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Top freelance React Testing Library developers available to hire

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Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Mich Okonicha
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (28 reviews)
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My years in software development has taught me that every challenge has a solution. I have honed my skills in: Web and mobile application development Cloud architecture and platform development Debugging complex issues with a cool head. Making sound architectural decisions Mentoring with patience and clarity. I have built around industries. From startups to enterprise platforms. Cloud technologies? I work with them daily. Scalability issues? I have solved a few. My approach is simple: listen, analyze, solve. No fuss, no stress. Whether you are stuck on a thorny bug, planning a major cloud migration, wanting to build a software application, or seeking mentorship. I am here to guide you through with steady expertise.

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Mickell Crawford
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (1 reviews)

I am a Lead Software Developer with 8 years of experience in front-end and full-stack development, specialising in modern JavaScript frameworks like React. Over the years, I have worked on high-impact projects, leading development teams and mentoring junior engineers to build scalable and user-friendly applications. I am passionate about mentorship because I believe in sharing knowledge, I am big on pair programming and helping developers grow in their careers. Guiding others through complex coding challenges, best practices, and real-world problem-solving is incredibly rewarding. My goal as a mentor is to empower developers, improve their coding skills, and help them navigate the tech industry with confidence.

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Miroslav Nikolov
Freelance React Testing Library Developer

I’ve participated and led a wide range of web projects with multimillion user base for the past 17 years. The most interesting and truly heavy part of that process is solving the challenges between technology and its interactions with the human factor in different teams.

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Luis Gustavo Gomez Fasanando
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

Hello! I'm a Software Engineer, passionate about learning new things!

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Emmanuel Chilaka
Freelance React Testing Library Developer

I'm a Frontend Engineer passionate about crafting clean, efficient, user-friendly web applications. With several years of experience specializing in React, JavaScript, and modern web development practices, I’m here to help you tackle your coding challenges and grow your skills confidently. My expertise lies in building scalable, responsive interfaces, debugging tricky issues, and optimizing user experiences in the fintech space. I’m also well-versed in JavaScript, unit testing, and project workflows, so whether you’re struggling with debugging, implementing best practices, or understanding complex frontend concepts, I’m here to guide you. I believe in fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment where we solve immediate problems and focus on long-term growth. I enjoy breaking down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps and helping you build a strong foundation for becoming an independent problem solver. My goal as a mentor is to share what I’ve learned, help you avoid common pitfalls, and inspire confidence in your coding journey. Let’s work together to level up your skills and build something amazing!

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Akhator Itua
Freelance React Testing Library Developer

I am a frontend engineer with 5 years of experience building extensible and efficient software. I have a knack for pixel-perfect design and design. I am more interested in how our user interact with the platform and how efficient user workflow should be.

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Juan Elfers
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (2222 reviews)
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**JavaScript, ReactJS, and HTML/CSS expert** With over a decade of software development experience—including more than six years on Codementor—I’m committed to delivering the best solutions with clean, maintainable code. I also enjoy explaining how and why things work, so you don’t just get results—you gain valuable knowledge along the way. **I can help you with:** React.js, Next.js, Vercel, Node.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, databases (MongoDB, SQL), Angular, Tailwind, HTML/CSS, and UX/UI.

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Thomas Findlay
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (1258 reviews)

