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Top freelance Hyperledger Fabric developers available to hire

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Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Kostychev Konstantin
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer

Innovative and results-driven Senior Full Stack Developer & AI/ML developer with over 9 years of experience designing and developing high-performance, scalable, and AI-powered web applications. Expertise in AI/ML, Python, Golang, Node.js, and JavaScript, with a strong background in React.js, Angular, TypeScript, and Django. Adept at creating complex, data-driven visualizations, optimizing cloud-based architectures, and developing real-time applications for industries such as FinTech, AI, Blockchain, Cloud Platforms, and DevOps. Experienced in microservices architecture, API integrations, distributed systems, and cloud-native development. Passionate about problem-solving, scalability, and developing cutting-edge AI-powered applications that drive business success.

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Amit Kumar Jaiswal
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (2 reviews)

- I have expertise in Machine learning, Deep learning ([**Kaggle**](http://kaggle.com/amitkumarjaiswal)), Blockchain/Ethereum/Hyperledger/Zcash and an intermediate working knowledge of cloud stacks such as Openshift/Kubernetes/Openstack. *My PhD was on modelling dynamic information need of users' in interactive search, where I used formal information retrieval modelling approaches using quantum probabilistic frameworks* *Earlier, I held postdoc positions at University of Leeds for Financial AI use-cases and University College London (UCL), where I worked on deep learning for Prostate Cancer progression*

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Ashish Disawal
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (8 reviews)

Passionate Linux admin with experience on various Linux distributions and server softwares like BASH, Perl, Python, LVS, HAProxy, BigIP, Apache, Nginx, PHP, MySQL, Redis, Memcache, Munin, Monit, Nagios, Cacti, Observium, Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, Bacula, Squid, Gateway, IPTables, SaltStack, Docker, GIT, SVN, GitLab, Confluence, MediaWiki, Wordpress, OpenVPN, OpenWRT, DRBD, KeepaliveD, Zimbra, Openfire, BIND, Mantis, GLPI, Rsyslog, Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana, Cloudera, Hadoop, Cassandra, Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, VMWare, Jenkins, CI-CD, Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud, Vault, Consul.

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Dilum Tharaka De Silva Abeywickrama
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (215 reviews)

**If I can't solve your problem, you'll get a full refund. I do not start the timer until I fully understand the issue.** A passionate and driven Software Architect with in-depth technical skills and a strong focus on delivery, with extensive experience at developing ultra-low-latency mission-critical trading engines for the worlds' top stock exchanges.

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Azeez Olaniran
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer4.9 (296 reviews)

Hello there, I'm a Software Engineer who enjoys solving problems and writing instructions for the computer, either through team collaboration or independently. I've very fluent in Go, Java, Javascript, I speak other computer languages as well and enjoy learning new ones :)

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Satwik Kansal
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (100 reviews)

https://satwikkansal.xyz I have been freelancing since 2k17. I love the process of turning ideas into code, and you can count on me for writing good quality code. Aside from freelancing, I've authored a popular developer project called "What the f*ck Python?", and I've developed multiple courses & tutorials for many companies including IBM, Packt, Educative and others. Presently, I'm working on a book on Python for O'Reilly. My areas of expertise include Backend System, Automated Trading Systems, and Decentralized Applications (a.k.a Dapps on the blockchain). I've worked with a few startups in the past (including a couple of my own), helping me learn how to build products in a fast yet cost-effective way. I try to actively engage with Open Source organizations and occasionally write looong tutorials on specific technical topics. Luckily, some of my works were trending on HackerNews, Github, Newsletters, and Podcasts like PythonBytes, PythonWeekly, DataElixir, and more. If there's an interesting opportunity to discuss, please drop me a message, I usually get back to messages in a day. Always excited to work on cool projects :)

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Zilin Jin
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (68 reviews)

Driven and detail-oriented Senior Full Stack Engineer with extensive expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, and scalable backend architectures. Proven success in fast-paced environments, delivering high-quality solutions for startups and enterprise clients alike. Skilled in developing microservices with NestJS, optimizing performance through caching and messaging systems, and ensuring security and efficiency across CI/CD pipelines. Passionate about mentoring, continuous improvement, and leveraging innovative tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and T3 Stack (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript) to create type-safe, responsive applications. Seeking to bring a strong back-end orientation and full-stack capability to a collaborative team focused on building resilient, high-performance software.

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Drew Taylor
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (15 reviews)

Constantly tackling new programming tools, Drew has developed a powerful learning curve that has allowed him to master web developement, mobile development, cryptocurrency development and blockchain development. Having worked as lead engineer and project manager for projects of all sizes, his experience gives him the ability to understand projects as a whole, foreseeing potential pitfalls down the road. Currently he's tackling internet security, an imminent need in our world today. Feel free to check out some of his recent projects: 1. https://booking.arrivalguides.com/ 2. https://studentunityproject.com/ 3. https://www.give2gain.com/ 4. https://payments.greenstream.network/

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - Richard McSharry
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

I have designed and built complex software platforms and applications, from mobile to blockchain to enterprise systems spanning the globe. For example: 2022-23 I'm the interim CTO of a social media startup with 10m MAU (monthly active users) and I was hired to lay the foundation to scale the architecture, the team and the processes to grow 10x. 2019 The family that owns BMW hired me to design, build and hire a team to implement a private wealth management platform. I rescued Chase Bank's Y2K project from failure across 40 countries in Asia. A project I spear-headed saved UBS Inv. Bank several hundred million GBP in bad bonus payouts the year it went live...and continued to save money every year after, as it became a core bank system. A mobile app for early years eduction that I built won national press recognition and research awards from Oxford University. I am an internationally experienced Architect, Leader and Full Stack Software Engineer. [http://www.richardmcsharry.com](http://www.richardmcsharry.com/)

Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer - George Mickael Antony
Freelance Hyperledger Fabric Developer5.0 (5 reviews)

Highly-skilled and motivated senior Fullstack engineer with 8 years of experience.

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Hyperledger Fabric projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Hyperledger Fabric project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Hyperledger Fabric request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Hyperledger Fabric developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Hyperledger Fabric developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Hyperledger Fabric developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Hyperledger Fabric developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Hyperledger Fabric developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Hyperledger Fabric project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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