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Top freelance Team collaboration developers available to hire

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Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Parth Waidya
Freelance Team collaboration Developer5.0 (39 reviews)

Built and managed robust and dynamic teams in software engineering, research and development in AI and ML. With a 7-year track record of spearheading technological innovation and driving digital transformation across diverse industries, I demonstrate a unique blend of strategic vision and technical acumen. Adept at aligning technology initiatives with business objectives to foster growth and competitive advantage, I have expertise in leading cross-functional teams, optimizing technology infrastructure, and implementing cutting-edge solutions that enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Proven ability to manage large-scale projects from ideation to execution, ensuring seamless integration and maximum ROI. Exceptional communicator and leader, committed to cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - David Schoutens
Freelance Team collaboration Developer5.0 (33 reviews)
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Full-stack software craftsman and technical leader with over 15 years of experience. Equally adept at system design, programming, technical leadership, mentorship, and business collaboration. Have a wide breadth of technical experience, but specialize in backend API development, relational databases, and web applications. Passionate about simplicity and efficiency. I have worked at over a dozen companies large and small, in a handful of different domains. Also participated in hundreds of interviews, about half-and-half as the interviewer and the interviewee. I have given dozens of talks and training sessions on a variety of topics, mostly focusing on distributed systems, caching, and testing. My top skills are Java, SQL, testing, and refactoring. I have experience with formal academic and professional mentorship, and would love to help you skill up, solve a problem, or just nerd out with you today!

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Avishek Roy Chowdhury
Freelance Team collaboration Developer5.0 (18 reviews)

I'm a software engineer with 12 years of experience in web, real-time, and high-performance cloud computing industries. Specialties: C#, ASP.Net, MVC 5, Web API,Microservices, TDD,BDD,ORM, Web Services,Angular, Re-Sharper, Soap UI, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, and HTML. Pursuing Masters of Data Science from USYD and writing across various mediums.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Yoav Farbey
Freelance Team collaboration Developer

With over 10 years of product management experience, I am passionate about design thinking and customer centricity. I do my best when working with cross functional teams that focus on improving user experience, and return value on the customer’s investment with our products.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Njoh Noh Prince Junior
Freelance Team collaboration Developer

Hello! I'm an accomplished **Frontend Engineer** specializing in crafting intuitive, high-performance web applications. With over **5 years of experience**, I excel in **React**, **Next.js**, **TypeScript**, and **UI/UX design**, helping clients bring their visions to life efficiently and effectively.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - John Simons
Freelance Team collaboration Developer4.9 (25 reviews)

Outdated 2018, updating soon. I am a full stack software engineer and entrepreneur with between 1 and 10 years professional experience working with the technologies listed. Current focus lies in the development of IoT and cross-platform (web,dektop,mobile,IoT) solutions. My areas of expertise are the general syntax and usage of languages. Effective, correct and appropriate use of software design patterns. Defining algorithms. Handling (possibly large) amounts of data effectively and presenting results to the end-user in a clear and timely manner. Designing and managing the infrastructure to drive these results. Working with stakeholders to design, budget, and plan software development projects and their architecture, turning business objectives into measurable goals. Planning for and scaling with growth. Troubleshooting and resolving technical crisises and finding and remediating their root causes. Defining and leading (agile) development processes and monitoring their performance. Measuring, predicting, providing insights into and managing risk factors in software development projects. Experimental projects and research into, analysis of and reporting on new technologies/software development techniques.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Dan
Freelance Team collaboration Developer5.0 (153 reviews)

Self motivated, always willing to learn new technologies and give my best to the team and project. My blogs: [https://www.haccks.com](https://www.haccks.com/) Expert in - **Python, Django Rest Framework**, Data Analytics (**Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib**), C, C++, Linux programming, Shell script, MySQL, AWS and **RaspberryPi**. Software Developer since 2015.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Saurabh Chaturvedi
Freelance Team collaboration Developer5.0 (36 reviews)

## Software Engineer at Gojek Python | Golang | Databases | C++ | Ruby | Data Engineering | Systems Programming | Regular Expressions | Bots | Web Scraping | Containerization I'm a C++ and Python programmer with over 4 years of experience, specializing in backend development and data wrangling. My aim for software I build is to provide significant, real and tangible value to its users. Projects I've built include machine learning classifiers, heuristical SQL error detectors, event management systems, large scale Twitter and Slack bots, FTP, NNTP and email client apps - both CLI-based and GUIs. I've also built games in Pygame and Kivy. The urge to write robust software compels me to learn about new data structures and algorithms - especially optimization ones. I love shaving even microseconds off of a program's runtime! I've explored all programming arenas with Python, but I use C++ (and a bit of Rust) specifically for systems programming.

Freelance Team collaboration Developer - Steven Harman
Freelance Team collaboration Developer5.0 (8 reviews)

I've created and/or maintain a number of Ruby Gems (Grocer, GitTracker, DumbDelegator, pg_search, minimagick) and share a lot of side-project code on GitHub. I've been building the web since the early 2000's and first started using Ruby in 2007. I've helped a number of teams move from SVN/CVS/TFS to Git. I enjoy helping people along the road from "Testing to Test-First to Test-Driven" (http://stevenharman.net/from-testing-to-test-first-to-test-driven).

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How to hire a freelance Team collaboration developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Team collaboration projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Team collaboration project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Team collaboration request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Team collaboration developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Team collaboration developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Team collaboration developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Team collaboration developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Team collaboration developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Team collaboration project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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