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Top freelance Web Application Security developers available to hire
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (194 reviews)
I am a **Multi-talented** professional adept in **Full Stack Web Development**, **Web Security Research**, and **Robotics Engineering**. As a dedicated Web Security Researcher and ethical hacker, I uncover vulnerabilities and mitigate security risks, bridging the gap between development and cybersecurity. Additionally, as a Robotics Engineer, I design and build sophisticated robotic systems, applying my deep understanding of mechanics, electronics, and programming. Passionate about crafting clean, scalable code and innovative robotics solutions, I contribute to projects that prioritize both robust development, cybersecurity practices, and cutting-edge robotic technology.
Hi! I'm an experienced Software developer & Architect with 22+ years of expertise in Java, microservices, AWS, and cloud solutions. I've led complex projects for global clients, ensuring scalable, secure, and innovative systems.
Apart from Solutioning and architecting enterprise applications, my application development skills include: Application engineering, Hands on coding/code refactoring, design, process and quality practices, TDD and clean code practices, Micro-services and Serverless application development (AWS env). OOPs, OOAD, testing and integration, Apache tomcat, JBoss. Java J2SE/J2EE, Spring frameworks, NodeJs, Cloud Computing (AWS, SaaS), REST, JAX-WS, Oracle, MySQL, MAVEN, Gradle, Git, SVN, Bamboo, Nexus etc.
I excel in designing technical solutions of business requirements and help in end to end development and maintainance of applications.
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (1736 reviews)
Hey! I am Johnny B. 🙏
(Actually, my Romanian friends call me Ionică, which in English is basically: Johnny).
...and I 💖 emojis!
I started coding around 2010, starting with simple static websites, WordPress applications, and then tried Node.js for the first name around 2012. Since then, I have been working with Node.js. I like it a lot.
Currently, I do the best in:
★ Node.js 🚀
☆ Command line tools
☆ Express.js
☆ Passport
☆ Raw/minimal code, without frameworks (e.g. simple HTTP server)
☆ Using npm
☆ Creating npm packages for Node.js (and for the front-end as well)
☆ Scraping the web
☆ Automation of repetitive tasks
☆ Image processing
★ JavaScript ✨
☆ Creating and importing libraries
☆ jQuery (creating plugins, using them etc)
☆ Scraping
☆ Automation of repetitive tasks
☆ Publishing npm packages
☆ SVG (SVG.js, d3.js)
★ HTML & CSS 🎨
☆ Fixing CSS quick issues
☆ Implementing mockups
☆ Making the page responsive
☆ SEO tips & tricks
★ Command line 💻
☆ Shortcut tips
☆ Creating command line tools
☆ Using VIM & Tmux
★ Code Review 👀
☆ I do code review offline, for Node.js, JavaScript, eventually CSS.
☆ Can be done in a live session as well.
☆ Security checks
☆ I point things that can be done in a better way
★ Using Git & GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket etc. 😸
☆ Introduction to how Git works
☆ Using Git hosting services (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc)
☆ Top Git commands
☆ Shortcuts
If I can help, I will definitely do it, as long your app is not promoting things that tend to be potentially immoral. For example, I'm happy to help you build an e-shop, but I will probably not build an e-shop designed specifically for selling wine since I am against the use of alcohol for drinking.
♦ 🚀 Node.js: 9 years of experience, ~700 packages published on NPM
♦ 💛 JavaScript: 9 years of experience, lots of libraries you can download freely (https://goo.gl/ewoQsK)
♦ 🗣 Fluent in speaking English & Romanian, and comfortable in Spanish & Portuguese
♦ 😸 GitHub Enthusiast (follow me: https://github.com/IonicaBizau)
♦ 😻 Git & GitHub power user
♦ 🍀 Comfortable with MongoDB (especially, the native driver for Node.js)
♦ ❇️ I will not charge you if I can't fix your issue.
Why you can trust me:
★ I am a vegetarian. I have never eaten meat. 🍍🥑🥗
★ I have never drunk wine, beer, etc. Water is the best. 💧
★ I work for 6 days, and I rest on the 7th day. That's why I am *not* available on Saturdays (specifically between Friday's sunset and Saturday's sunset, my location at the time—you can my timezone a little bit below). 🙏
★ I sleep between 9:18 PM and 4:42 AM. Depending on your timezone I can wake up earlier if you book a session with me. 💤
★ I am a musician (pianist and organist). 🎹
★ I use VIM on macOS and Linux. 🐧🍏
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (28 reviews)
Hi! My name is Ethar, though you'll get away with pronouncing it "Ether".
"I love coding!" and despite that intro, I don't like sounding like Donald Trump. Not that you could ever confuse us two really :) I've been a full stack guy for over 20 years and these days, churn out JS, Node, C#, both SQL & NoSql and run on AWS, including developing IoT platforms and Alexa skills.
As well as coding help, I also encourage developers and architects to look at problems differently. Committing to effective, clean, value driven solutions is crucial and my experience both in code and business provides a unique slant on why code is written in the first place. I also regularly recruit, so understand the needs of folk trying to break into the industry.
