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Top freelance Zend Framework 2 developers available to hire

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Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Mihir Mehta
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (39 reviews)

Senior Software Development engineer in "Bristlecone" for the development of 3pdc telemetry and ascii-minesweeper project under the supply chain partnership of Bristlecone and Google. https://www.bristlecone.com/bristlecone-joins-google-cloud-partner-advantage-program/ Prior to this, I have worked as a developer with MNC's- Adobe and Newgen and startups- Moveinsync and Zillious solutions. Skills - Advanced - java, mysql, postgres, spring, hibernate, spring-boot, Maven/Gradle, microservices, multithreading and concurrency-control, web services(SOAP-based and RESTful), RPC, git, google-cloud-platform(GCP), database modeling, designing db schema, SQL, stored-procedure/function, triggers, docker, kubernetes. Intermediate - typescript, python, angular, react, API gateway, service-discovery, load balancer, ELK stack, kafka, rabbitMQ, redis cache. Good understanding of scalable system, backend architecture along with strong hold on Data Structure and Algorithms. # I'm here to help solve your technical problems to the best of my abilities. # Get your first session for free ! free ! free ! (t&c applied - convince me you deserve it during our requirement gathering call.....) # If you are not satisfied with my help, get instance refund !!!

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Tibor Fulop
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (133 reviews)

Dynamic and forward-thinking IT professional with over 15 years of pioneering experience in full-stack development, IT leadership, and digital innovation. Proven track record of architecting and executing groundbreaking web and mobile solutions, leading cross-functional teams to exceed project goals, and driving technological transformation in diverse industries. Renowned for leveraging cutting-edge technologies to address complex challenges, streamline operations, and catapult businesses into the digital future. _I see programming not just as a profession, but as a form of art that holds the power to transform ideas into reality. Every line of code is a step towards innovation, every project an opportunity to redefine what's possible. I am committed to lifelong learning, embracing the ever-changing technology landscape to craft solutions that make a difference._

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - George James
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (58 reviews)

I am a full stack developer with Bachelors of Electrical Engineering from Ahmadu Bello University and have been developing softwares since I was in the University. I am experienced in PHP, Javascript (Front), NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Kafka, Kubernetes, GRPC etc, and lots of frameworks and Libraries. I am super fast when it comes to learning new technology and can pick up any programming language in no time. I have experience with lots of other programming language which I just do for fun (Ruby, C++, Java, C# etc). I enjoy the convenience that work as a remote developer brings and I enjoy my time with clients as it gives me the opportunity to make one person happy. I am easy to work with and have built lots of solutions for developers and non-developers

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Ivan Kurnosov
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (30 reviews)

A software engineer with 10+ years of development experience. Has a broad experience in designing, implementing and supporting web applications. Has deep knowledge of best development practices. A perfect teacher: stackoverflow member #208 by reputation points.

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Carlos Aguilar
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer4.9 (67 reviews)

I am a Mobile and Web Developer with expertise in Django, Rails and many more technologies. I love challenging projects and learning new things. in 2014, I was the Lead Developer for a realtime Django project with Pythonic implementations of [socket.io](http://socket.io/), postgresql, and angular.js. I currently own the web and mobile development agency https://tecmanic.com, where we distribute flutter pre-made applications and design from scatch applications for our clients. I also have experience with other tools like fabric, capistrano, chef and all system administration tasks.

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Peter Burns
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (18 reviews)

I've been building for the web since I was a teenager and have over a decade of experience -- but you never stop learning in this industry! I'm most often found working with PHP, a language on which multiple high-traffic sites I've managed are built upon, but I have experience and proficiency in a wide-range of technical areas, from server management to cryptocurrency programming. I'm enthusiastic about good quality code, user-experience, and helping people where possible.

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Michael
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (16 reviews)

I have been a full stack software developer for 8 years. Most of that time I have been a lead developer. I have worked on several different SaaS applications including a CMS for an enterprise client, purchase management software, and health record systems. I am proficient in full stack development with a focus on PHP and Javascript. I really enjoy developing apis and using frontend frameworks like Angular and React. I also spend my free time working on virtual reality. As much as I enjoy to program myself, I also enjoy teaching other people how to code. I get a lot of satisfaction in hiring junior developers and training them to senior levels.

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Matheus Figueredo
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

I am a Software Engineer and currently I am working in a startup in Hamburg, Germany. I am moved by challenges and I love learn, work in diverse team, find ways to solve old problems and build products. I have experience in many IT areas, since Infrastructure until Machine Learning. Currently I'm working in a backend team, pushing best practices, code quality, devops culture, etc.

Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer - Bryan "BJ" Hoffpauir, Jr.
Freelance Zend Framework 2 Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

I've been delivering Media, Technology, & Management Solutions to the problems of SMB’s, the Fortune 500® & Grammy® Award Winning Recording Artists for nearly 20 years, having designed, developed, supported and led teams managing eCommerce and ERP systems responsible for over $1.5 billion dollars in revenues. I am a seasoned Technology Executive skilled in Leadership of Technology Organizations, Highly Scalable Systems, Enterprise IT, Systems Architecture, Strategic Planning, Marketing & Branding, Knowledge Centered Support, Cloud Services, DevOps, Automation / SCADA / HMI Systems, Magento, WordPress, and Distributed Computing. I have a proven Record of Success building and leading Global Teams, articulating & executing strategic vision, and delivering Technology, Media & Management solutions on time and under budget.

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How to hire a freelance Zend Framework 2 developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Zend Framework 2 projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Zend Framework 2 project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Zend Framework 2 request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Zend Framework 2 developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Zend Framework 2 developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Zend Framework 2 developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Zend Framework 2 developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Zend Framework 2 developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Zend Framework 2 project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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