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Top freelance Drupal 7 developers available to hire

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Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Tejas Soni
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (26 reviews)

**Information Technology Professional with 14+ years of experience in WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, PHP/MySQL, and Magento.** • Expertise in Full Stack WordPress and PHP/CMS (Shopify, Magento, Drupal) development. • Strong skills in UI components, front-end architecture, and responsive web development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery. • Proficient in creating custom themes, plugins, and blocks for WordPress, Shopify, and Magento, including migration to Magento 2.x. Also having experience in WebFlow development and ReactJS development as well. • Experienced in ecommerce development, Shopify Plus, Liquid code customization, and API integrations. • Skilled in Figma, Adobe XD, and Photoshop for UI/UX design.

Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Syed Muhammad Azmat Shah
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

Let me be frank enough to tell you all that I absolutely love Drupal and the slogan of my company is "We Eat, Sleep and Breathe Drupal".I have over 9 years of Web Development experience with over 7 years in Drupal Training and Drupal Development and site architecture. I am both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 Acquia Certified Developer. I have been part of or built complex Drupal Applications over the years.

DrupalDrupal 7Drupal 8ReactMySQLJavaScript
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Denis Čahuk
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (46 reviews)

I am a hands-on software architect with over 13 years of experience in backend engineering and team leadership in ad-tech, e-commerce pre-seed and series-A start-ups. I have modernized tech stacks and mentored teams, improving their development speeds and quality while reducing their maintenance cost and time to market. Seeking to leverage my unique overlap of leadership, engineering, mentoring and architecture skills for a strong architect, principal engineering or technical coach role.

Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Bhavin Patel
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

After completion of my post graduation in Master of computer application, I have been working as a web developer and in last 5 years I have worked on number of projects in various range of complexity. Started with core PHP/MySQL and then dived into CMS to learn various popular CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, Modx, etc. out of which I have obtained expertise in Drupal development. In Drupal, I have customized available modules and integrated designs from HTML layouts. Moreover, I have also worked on frameworks of PHP like Smarty and also working on Facebook App and web pages. Being a quick learner and tech enthusiast, I keep update of all the new technologies in web development field.

Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Norah Medlin
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer4.9 (49 reviews)

Dynamic and articulate Technical Program Manager with over two decades of experience in the Software Development space, primarily serving the Education, Government, and Legal Industries. Intimately familiar with both Proprietary and Open Source Application & Reporting environments, bolstered by a strong background in Network, Server & Security administration. Proven knowledge leader and detailed Systems Design Analyst, offering unique strategy and change management techniques toward significant organizational performance and efficiency improvement gains. Provides collaborative tailor-designed solutions from concept to launch, artfully applying industry Best Practices to boost innovation and facilitate Organic Collaboration and Ideation. Continuous Process and Systems Improvement Specialist seeking creative teams. Over 15 years of experience as a Remote First worker and leader in the [Remote](https://www.remotelyone.com/) workers community. Member of the 2020 [Tulsa Remote](https://www.tulsaremote.com/) Workers Program cohort. In off-time, mentors and administers the [Drupal Developers Club](https://facebook.com/groups/drupaldevclub), engages in the [Drupal Slack](https://drupal.slack.com/) workspace, serves on the leadership team for the yearly [MidCamp](https://www.midcamp.org/) event, acts as the Intern Coordinator for [Drupal 4 Gov](https://drupal4gov.us/), and runs the growing [Digital Career Sandbox](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14421975) community on LinkedIn.

