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Top freelance Web Components developers available to hire

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Freelance Web Components Developer - Joey Burzynski
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

I drive revenue. All other metrics pale in comparison. Be it billion dollar brands or startups, I've spent the last two decades architecting technology solutions and innovative search marketing strategies (domestic & international) for e-commerce. I believe in the power of 'what if?'; leveraging hybrid expertise in search engine optimization (SEO), web development, e-commerce, and digital strategy to achieve extraordinary results. My core competencies include search engine optimization (SEO), search marketing strategy, data wrangling (NLP/computational ontologies), and e-commerce marketing automation. As founder and CTO of MarketKarma, I oversee organic search strategy for all enterprise accounts and work to create innovative solutions to assist retailers in tackling their online marketing challenges. I work with brands like.. Ace Cash Express, Athleta, Banana Republic, Blackhawk Network, Blockbuster, Buckle, CheapCaribbean, CheckPast, DashFly, Diesel, DistroMex, Ebates, Eddie Bauer, Fossil, GUESS, Gap, GiftCardMall, Gold's Gym, Horchow, JCPenney, Livingston Lures, Marciano, Mavis Tire, Mavor Lane, Old Navy, Orbitz, Oriental Trading Company, PacSun, Piperlime, Red Envelope, Ritter Dental, SPFM LP, Sacha Cosmetics, ShearComfort, Smart Bargains, Swanson Health, Williams-Sonoma Connect with me @: Email: joey@marketkarma.com Call: (888) 277-0225 Web: https://www.marketkarma.com Social: https://joeyburzynski.dev Connect: https://calendarhero.to/JoeyBurzynski AngelList: https://angel.co/u/joeyburzynski CoderRank: https://profile.codersrank.io/user/joeyburzynski CodePen: https://codepen.io/JoeyBurzynski Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Joey-Burzynski Quora Spaces: https://optimization.quora.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miamibeachseo/ Fast Company: https://board.fastcompany.com/profile/Joey-Burzynski-Founder-CTO-MarketKarma/12629614-d0b7-4a8c-8076-5be2166473a0 Forbes: https://profiles.forbes.com/members/tech/profile/Joey-Burzynski-Founder-CTO-MarketKarma/72b6886c-bd96-4988-ad8b-14287a291009 GitHub: https://github.com/JoeyBurzynski Gist: https://gist.github.com/JoeyBurzynski Google: https://g.dev/EcommerceSEOExpert LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/joeyburzynski Medium: https://medium.com/@joeyburzynski ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7448-8294 StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3767344/joeyburzynski Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeyBurzynski

Web ComponentsWeb ApplicationWeb ServiceWeb ScrapingWeb DevelopmentWeb DesignSEOMarketing AutomationTechnical SEOSEO AnalysisDigital marketingJavaScriptRubyNLPJSON-LDMongoDBRedisGitDigitalOceanUbuntuWebpackNode.jsNginxGoogle Search ConsoleGoogle AnalyticsHTML/CSSMagentoMagento 2Amazon S3AWS CloudFrontShellGoETLReactMentoringGrowth hackingWordPressE-commerceSEMGoogle AdSenseAnalyticsData warehousePayment gatewayMagento E-CommerceWooCommerceBigCommerceWixShopifyMagento 1.9MySQLPHPComposerContent managementCMSFront-EndLiquid layoutLiquidDeployment automationConfiguration managementSSL CertificateWebserversLetsencryptContainersLinux System AdministrationLinuxCronSystem AdministrationUbuntu 16.04Continuous DeploymentContinuous IntegrationVersion controlGitLabGit pullrequestsGit branchGitHubRuby on RailsRubyGemsBundlerRbenvNokogiriParallel ProcessingPandasTranslationNltkPythonMachine learningArtificial Neural NetworksNeural NetworksData VisualizationNoSQLLuaData analyticsData analysisData structureDatabase AdministrationDatabaseMongooseReactive ProgrammingReact RouterData ScienceStrategyLean StartupCodingInterview PreparationGrowth MarketingGoogle Tag ManagerInternational seoStructured DataMetaKeyword optimizationYoastKeyword ResearchOff-Page SEOTechnical MarketingBingWordpress seoPPCSchema markupContent marketingGrowth StrategiesSearch Engine MarketingSocial media marketingMeta tagsSsrNuxt.jsNext.jsSEO HacksMetadataMarkupJSONSchema.orgSchemaBashServer AdministrationVolumesDropletOntologyOrganic search marketingOrganic trafficFaceted searchLink buildingData modelingReduxWebsite migrationEs6BlogsCacheModellingUbuntu 14Search algorithmsPerformance OptimizationPayment systemsNoSQL DatabaseGoogle apisGit flowExpress.jsData parsingBack-EndApplication DeploymentVue.jsAWSServerless+151
Freelance Web Components Developer - Sam Barros
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (8 reviews)

Experienced Engineering Manager with over a decade in software development, specializing in Node.js, React.js, TypeScript, and cloud-based solutions. I have led diverse engineering teams, driving product optimization and innovation through agile methodologies. Passionate about mentoring, cross-functional collaboration, and improving system efficiency. Currently leading engineering efforts at Trackunit, shaping product strategies, and ensuring technical excellence.

Freelance Web Components Developer - Nitish Mehta
Freelance Web Components Developer

I am a full stack dev, codinf from more than a decade and from last 5 years in Australia. I am a technology agnostic developer and can code in JS, Python, Apex, C#, Java and many more. I can develop Rest API's easily and can use sever less stack from AWS. I know SQL, SOQL and many database languages too. From web app to mobile app I can do it all.

