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Top freelance TestNG developers available to hire

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Freelance TestNG Developer - Chris Topinka
Freelance TestNG Developer

Experience in Healthcare, Fintech and other sectors. Full Stack developer, Cloud DevOps experience and Web Services developer. Enjoy working with data and creating services that are discoverable and allow data access through secure, scalable integrations. Shift left, test first mindset.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Ashish Jaishwal (QA Test Automation)
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (89 reviews)

**Automation Tools:** Selenium WebDriver with Core Java, Selenium with C#, Selenium with JS, Cypress,WebDriverIo, Playwright, Appium,Swtbot, etc **Languages:** Java, C#, Javascript, Python **Framework Used:** Page Object Model / Data Driven Framework/Keyword Framework, Cucumber(BDD), Jasmine, Robot framework, Specflow, Mocha **Mobile Automation:** Appium for Android and Ios Automation, WebDriverIo for Android automation only, etc **API and SQL Automation:** Java with JDBC, JS with mysql library, Cypress, postgres automation, etc **Unit Testing Framework:** TestNG, JUnit, NUnit **IDE Used:** Eclipse, IntelliJ, VSCode, Visual Studio IDE, Pycharm, etc **IDE automation:** Eclipse with swtbot, VSC with vsc-native-tester, IntelliJ with Java robot framework **Build Tool:** MAVEN, Gradle, Ant **Project / Defect Management Tool:** JIRA, Kanban,github, TestRail, ontestpad, Mantis, ASANA,Trello,BaseCamp,Redmine **Report:** TestNg Default, ReportNG, Extent Report, Allure Report& variousHTML reports **Version Control:** Git (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket) **CI Tool:** Jenkins, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/CD **Software Testing/QA:** Regression Testing, Smoke Testing, Health Check, Functional Testing, Database Testing, Api Testing using Postman, Bug Life Cycle & Testing life cycle **TEST AUTOMATION** • Designed and implemented different automation frameworks from scratch like Page Objects framework, Keyword Driven framework, Data Driven framework and Hybrid framework for a number of projects • Have hands on experience on different flavors of Selenium like Selenium Web Driver with Java, C#, Python. • Have hands on variety of TDD & BDD testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, XUnit, Mstest, Specflow, Cucumber, Pytest, Nose etc. • Have hands on experience on Cypress with TS or JS, Cypress for API Testing, Cypresss with Cucumber. • Have hands on experience with API Testing, with postman or programatically using REST Assured, RestSharp, Mocha-axios, etc. • Have hands on experience with IDE Automation like Eclipse with swtbot, VSCode with Vscode-extension-tester, Intellij with Robot framework • Have hands on experience with Mobile App testing with Appium & Java • Good Knowledge of different tools like Git, Jenkins, SQL, MySQL, etc **MANUAL TESTING** • Have a good knowledge of applications from various domain like, E-Commerce, AI based Job Portal, Telecom, Warehouse Management Domain, Content Processing application (OLIVE SOFTWARE), Health Care that makes me comfortable understanding the business and functional requirements of system. • CRM based application : Microsoft Dynamics 365, Magento, Salesforce • Extensively involved in preparing Test Scenarios & Test Cases from Requirement docs, Use Cases & KT's. • Defect reporting using various bug reporting tool and Involved in the defect review meetings. • Good exposure to Bug Life Cycle. • Accurate, efficient & methodical in handling assigned tasks. Possess excellent numerical, problem-solving & analytical abilities. • Have hands on writing End to End Scenarios/Business logic cases, Test plan, etc. and have performed Smoke Testing, Regression Testing, Comprehensive testing, Acceptance Testing.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Nicolas Pohle
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

As a Sr. Test Automation Engineer and Technical Lead with about 10 years of experience in the IT scene, I have a deep understanding of Quality Assurance, Back-End Programming, and Continuous Testing. With my expertise in designing and implementing sophisticated testing frameworks, I am skilled in both manual and automated testing and have a keen eye for identifying areas for improvement and optimization. Above all, I am passionate about empowering individuals to succeed and creating a culture of excellence and innovation, where Continuous Testing is integrated into every stage of the agile software development lifecycle. I've been lucky enough to work for several enterprise-level clients in a wide diversity of domains, including entertainment, banking, finance, and e-commerce. Top quality is always expected, and keeping up with trends is a must.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Ayush Goel
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (6 reviews)