I have started my career as a web developer 10 years ago. I like challenges in which I can use modern tools and technologies to develop outstanding web applications in look, performance and efficiency. I specialise in Front-End web technologies - Vue, Nuxt, React, Next, and React Native for mobile applications. My Back-End stack includes Node.js with Express and Fastify, Firebase, Python, and PHP. For more details about technologies I know, see the expertise section below. **What I do in a nutshell** - Front-End/Back-End/Mobile - Consulting/Mentoring/Teaching - Sketching and Wireframe prototyping - UX/UI Design - Testing - Code reviews - Workshops **What I can help you with** **New project or features** Do you need a website or a mobile application? Or maybe you already have one, but you want to make it even better and include more features in it? I can build a website or a mobile application for you or help you with your current one. We can establish a short or long-term relationship, whichever suits your needs better. We can work on new features together via 1 to 1 sessions, or it can be done via job requests. **Code reviews/Consultancy** Do you or your team have a project but are not sure if you are following the best practices and patterns? Are you wondering how your code could be improved and be more efficient? Maybe you are about to start a new project but are not quite sure what technologies should you use or how to structure it for the best results. If that’s the case, then you came to the right person as I provide comprehensive code reviews with various suggestions on how you can improve your code and project. I can also advise you on how you can get started. **Bug fixes and issue-resolving** Bugs can be very annoying and hard to track and fix. Sometimes, you can waste hours pulling your hair out while trying to find out what is wrong. I can help you resolve your issues quickly and efficiently so you don’t waste any more time. **Tutoring/Teaching** Are you new in the world of development, or do you maybe want to learn new technologies and tools to advance in your existing career? I offer regular mentoring sessions which are suited to meet your needs and time schedule. We can start from the basics or work on any specific aspect of programming that is of your interest. **Anything else** If I did not mention something you need help with, we can still have a chat, so just drop me a message, and we will see what can be done. **Here are some things I did in the past** **React & Vue The Road To Enterprise books** Learn how to create blazing-fast, scalable, maintainable, and Enterprise-Ready applications with Vue and React. Best practices, advanced patterns, guides, tricks, and more - https://bit.ly/3pLngCg **Conferences and Workshops** **React Summit - Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components** https://portal.gitnation.org/contents/composition-vs-configuration-how-to-build-flexible-resilient-and-future-proof-components **React Advanced London - Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications** https://portal.gitnation.org/contents/advanced-patterns-for-api-management-in-large-scale-react-applications **React Workshop - How to handle APIs in React applications** https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-memphis-presents-react-workshop-how-to-handle-apis-in-react-applications/ **React Wednesdays: Best Practices for Testing React Apps** https://www.telerik.com/react-wednesdays/react-wednesdays-best-practices-for-testing-react-apps **CommitYourCode - React Hooks Crash Course** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDDk-coqk_8 **Vue Amsterdam - Vue Experts Panel** https://www.youtube.com/live/El8Jw2CFj7g?si=EUVzHQgAbtPNUAwq&t=5507 **Vue Amsterdam - The Case Study of Findlay Web Tech** https://youtu.be/El8Jw2CFj7g?t=4816 **Where you can find me** - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-findlay/) - [Twitter](https://x.com/thomasfindlay94) - [GitHub](https://github.com/thomasfindlay)

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Greg Gorlen
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (448 reviews)

I'm a full stack software engineer, technical writer and computer science educator. I enjoy testing, debugging, refactoring, application design, maintaining projects and teaching. My primary technologies are JavaScript, React, Express (PERN stack), Playwright, Puppeteer, Python, Flask and C. See my [Stack Overflow tags](https://stackoverflow.com/users/6243352/ggorlen?tab=tags) for more technologies ordered roughly by my interest and experience. In addition to Stack Overflow, I'm active on [Code Review Stack Exchange](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/171065/ggorlen). Feel free to peek at a few of these reviews to get a sense of the insights I can offer your code. For further information, visit my [Codementor FAQ](https://ggorlen.glitch.me/codementor). I'm looking forward to hearing about your project! _<sub>Profile picture by the wonderful [Emily Huston](https://emilyhuston.github.io) ❤️</sub>_

Freelance React Testing Library Developer - Siddharth Ajmera
Freelance React Testing Library Developer5.0 (400 reviews)

Developer with nearly a decade worth of experience in full-stack web development and Open Source. Reach out to me with your queries related to: - Angular or React - NodeJS - JavaScript, TypeScript - RxJS - GraphQL - Unit Testing using Karma, Jasmine, Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme or E2E Testing using Cypress - Git - Firebase - Web Development in general. **Angular Ninja** on *Stack Overflow*, with a reputation score of **35,000+**. I've built scalable and compelling web experiences while working on several digital transformation engagements. Let me help you out building something similar for you as well. 🙂 I am also a mentor, I love teaching programming, especially programming in Angular, React, TypeScript, and JavaScript. I **authored a best-seller course about Angular on Udemy** My **57,000+ Students** can vouch for my mentoring skills. 😇 I have been teaching and mentoring since my college days and I have around ***10 years of experience*** doing just that. I also have a lot of Angular related videos on my YouTube Channel. I write articles about Angular on Dev.to, Indepth.dev, and Medium. You can find me almost anywhere on the web with ***SiddAjmera*** I love empathizing with people to figure out how they see their world, their problems, and then help fill in the gaps. Through mentoring, I accelerate my own constant learning, because there is always something that you want to do better when teaching that knowledge to others!

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Frequently asked questions

How long do React Testing Library projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance React Testing Library project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance React Testing Library request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance React Testing Library developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for React Testing Library developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor React Testing Library developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all React Testing Library developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing React Testing Library developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your React Testing Library project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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