * I have worked on production level **Load balancer** building. * Knowledge of java and its frameworks. * Worked on Containerization of applications.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Konstantin Yegupov
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (8 reviews)

Professional Software Developer since 2005 (and been excited to build software since 1991). I specialize in web applications and backend services, although I also dabbled in frontend development, data science and signal processing. After working for small companies, I have learned to produce quick and efficient prototypes from not-exactly-clear requirements. After working for big companies (Google etc), I now have a passion for developing clear, reliable and highly maintanable solutions. I also excel at debugging and solving extremely complicated issues that arise in big production systems. I'm great with Python, Java, JavaScript and Go - and I'm also a quick learner, constantly adding new technologies to my tool belt.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Bala Lakshmi
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

Hi! I have been working as a Software Engineer for over 7 years and I have used various technologies over the time. My expertise is in backend development using Java, C# .net. I love distributed systems, designing systems and database. I always advocate good coding and design practices and keep learning more about them. I like exploring everything in tech and I have explored quite a bit on ML as well. I like to build small tools, scripts that can help eliminate redundant work

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - ohadbp
Freelance Dropwizard Developer5.0 (2 reviews)

Senior architect & software engineer, currently work as VP RnD at a new startup. Coding is my passion, i been doing it for the last 8 years both as developer and later as team leader. Expert in cutting edge technologies, both server side and frontend side - for the last 3 months learning the mobile world in my new role.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Ishan Khanna
Freelance Dropwizard Developer4.9 (8 reviews)

"Ishan is where the tech is" defines me precisely. I am a passionate product enthusiast and an open source evangelist who loves hacking at Hackathons and speaking at conferences. Being an avid hackathon lover-thinker-innovator, I won 1st Prize at PolicyHack by EPOD at Harvard University and 2nd Prize at HackCancer by EPIC @ Boston University. As an active contributor in the Mifos community, I was invited as a speaker at Global Mifos Summit in Sharjah, UAE (March, 2015) and chosen as a delegate for Mifos at GSOC Reunion in California, USA (October, 2014). I've also attended PennApss XII, the world's largest collegiate invite-only Hackathon hosted by University of Pennsylvania (September, 2015). I successfully graduated as a Google Summer of Code Intern in 2014 under Mifos and in 2015 under XMPP Standards Foundation. Recently started working as an Android Engineer at Booking.com in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Also work as a contributor and mentor for the Android Projects at Mifos Initiative, an Open Source Micro Finance Platform. I mostly write Java in my day-to-day adventures with Android SDK. But I love scripting and automation so I also keep delving into Shell and Python. I have sound working knowledge of full stack web development environment, from setup to scale.

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Gaurav Gupta
Freelance Dropwizard Developer4.9 (35 reviews)

Hi, Gaurav here, working as an SDE-3 in a startup(Licious) in India. Before that worked with Flipkart for 4+ years and with Razorpay for some time. Had a good experience with data structure and algorithms. Worked mostly with java in professional life with different frameworks like Dropwizard, spring. Have a good knowledge of c, c++, object-oriented programming

Freelance Dropwizard Developer - Dominik Heine
Freelance Dropwizard Developer

I have a Masters degree in Machine Learning, Data Mining and High Performance Computing (University of Bristol, UK). I have been working in software development for nearly a decade in various domains from travel to education to banking, but one thing has not changed: Software development has always been an incredible tool to transform ideas into reality, which is why I am excited to pay that skill forward.

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How to hire a freelance Dropwizard developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Dropwizard projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Dropwizard project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Dropwizard request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Dropwizard developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Dropwizard developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Dropwizard developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Dropwizard developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Dropwizard developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Dropwizard project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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