I am eager to share my decade of expertise in software testing and development as a Codementor. With significant experience in automation and manual testing, I aim to guide aspiring developers and testers. Certified in ISTQB and experienced in leading teams and developing testing frameworks, I find joy in elevating others’ skills. Joining Codementor allows me to extend this mentorship globally, helping professionals enhance their abilities and meet industry standards

Freelance TestNG Developer - Hemanth Kumar
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

Lead Tester with 9 years of experience in Test Automation, API Testing, UI Automation, Mobile Apps Test Automation, and Performance Testing and Engineering. Core expertise in Test Engineering, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, E2E Automation, CICD setups of Automation, Reporting tools development.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Charles Daniels
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

The day my father first brought home a computer many years ago, I was hooked! I've been coding ever since. That was back in the day when I had to save my files on a cassette tape, before the "Mac" was even a thing. I still continue to learn, and my passion for learning is matched only by my passion for sharing my knowledge with others.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Marcin Piczkowski
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

My primary experience is in backend development with Java technology stack. I architected, developed and implemented web applications and automated Continuous Integration and Delivery for commercial products. My secondary experience is in Node.js and it is gaining more of my interest recently. Especially serverless applications on AWS. I have also basic experience in creating frontend applications using AngularJS, Bootstrap and React.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Adeyinka Alabi
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

Hi, I am Adeyinka but you can call me Yinka for short. I double as a Software Developer and a QA Automation Engineer. I have worked with Andela in Lagos Nigeria for 7+ years and have about 8 years of overall professional experience. I am seeking a position as a QA Automation Engineer with opportunities for problem-solving, planning, and organizing within a dynamic organization, enabling continuous self-improvement and career growth.

Freelance TestNG Developer - Dave Schinkel
Freelance TestNG Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

