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I'm an experienced software developer that worked on a wide range of projects:
* frontend development in Angular/AngularJS,
* CI/CD set up in GitLab and GitHub Actions,
* Next.js websites.
**Automation Tools:** Selenium WebDriver with Core Java, Selenium with C#, Selenium with JS, Cypress,WebDriverIo, Playwright, Appium,Swtbot, etc
**Languages:** Java, C#, Javascript, Python
**Framework Used:** Page Object Model / Data Driven Framework/Keyword Framework, Cucumber(BDD), Jasmine, Robot framework, Specflow, Mocha
**Mobile Automation:** Appium for Android and Ios Automation, WebDriverIo for Android automation only, etc
**API and SQL Automation:** Java with JDBC, JS with mysql library, Cypress, postgres automation, etc
**Unit Testing Framework:** TestNG, JUnit, NUnit
**IDE Used:** Eclipse, IntelliJ, VSCode, Visual Studio IDE, Pycharm, etc
**IDE automation:** Eclipse with swtbot, VSC with vsc-native-tester, IntelliJ with Java robot framework
**Build Tool:** MAVEN, Gradle, Ant
**Project / Defect Management Tool:** JIRA, Kanban,github, TestRail, ontestpad, Mantis, ASANA,Trello,BaseCamp,Redmine
**Report:** TestNg Default, ReportNG, Extent Report, Allure Report& variousHTML reports
**Version Control:** Git (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket)
**CI Tool:** Jenkins, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/CD
**Software Testing/QA:** Regression Testing, Smoke Testing, Health Check, Functional Testing, Database Testing, Api Testing using Postman, Bug Life Cycle & Testing life cycle
• Designed and implemented different automation frameworks from scratch like Page Objects framework, Keyword Driven framework, Data Driven framework and Hybrid framework for a number of projects
• Have hands on experience on different flavors of Selenium like Selenium Web Driver with Java, C#, Python.
• Have hands on variety of TDD & BDD testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, XUnit, Mstest, Specflow, Cucumber, Pytest, Nose etc.
• Have hands on experience on Cypress with TS or JS, Cypress for API Testing, Cypresss with Cucumber.
• Have hands on experience with API Testing, with postman or programatically using REST Assured, RestSharp, Mocha-axios, etc.
• Have hands on experience with IDE Automation like Eclipse with swtbot, VSCode with Vscode-extension-tester, Intellij with Robot framework
• Have hands on experience with Mobile App testing with Appium & Java
• Good Knowledge of different tools like Git, Jenkins, SQL, MySQL, etc
• Have a good knowledge of applications from various domain like, E-Commerce, AI based Job Portal, Telecom, Warehouse Management Domain, Content Processing application (OLIVE SOFTWARE), Health Care that makes me comfortable understanding the business and functional requirements of system.
• CRM based application : Microsoft Dynamics 365, Magento, Salesforce
• Extensively involved in preparing Test Scenarios & Test Cases from Requirement docs, Use Cases & KT's.
• Defect reporting using various bug reporting tool and Involved in the defect review meetings.
• Good exposure to Bug Life Cycle.
• Accurate, efficient & methodical in handling assigned tasks. Possess excellent numerical, problem-solving & analytical abilities.
• Have hands on writing End to End Scenarios/Business logic cases, Test plan, etc. and have performed Smoke Testing, Regression Testing, Comprehensive testing, Acceptance Testing.
Professional computer engineer working mainly as a Python developer. My career spans Linux Systems administration to Python software engineering and automation to predictive machine learning. Masters Degree in Data Analytics, with 5 years experience in Machine Learning. Deep interest in artificial intelligence, semantic web technologies and graph databases.
I have experience as both a front-end developer and a full-stack developer. I've also worked as a technical team lead, and a software engineering manager. My areas that I currently focus on teaching for are React, DevOps, Cypress, and Spring Boot.
Have also done a few thousand hours of tutoring over the past 11 years, mostly for software development.
I'm conscious of keeping people from feeling overwhelmed or lost.
I meet you where you are in your current skill level. When we work together, the learning is enjoyable and empowering.
Mentorship? Debugging? Code Reviews? Interview Practice? Happy to help!
**Book a Codementor appointment with me by visiting**
I grew up watching my dad doing programming, and as soon as I was old enough to type, I started programming myself. I get immense satisfaction from the process of digital creation, and love to help others improve their software engineering craft.
Hey there! I've been a Ruby on Rails developer since 2010 involved with many different configurations and setups including Ruby 1.8.7-2.2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DataMapper, Rails 2.3-4.1, jQuery/CoffeeScript, CSS/SCSS/Bootstrap/Foundation, and Sinatra. From there, I made a shift from that and for the past two years I've been an AngularJS developer as well, recently switching to Angular 2. In that time I've simultaneously been building my mobile skills with iOS using both Swift and Objective-C. I remember how tough it was getting started in the web dev and mobile scenes and always appreciated those who guided me to becoming the developer I am today. Now, I would love to do the same for you as I help you learn best practices and "get over the hump" of difficult concepts, or move forward with that feature or bug you're stuck on. At the same time I would love to empower you with resources and debugging techniques so I not only "give a man (or woman) a fish", but more importantly teach you to fish also. I look forward to getting to know you and helping you become the developer you want to be. Heck, we might even have some fun doing it!
OPEN to donating hours for COVID-19 related work.
I am a software developer and generalist who is in love with Python language and community.
I greatly value clean and maintainable code, great software, but I know when I need to be a perfectionist and when it stands in a way of product delivery.
I like to break things, to find new ways to break things, to solve hard problems, to put things under test and stress, and to have my mind blown by an interesting question.
Some of my interests: Learning, Productivity, AI, Space Exploration, Internet of Things.
Smart Technology Entrepreneur - Specializing in integration and applications of Machine Learning, NLP and Artificial Intelligence. Over a decade of experience in Application Design and Implementation.
Co-Founder/Managing Director of WiseYak Solutions Pvt. Ltd. ( - A smart technology company focused on application of AI, machine learning and analytics in Healthcare and language translation.
Over 4+ years of experience as chief software architect - helped EAI Infosys - A beaverton, OR, USA based financial tech provider - to introduce two flagship products.
I believe we can achieve anything we set our minds to - through dedication of time and effort - and I believe growth (personal and professional) happens from learning - through new challenges or failures or through successes.
As a software engineer, I bring technical innovation as well as leading mentorship for the client. I am a hands on software engineer and architect, I apply a diverse skill-set across various platforms and languages that I have gained in my career. As a developer, I set overall technical & architectura goals and drive fbest pracices and implementation as well.
Howdy Folks!
I'm a Senior Front-end Engineer & Tester with over 15 years professional experience, both at large companies and small. I've worked on a variety of websites, including both small-business sites and large, enterprise-level domains.
I'm a member of the Technical Steering Committee for WebdriverIO, and open-source test automation framework. I've also written a book on Web App Testing that's available here:
I also run a YouTube channel covering Front-end Testing:
In my free-time, when I'm not playing with my kids, I dabble in tabletop gaming, piano and gardening. And I'm addicted to disc golf.
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Protractor projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Protractor project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Protractor request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Protractor developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Protractor developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Protractor developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Protractor developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Protractor developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Protractor project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.