Hire the Best Freelance Salesforce lightning DevelopersHire a Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer

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Top freelance Salesforce lightning developers available to hire

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Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Andrii Muzychuk
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (123 reviews)

The last 13 years have been exclusively dedicated to Salesforce. I've been successfully mentoring for past 4 years. All my sessions on Codementor are related exclusively to Salesforce. My 2 superpowers are figuring out Apex errors and coming up with acceptable solutions super quickly. I love Visualforce and able to help with it in minutes. And for sure I'm able to help with a Flow and an Aura/LWC.

SalesforceSalesforce ApexSalesforce Sales CloudSalesforce Visual FlowsApexConsultingVisualforceMentoringSoftware architectureJavaC#+2
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Nitish Mehta
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer

I am a full stack dev, codinf from more than a decade and from last 5 years in Australia. I am a technology agnostic developer and can code in JS, Python, Apex, C#, Java and many more. I can develop Rest API's easily and can use sever less stack from AWS. I know SQL, SOQL and many database languages too. From web app to mobile app I can do it all.

SalesforceSalesforce lightningSalesforce Sales CloudSalesforce Marketing CloudSalesforce ApexLightning Web ComponentsReactSQLAWSPythonNode.jsJavaScriptApexLWCPostgreSQLnpmNext.js+6
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Kevin Poorman
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (182 reviews)

I'm a full time developer working on Apex (Salesforce), iOS, Android, Visualforce (Salesforce html/css) as well as Ruby, Rubymotion, Rails, Angular.js and Swift (iOS, serverside) projects

Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Jenish S
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer4.9 (47 reviews)

**Salesforce Certifications** Salesforce Certified Application Architect Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Salesforce Platform Developer II Salesforce Platform Developer I Salesforce Administrator Salesforce App Builder • 8+ years of Experience in Administration & Development of Salesforce CRM. • Implemented Security and Sharing Rules at Object, Field, and Record Level for different users at different levels of organization. Also created various profiles and configured the permissions based on the organizational hierarchy. • Implemented Sales Cloud, Entitlement Management and Automated process in Service Cloud. • Implemented Field Service Lightning and customized FSL mobile app through Flows and App Extensions. • Expertise in Visual Force Development using Standard & External Components like D3.js,bootstrap .jQuery, Google MDL. • Expertise in Lightning Roll out form classic,Lightning Component Development, Lightning Experience ,Lightning Design System,Lightning App builder. • Implemented Salesforce community using Salesforce templates and custom templates. • Good command on APEX programming language, REST/SOAP API,Force.com REST APIs, Email Services, SOSL, SOQL etc • Worked on the designing of Custom Objects, Custom Tabs, Custom Fields, role based Page Layouts, Custom Reports, and Report Folders, Report extractions to various formats, design of Visual Force Pages, Dashboards and various other components as per the client and application requirements. • Maintain User Accounts, Roles and Profiles in the Salesforce.com application • Implemented the Validation Rules, Approval Process, Workflows for automated lead routing, lead escalation and Email Alerts. • