Hire the Best Freelance CSS Modules DevelopersHire a Freelance CSS Modules Developer

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Top freelance CSS Modules developers available to hire

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Freelance CSS Modules Developer - jnoweb
Freelance CSS Modules Developer

Frontend/UI Developer with extensive experience crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also have proven expertise in building functional and dynamic front-end applications with React, React Native, and Vue.js. My speciality lies in CSS, where I excel in creating elegant, responsive designs and mentoring others to master its intricacies. Additionally, I’m well-versed in Git—feel free to reach out for collaboration or guidance!

Freelance CSS Modules Developer - Norah Medlin
Freelance CSS Modules Developer4.9 (49 reviews)

Dynamic and articulate Technical Program Manager with over two decades of experience in the Software Development space, primarily serving the Education, Government, and Legal Industries. Intimately familiar with both Proprietary and Open Source Application & Reporting environments, bolstered by a strong background in Network, Server & Security administration. Proven knowledge leader and detailed Systems Design Analyst, offering unique strategy and change management techniques toward significant organizational performance and efficiency improvement gains. Provides collaborative tailor-designed solutions from concept to launch, artfully applying industry Best Practices to boost innovation and facilitate Organic Collaboration and Ideation. Continuous Process and Systems Improvement Specialist seeking creative teams. Over 15 years of experience as a Remote First worker and leader in the [Remote](https://www.remotelyone.com/) workers community. Member of the 2020 [Tulsa Remote](https://www.tulsaremote.com/) Workers Program cohort. In off-time, mentors and administers the [Drupal Developers Club](https://facebook.com/groups/drupaldevclub), engages in the [Drupal Slack](https://drupal.slack.com/) workspace, serves on the leadership team for the yearly [MidCamp](https://www.midcamp.org/) event, acts as the Intern Coordinator for [Drupal 4 Gov](https://drupal4gov.us/), and runs the growing [Digital Career Sandbox](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14421975) community on LinkedIn.

HTML/CSSDrupal ModulesLeadershipSoftware DevelopmentStrategyEvent ManagementDrupalPythonLinuxJavaScriptPHPSQLMySQLGitWordPressDevOpsCommunicationsDesign SystemsWordPress MultisiteGoogle AnalyticsAnalyticsAcceptance TestingShopifyGoogle BigQueryGoogle Cloud PlatformWordpress child themesConfluenceJira/confluenceGatsbyNetlifyTechnical SEOAws iamReact QueryAWSTechnology Strategy & RoadmappingAtlassianScrumProject DefinitionScrum MasterProject EstimationTechnical WritingDrupal 6ComposerTechnical ArchitectureCustomer CareCommunication ProtocolsCommunity managementCommunication SkillsTest AutomationContinuous DeploymentDeployment automationDeployDocker ComposePipelinesGitHub ActionsDevelopment EnvironmentDeveloper ToolsCicd pipelinesRHELMintRed HatDebianUbuntuWordPress Custom ThemesPlugin DevelopmentWordpress custom pluginWordPress Theme CustomizationWordPress E-commerceWordPress OptimizationWordPress SecurityGitLab CI/CDGit flowGitLabGitHubGitHub for MacGithub apiVersion controlInner joinOuter joinGroup byConcatenationJoinsData MigrationSQL Server 2008SQL Server 2012T-SQLMicrosoft SQL ServerDjangoSymfony 2SymfonySymfony 3Symfony 4BootstrapjQueryNode.jsAngularReactBackbone.jsDrupal 7Drupal 8Drupal ViewsDrupal 9Drupal CommerceTestingSoftware DesignSoftware IntegrationSoftware engineerSEO strategyProduct StrategyStrategic Technology PlanningStrategy DevelopmentProject InsightProject RequirementsChange managementTechnical Product ManagementEntrepreneurshipInnovationTeam BuildingTeam CoachingConference OrganizationMentoringCoaching+115
Freelance CSS Modules Developer - Manuel Micu
Freelance CSS Modules Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping other fellow programmers get better at writing clean code, well tested, and have fun while doing it. My past experience with pair programming and code reviews has always been appreciated by the people I work with. Expanding this type of support on Codementor seemed like the perfect extension of this activity.

Freelance CSS Modules Developer - Jonathan Eunice
Freelance CSS Modules Developer5.0 (340 reviews)

• Expert full-stack Python & JavaScript developer • Full DevOps: project architecture to production deployment at scale (whether VMs, Docker containers, cloud services, or on-prem) • Outstanding trouble-shooter and "OMG! Everything is on fire! HALP!!" first responder • Strong web app, data structures, data science, and visualization skills • Enjoy complex integration and automation challenges • Love mentoring. Half-price ($60/hr) for all genuine students

Freelance CSS Modules Developer - Douglas Vann
Freelance CSS Modules Developer5.0 (98 reviews)

I TEACH & DEVELOP Drupal! For many years now, I've been helping institutions of Higher Education, State & Federal Governments, & Private Companies to leverage Drupal solutions. Training, Consulting, & Developing Drupal is all I do, and I do it a lot! NASA, The US Federal Court, Highlights Magazine for Children, The Ohio State University, Cal State, A.C.T. & many others have counted on me to deliver Drupal in a practical and engaging way. Whether onsite or remote, let me help you get where you want to be in your Drupal adventure. BIO I entered Geekdom as a fifth grader in 1983 with a Commodore 64 & a 300baud connection to CompuServe. 31 years later I started the Indiana Drupal Users Group & develop websites in Drupal and teach Drupal full-time. Catch my blog at www.DougVann.com. Google "Drupal Song," and you're likely to find a few videos of me, jamming on the guitar, unabashedly proclaiming my passion for Drupal! My love for learning and experimenting in Drupal is overshadowed only by my love to teach and evangelize it. I have presented in Minneapolis, Toronto, Indianapolis, Ohio LinuxFest, DoItWithDrupal, and DrupalCamps in New York City, Madison, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Charlotte, Chicago, Orlando, Nashville, Chattanooga, Denver, etc. You can often find me on the FREENODE IRC Network in Drupal-support helping people get through the learning curve of Drupal. I reside in Indianapolis, Indiana with my wife of 18 years, & our 4 children. Specialties: Individual training, Corporate training, Module development, Project discovery, Information architecture, Site Development. Being a good geek is not enough in this high-tech era. I understand that technology means business & business means money. Wether I'm training you, building your project for you, or building your project with you, I understand that you have expectations that the final product will deliver solutions and positively impact your business. I make sure that happens.

Freelance CSS Modules Developer - Joseph M. Sak
Freelance CSS Modules Developer5.0 (30 reviews)

I have a proven track record of working with learners. I meet you where you're at and work at your pace. I take the time to explain concepts to you until you understand them, meaning you can ask every question you have. I go the extra mile to ensure you've gotten value and had a chance to clarify anything that you need. Working with me, you will learn expert fundamental concepts, best practices, tools and techniques for impressive and productive workflow, and I will always take the time to go over things line by line and get you as in-depth of an explanation as you need. If you truly cannot give me a 5 star rating, I will refund you!

Freelance CSS Modules Developer - Stephen Mayeux
View more freelance CSS Modules developers

How to hire a freelance CSS Modules developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do CSS Modules projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance CSS Modules project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance CSS Modules request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance CSS Modules developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for CSS Modules developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor CSS Modules developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all CSS Modules developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing CSS Modules developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your CSS Modules project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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