DrupalDrupal 7Drupal 6Drupal 8Drupal ModulesDrupal ViewsDrupal 9Drupal CommerceLeadershipSoftware DevelopmentStrategyEvent ManagementPythonLinuxJavaScriptHTML/CSSPHPSQLMySQLGitWordPressDevOpsCommunicationsDesign SystemsWordPress MultisiteGoogle AnalyticsAnalyticsAcceptance TestingShopifyGoogle BigQueryGoogle Cloud PlatformWordpress child themesConfluenceJira/confluenceGatsbyNetlifyTechnical SEOAws iamReact QueryAWSTechnology Strategy & RoadmappingAtlassianScrumProject DefinitionScrum MasterProject EstimationTechnical WritingComposerTechnical ArchitectureCustomer CareCommunication ProtocolsCommunity managementCommunication SkillsTest AutomationContinuous DeploymentDeployment automationDeployDocker ComposePipelinesGitHub ActionsDevelopment EnvironmentDeveloper ToolsCicd pipelinesRHELMintRed HatDebianUbuntuWordPress Custom ThemesPlugin DevelopmentWordpress custom pluginWordPress Theme CustomizationWordPress E-commerceWordPress OptimizationWordPress SecurityGitLab CI/CDGit flowGitLabGitHubGitHub for MacGithub apiVersion controlInner joinOuter joinGroup byConcatenationJoinsData MigrationSQL Server 2008SQL Server 2012T-SQLMicrosoft SQL ServerDjangoSymfony 2SymfonySymfony 3Symfony 4BootstrapjQueryNode.jsAngularReactBackbone.jsTestingSoftware DesignSoftware IntegrationSoftware engineerSEO strategyProduct StrategyStrategic Technology PlanningStrategy DevelopmentProject InsightProject RequirementsChange managementTechnical Product ManagementEntrepreneurshipInnovationTeam BuildingTeam CoachingConference OrganizationMentoringCoaching+109
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Marek Publicewicz
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (261 reviews)

* in 2000 as a founding engineer, I helped to build a local version of [Morningstar.com](http://morningstar.com/) from the idea to IPO and scale the development team from 1 to 10; I've administered Linux & FreeBSD servers, managed a complex PostrgreSQL database, wrote triggers and implemented a custom MVC web application using perl, * in 2005-2010 worked as a senior Java developer for a large international supply chain solutions provider (Syncron - [https://www.syncron.com/](https://www.syncron.com/)); * since 2010 have worked on +100 various consulting projects, using Rails, Python, Django, Flask, PHP, Objective-C, Rust, C++, Typescript, Java, Scala, Odoo and more; clients include Alation (https://www.alation.com/), Lonza (https://www.lonza.com/), Vantage Surgical (https://vantage.healthcare/), FurnitureFinders (https://www.furniturefinders.com/), Tanzle (https://tanzle.com/) * 25 years of software development experience; full-stack, devops but also focused on the product & user experience/value, * I'm based in LA

Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Daniel Khalil
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (102 reviews)

I'm an experienced full-stack developer who has been working as a freelancer for over 10 years now. Right now I'm focused a lot on developing with Elixir, but most of my time I have spent working on projects with PHP. I love creating software that's usable, testable and maintainable. Front-end wise my current framework of choice is VueJS. My projects range from short term projects for smaller customers to bigger and longer projects with bigger companies. My working times are rather flexible, so I don't have a problem working something out that fits me and my clients. I look forward to working with you!

Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Rick Thomson
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (92 reviews)

I am Rick Thomson, I hope I can help you solve your next issue. I spend most of my days working on projects that require a fullstack developer, I have been a web developer for the past 15+ years. I work with many clients that use Drupal, and Wordpress. I get called upon from simple theming and content changes, to complex custom modules and plugins using external APIs.

Freelance Drupal 7 Developer - Diego Andre Diestra Samamé
Freelance Drupal 7 Developer5.0 (76 reviews)

IT professional with over 8 years’ management providing technology solutions to support strategic business objectives. Hands-on experience in all levels of testing, including performance, functionality, integration, regression, and user acceptance testing. Supportive and enthusiastic team player dedicated to streamlining processes and efficiently resolving project issues. Fluent in both English and Spanish with limited working proficiency in Portuguese and Beginner Chinese.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Drupal 7 projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Drupal 7 project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Drupal 7 request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Drupal 7 developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Drupal 7 developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Drupal 7 developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Drupal 7 developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Drupal 7 developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Drupal 7 project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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