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Top freelance Network Programming developers available to hire

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Freelance Network Programming Developer - Nitesh
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (262 reviews)

I have 10 years exp in Python, MySQL, GoLang, Data Science. I have rich experience in developing frameworks in scratch using Pytest and unitest. I am very passionate about coding and having good knowledge of data structures and algorithms

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Josue Soto
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (31 reviews)

Hi there! I'm an Interactive Developer passionate about creating immersive experiences that captivate and inspire. With over 13 years of experience, my journey has taken me through a diverse landscape of Unity3D projects and web-based projects, cutting-edge VR/AR applications, and robust networking solutions. My work is about bringing interactivity to life, whether it’s for gaming, educational platforms, or virtual events. Take a peek at my introduction video to see the range of experiences I've crafted. I'm here not just to build, but to collaborate and guide you through the maze of software development. If you're looking for someone to help you navigate the exciting possibilities of interactive tech, I'd love to chat. **Ready to create something amazing together? Hit the message button!**

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Daniel Downes
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

Throughout my career, I have enjoyed tackling the technical and design challenges that come with crafting quality, maintainable, and reusable code. As a lead developer, I take pride in mentoring my peers and positively impacting both the company and its individuals. I have played a critical role in guiding projects from inception through delivery and onto continuous development. My goal is to drive projects that align with client visions while providing an agile roadmap for implementation. I have applied my leadership skills across multiple teams in high-velocity startups, as well as in highly structured departments of large organizations. This diverse experience has strengthened my ability to quickly adapt and thrive in new environments. My expertise in technical problem solving spans various industries, including health, education, energy, defence, and manufacturing. I excel at quickly grasping domain knowledge and applying my skills to discover multiple technical use cases tailored to the target domain. In my most recent role I served as the primary technical point of contact between stakeholders and teams. As the first technical member of the team, I established foundational working practices, procedures, and software architecture. I believe that fostering a culture rooted in agile methodologies is key to building a strong and motivated team. As we are in tech revolution, its important to highlight how AI LLM are changing how software is developed. My qualifications included machine learning courses and developers are finding new ways to develop faster and better software using tooling workflow. I have experience in generating neural networks, implementing LLM API, and using on edge AI libraries. Like many developers I am striving to keep on top of advancements by trying latest LLM locally, and keep an eye on the latest research papers. I am invested in leveraging this new tooling as it becomes more generally available.

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Aditi Bhatnagar
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

Creating new things, ethical hacking, designing for security and privacy, building exciting stuff renders me immense satisfaction and happiness. A technology enthusiast I love exploring new areas in computer science and keep in touch with the latest tech trends. As much as my love for learning is my love for imparting what I have learned.

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Dato Simó
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (157 reviews)

I studied an MEng in Computer Science in Spain, and moved to Ireland to work at Google as a Site Reliability Engineer for five years. Them I moved in Argentina, to teach in the country’s biggest University. - I have wide experience teaching how to program, and in explaining the foundational concepts of Computer Science. - I can also help delving into more low-level topics like network programming and operating system internals. - Finally, Data Science & Machine Learning is an area of interest, and I can help you in courses that touch these topics. AVAILABILITY: https://hub.flexibits.com/openings/adeosimo-bExY/codementor/

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Amri
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (141 reviews)

Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, and a consultant. Created two tech-based startups and reached profitability. Certified AWS Solutions Architect (Professional) and DevOps (Professional). Only available for AWS and Javascript/NodeJs mentoring/consulting at this time. Personality: ♦ Loves a challenge ♦ Efficient ♦ Enjoys teaching Protocol: ♦ Take your time to explain your issue, I'll ask questions to make sure I understand fully, then we can start ♦ The timer wont start until you are ready and I understand the issue fully ♦ 100% satisfaction guarantee (I really mean it, look at my reviews) ♦ You may give me your request ahead of time so I can prepare a concise session

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Michael Urvan
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (121 reviews)

Being a software developer is more than just learning to program in a computer language. I have been building multiplayer games since 2015, primarily in Unity 3D using Photon Bolt or Photon Fusion (server-authoritative). In the past I have also designed several larger web sites from concept to deployment, some high-profile projects. I have served as a Lead Developer or Senior Developer for years, mentoring other developers and encouraging them to use the latest technologies and best practices. For tutoring, I would focus on teaching patterns, using events, and reusable methods for designing applications and reinforcing the need to stay current as new technologies are released. I can give advice on how to focus your learning efforts to target specific types of development positions, and interviewing advice for finding a position within a software company. I had been a developer in C++ for about 10 years prior to using C# and focused on web technologies, which I have now been doing for another 10 years. While I have primarily been using Unity 3d, Microsoft .NET / C#, I have also utilized VB and VB.NET, touched on Linux/PHP/MySQL from time to time, and worked with the Microsoft SQL Server/Express/CE products for 10+ years. I originally started building a Unity 3D game about 5 years ago, which passed Steam Greenlight and I am currently working on multiple Unity mobile and desktop games. Domain Driven Design is a basis for each of my projects' structure, and I reinforce the need to use best practices when coding. I can also explain SCRUM, which is used by many companies for handling team project management. For Unity 3D multiplayer networking projects I typically work with and recommend Photon Fusion along with PlayFab, PlayFab Matchmaking, and PlayFab Servers. I recommend and use PlayFab in most all of my projects. If your final senior project is a "Concept to POC" type of project where the Proof of Concept is the working software required for a grade ,then I will also teach you to use Azure DevOps with a Git repository to manage the project (or Plastic for Unity projects), and Invision to wireframe your ideas before we begin developing any code. I can help you document the Project Scope, Functional Specs, create Design Documents, and build the presentation for your senior college project. We can build completed projects in a short time, both the user interface and the server components as needed. My focuses are Unity 3D, C#, .NET Core, HTML5 / CSS3, jQuery, Object Relational Mapping (Entity Framework or nHibernate), Microsoft .NET, Web Services, Azure, Photon, PlayFab, SQL Server, SQLite, Cosmos DB.

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Matthew Holden
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (80 reviews)

I'm Matt. I'm an iOS Developer. I worked for three years on an app that scaled to four million users, and was at one time a Top-10 app in the App Store. I love discussing architecture and best practices, and can also help you with all your git questions. I pride myself in making sure my mentees understand the solutions I give them - I get great satisfaction seeing a previously challenging concept "click" for someone.

Freelance Network Programming Developer - Martijn Pieters
Freelance Network Programming Developer5.0 (62 reviews)

I breathe, eat and live software development. I've built software solutions ranging from digital camera movement synchronisation for a TV series production to web applications serving the top tiers of web traffic. Let me find the solution to your problems too. I am also a mentor, I love teaching programming, especially programming with Python. I am ranked #1 on Stack Overflow for answering Python, #9 overall. I love figuring out how someone sees their world, their problems, and then help fill in the gaps. Through mentoring, I accelerate my own constant learning, because there is always something that you want to do better when teaching that knowledge to others! I see programming as art. Code is expression. It needs to have clarity, purpose, elegance and efficiency to communicate well, to execute well. As a result, I produce software of the highest quality, not only functional and tested, but highly readable for future maintainers.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Network Programming projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Network Programming project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Network Programming request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Network Programming developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Network Programming developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Network Programming developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Network Programming developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Network Programming developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Network Programming project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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