Freelance Web Components Developer - Jenish S
Freelance Web Components Developer4.9 (47 reviews)

**Salesforce Certifications** Salesforce Certified Application Architect Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Salesforce Platform Developer II Salesforce Platform Developer I Salesforce Administrator Salesforce App Builder • 8+ years of Experience in Administration & Development of Salesforce CRM. • Implemented Security and Sharing Rules at Object, Field, and Record Level for different users at different levels of organization. Also created various profiles and configured the permissions based on the organizational hierarchy. • Implemented Sales Cloud, Entitlement Management and Automated process in Service Cloud. • Implemented Field Service Lightning and customized FSL mobile app through Flows and App Extensions. • Expertise in Visual Force Development using Standard & External Components like D3.js,bootstrap .jQuery, Google MDL. • Expertise in Lightning Roll out form classic,Lightning Component Development, Lightning Experience ,Lightning Design System,Lightning App builder. • Implemented Salesforce community using Salesforce templates and custom templates. • Good command on APEX programming language, REST/SOAP API,Force.com REST APIs, Email Services, SOSL, SOQL etc • Worked on the designing of Custom Objects, Custom Tabs, Custom Fields, role based Page Layouts, Custom Reports, and Report Folders, Report extractions to various formats, design of Visual Force Pages, Dashboards and various other components as per the client and application requirements. • Maintain User Accounts, Roles and Profiles in the Salesforce.com application • Implemented the Validation Rules, Approval Process, Workflows for automated lead routing, lead escalation and Email Alerts. • Experience of Tasks, Workflow rules, and Triggers,Flows, Process builder . • Designed and developed Apex Triggers for various functional needs in the application. • Involved in Unit Testing and Test Coverage for triggers. • Experience on Force.com IDE, Data Loader, Import Wizard and salesforce.com Sandbox Environments, Github source control. • Customisations using Salesforce flow, Lightning Web Components , Aura Components.

Freelance Web Components Developer - Jesus Lugo
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (18 reviews)

Specialties: CSS, XHTML, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Web Standard Compliance Assesment, Web Accessibility Evaluation, Crossbrowsing Test / Fixes, jQuery, SEF/SEO, Lightning Web Components. I love when a site works properly, no errors, semantically correct, loading fast, optimizing resources usage and accesible for humans and machines (hello GoogleBot), I envision coding as a craft.

Freelance Web Components Developer - Anup Prakash ☁
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

Anup is a Salesforce Certified System and Application Architect with a successful 9-year track record of working hands-on in all aspects of Salesforce implementations (architecture, development, and enhancements). He is a Lightning developer who is also experienced in creating solution designs and building advanced features using integrations, Apex triggers/classes, Visualforce, and so on. His primary industry domain is technology media telecommunication, real estate, and US government projects.

Freelance Web Components Developer - Anurag Vardhan
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (761 reviews)

I have 14+ years of experience developing applications and websites for small, medium and large sized businesses with React,Angular,JavaScript,Java. I am the owner and builder of https://nscomponent.com/ and https://nscomponent.com/nsgrid. I have built reusable components like Grid, Editor, List, Calendar, Dialog Box, Panel etc as part of nscomponent and created wrappers for them in React, Angular , AngularJS which can be found in NPM Repository. These are some of the Technologies I can help you in: • Technologies: Javascript, React, Angular, AngularJS, NodeJS, Adobe Flex,HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, HTML + CSS/SCSS, Ajax, NodeJS / Express, Git / Github, npm • Languages: Javascript,Typescript,Java • Databases: Sql Server

Freelance Web Components Developer - Siddharth Ajmera
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (400 reviews)

Developer with nearly a decade worth of experience in full-stack web development and Open Source. Reach out to me with your queries related to: - Angular or React - NodeJS - JavaScript, TypeScript - RxJS - GraphQL - Unit Testing using Karma, Jasmine, Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme or E2E Testing using Cypress - Git - Firebase - Web Development in general. **Angular Ninja** on *Stack Overflow*, with a reputation score of **35,000+**. I've built scalable and compelling web experiences while working on several digital transformation engagements. Let me help you out building something similar for you as well. 🙂 I am also a mentor, I love teaching programming, especially programming in Angular, React, TypeScript, and JavaScript. I **authored a best-seller course about Angular on Udemy** My **57,000+ Students** can vouch for my mentoring skills. 😇 I have been teaching and mentoring since my college days and I have around ***10 years of experience*** doing just that. I also have a lot of Angular related videos on my YouTube Channel. I write articles about Angular on Dev.to, Indepth.dev, and Medium. You can find me almost anywhere on the web with ***SiddAjmera*** I love empathizing with people to figure out how they see their world, their problems, and then help fill in the gaps. Through mentoring, I accelerate my own constant learning, because there is always something that you want to do better when teaching that knowledge to others!

Freelance Web Components Developer - Bhargav
Freelance Web Components Developer5.0 (314 reviews)

Bhargav is an experienced Full stack Developer who is excited about complex problems. His passion is the web and strives to help peers build blazing fast apps for the Internet. I built usenextbase.com. Some of my repos * Rooks - [https://react-hooks.org](https://react-hooks.org/) * Core contributor styld components * Timezone compare - [https://github.com/imbhargav5/timezone-compare](https://github.com/imbhargav5/timezone-compare) * Trello API Promisified- [https://github.com/imbhargav5/trello-promise](https://github.com/imbhargav5/trello-promise) * TDD in react - [https://github.com/imbhargav5/codementor-officehours](https://github.com/imbhargav5/codementor-officehours) * Offline dictionary - [https://github.com/imbhargav5/dictionary-offline](https://github.com/imbhargav5/dictionary-offline)

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How to hire a freelance Web Components developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Web Components projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Web Components project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Web Components request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Web Components developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Web Components developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Web Components developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Web Components developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Web Components developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Web Components project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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