Despite over 22 commercial years in the IT industry, holding very senior roles, and running companies and organisations, I still prefer coding. I've spent a lot of time doing complex computing tasks and building circuits, and work across IoT, AI/Machine Learning, High performing computing and use Lean-EA and Lean Startup to help enterprises and startups alike work more effectively. Many of my calls end in YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It), which saves on unnecessary costs elsewhere.
Ethics? Plenty. Probably to my own detriment.
Projects: Contributed to OSS including JabaJS and a local community tech calendar Alexa Skill OSS project called "WhatGeeks" (accepting PRs if you're interested).
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (10 reviews)
My passion is programming and software development. I've built web applications using JavaScript, React, NodeJS, WordPress technologies. I can help you solve problems in web application development and website security.
I also find mentoring and teaching amazing things to do. Thus, I have experience instructing, managing and guiding people learning web programming. Also, I have experience in data science working with data related tasks and analytics. I mostly specialized in the following:
UI/UX design
Font-end development
Back-end development
Database design and management
React, Nodejs, Mongodb, Mariadb based applications
WordPress applications
Data Science with Python
I showcase excellent communication skills along with programming skills to help solve your needs.
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (4 reviews)
Some recent examples include;
1) Integration and Implementation of Cisco ISE with Trustsec and Cisco ASA/Sourcefire/FireSIGHT/FireAMP for endpoints and Networks
2) integration and implementation of Cisco ISE with Cisco ASA.
3) Integration and Implementation of Cisco ISE, Cisco Trustsec, Cisco AnyConnect and 802.1X authentication with Microsoft Active Directory, Guest Internet access, Cisco ASA, and Sourcefire/FireSIGHT/FireAMP.
4) Transitioned company networks from one company into two while performing all upgrades. Work included Cisco ISE, Cisco Trustsec, Cisco ASA, Cisco Prime, and Cisco WLC
5) Implementation, Integration, Training of Cisco ISE with 802.1X Wired/Wireless configuration with Trustsec..
• Upgrade of WLC and integrate with Cisco ISE and Cisco Prime in over 350 Hospitals across the U.S.
• Provide Network Security, Penetration Testing, and network defense strategies to clients throughout the world.
• Consult with major utilities on Smart-Grid Cybersecurity and physical security, and provide recommendations and technology implementation (NERC CIP v3 – v5).
• Provide Crypto-Currency Consulting and Security recommendations.
• Create Solutions based upon Microsoft Azure, AWS and Vmware vCloud Cloud Platforms, VM’s, Databases, Servers, AD, FIM, DNS, IPS, and other cloud base products.
• Migration of Windows XP to Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 operating systems.
• Cisco Prime, ISE, ACS, and 5508 Controller migrations.
• Leader for driving Security Breach issues to closure, while also advising customers on compliance with state and federal laws (NERC / NIST v3-v5)
• Served as VP for National Smart grid solution telecommunications provider.
• Extensive research on Current security issues. (TLS/SSL,Secp256r1(k1), ECDSA, AES, ECDHE etc.) Attacks and recent vulnerabilities (side-channel attacks, timing attacks etc.)
Built a compliant POC for blockchain and related Dapps using IBM Hyperledger, and Solidity. Have created SmartContracts and created New Crypto Coins and tokens.
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (2 reviews)
I understand the pain when someone is stuck in some errors and debugging takes hours. Fortunately I have got a chance to work on many projects and have ample experience in fixing and debugging issues seamlessly.
Also have profound experience in mentoring freshers to work at enterprise level and crack their dream jobs !
Freelance Web Application Security Developer5.0 (1 reviews)
As a dedicated Software Engineer and Systems Integration Specialist, I possess six (6) years of experience in **Java**, **REST APIs**, and **Microservices**. My expertise includes utilizing frameworks such as Spring Framework, **Spring Boot**, **AWS**, Restful Web Services, **Hibernate**, and **JPA**. In addition, I am well-versed in other frameworks such as **Docker**, Kubernetes, **Kafka**, JAX-RS Jersey, Struts, Oracle ADF, JSF, and PL/SQL. My proficiency extends to various SQL databases such as OracleDB, **Postgres**, **MongoDB**, **MySql**, **SQLServer**, and **Elastic search**.
I mentor programmers and development teams. I have the skill set to get you out of any development problem. That includes but not limited to: Java, C#, .NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Spring, Angular, React, and Agile methodologies. I have a focus on writing "clean code", secure coding, and identity management (SAML 2.0 & OAuth 2.0).
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Frequently asked questions
How long do Web Application Security projects normally take?
The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Web Application Security project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Web Application Security request on Codementor, check out our article.
How much does it cost to hire a freelance Web Application Security developer?
We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Web Application Security developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.
What makes Codementor Web Application Security developers different?
We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Web Application Security developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Web Application Security developers’ user satisfaction rates.
What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?
As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Web Application Security project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.
For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.
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