❓HOW TO HIRE ME https://support.codementor.io/article/xdp8e101cy-how-can-i-schedule-a-session-with-a-mentor Note: If you're not able to see a button to hire me, send me a chat and I'll help. 👾 ABOUT ME =================== Hello! I'm here to mentor you! Code is not always easy. Lets pair and learn! When you pair with me I will be a patient mentor, friendly, and not here to judge. Yes I can help you with React TDD! Yes I can help you with building Node Web API TDD! I have over 20 years experience coding. Over 9 years of practicing disciplined TDD on React, Node, JavaScript, C#, Java I've coached teams on it as well. I enjoy mentoring and sharing my knowledge with others and would love to help you learn JS, React, Node and TDD! While I do TDD, I don't mind helping you add tests after as well to get your feet wet in terms of just general unit tests. So don't be afraid to ask me for any type of unit testing help. I've coached teams at Ford and several other companies on Extreme Programming which includes Test Driven Development, Clean Code, Domain Driven Development, etc. ⭐️ ⭐️ MAIN SERVICES ⭐️⭐️ ==================== - I can teach you Test Driven Development - I can help you refactor your codebase - I can teach you about how to apply Clean Code on your codebase - I can help you unstrangle that messy codebase and get some tests around it Note: I will not help with Cypress, it's garbage. I can actually help you learn how to test better, Cypress is actually not the best route to go and I'll teach you why. I can help you with React Testing Library and writing lower level unit tests and other types of integration tests. I can help you with test doubles as well. 💼 WHERE I WORK =============== I currently work for Industrial Logic. A group of legendary coaches and coders who teach Agility and Extreme Programming. Many of these folks were part of the original Extreme Programming movement back in early 2000s. Check them out here: https://www.industriallogic.com 💥 MY SITES ========== My Main Site: WeDoTDD.com (I've coded this all with TDD, React, etc) Also run TDD TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRBjSlxIlt5URzgHSGhHQA Also run Dimecasts on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSpCNq22KHTKv736UcCkuKw https://www.linkedin.com/in/daveschinkel https://twitter.com/DaveSchinkel https://twitter.com/WeDoTDD https://twitter.com/DimeCastsDotNet Test After Does Not Work. It’s backwards ================================== It's to the point but it's true. Don’t believe me? Try it. Most teams have only to dream of a day that they can benefit from tests... but they try as hard as they can to make test after work..they insist on going that route and they usually always fail with that approach. There are very good reasons why this will not work. I will explain this to you as I mentor. You'll forever be trying to catch up and when you try, you'll find you can't test your app because you had no design pressure to keep things small an decoupled and you'll say "Oh now I have to refactor to test, for get it". TDD is the opposite; you don't end up in this predicament. But more important than code coverage is that It guides you and puts design pressure on your code as you code. It aids you and it's a workflow that gives you confidence every step of the way. 💰 Pricing ====== What I have set per my rate is where it will stay. I don't negotiate the set rate anymore. My expertise in TDD especially in ReactJS and Node is rare and took a lot of years to develop. I do a couple things to help you out: 15 min free session starting out. I also will reach out to you via chat to gather some initial information on what you're needing help on to help prep for the session. 🌟 See an example of one of my sessions ================================ Want to know what it's like to be mentored by me? Check out this small segment of a 1 hour mentoring session I did with someone who wanted advice on how to improve their tests, how to refactor some of their code to make it testable, etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4v045UDUAg 👤 Are you one of these people?: ======================== - new to unit testing? - a seasoned unit tester who still needs help? - looking to learn ATDD/TDD (Test Driven Development)? - wish to learn how to take a story and use that as a basis to test drive a feature? - want to learn clean code practices? - want to learn how to refactor tests and production code? - need help learning how to test drive React and JS - need help learning how to TDD a backend Node web service via test driven development? I've been doing all of these for quite a long time now. 🤝 Expectations ========== We will treat each other with respect and patience. I'm not here to waste my time for cheapskates looking for quick ways to hack tests. I'm looking for serious developers who want to LEARN how to do TDD the right way. I'm not here to guarantee I'll help you quickly knock out some code. I'm here to help you up your game by learning some really powerful skills such as Clean Code, TDD, and more. But...don't come to me if you're expecting me to do all your homework or knock out all your code fast and then bitch if I don't. I require that when we pair together the entire time I coach you, that it's via Test Driven Development. That means writing test first, before implementation always. It's a workflow that I do not defer from. 📚 How I work with you as a mentor =========================== I like to chat initially for a few minutes in Codementor's IM to see if what you're working on or looking to do and the toolset you're using is something I can help you with. I want to first get a feel for where you are at in your journey to learn TDD. Completely new? Beginner? Intermediate? I know the right questions to ask to gauge that which helps me gauge how I think we should start off in our mentor/mentee pairing sessions. I tailor it based on where you are at. Once we determine we want to move forward,, then I have you pick a time on my schedule. Sometimes I need to add slots to my schedule so if there are none, just ask me to do so. I ask that if you contact me for ReactJS or Node TDD, that you: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - already have the code up on github so you can add me as a collaborator so I can pull down the code. So If it's a private repo I needed to be added to it. There will be no passing code through emails back and fourth...that doesn't even make sense. **Schedule a time with me today!**

Freelance TestNG Developer - Ravi
Freelance TestNG Developer

Seasoned AI/ML Specialist with 16 years of experience, specializing in AI-ML project and product strategy, program management, and quality assurance execution. Focused on developing advanced NLP applications using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and Large Language Models (LLMs). Expertise in AI-ML application development life cycle management, creating robust and scalable solutions. Proven skills in Python backend development and extensive experience in test automation with Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright. ISTQB certified and proficient in Agile methodologies, known for effective collaboration with cross-functional teams.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do TestNG projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance TestNG project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance TestNG request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance TestNG developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for TestNG developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor TestNG developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all TestNG developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing TestNG developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your TestNG project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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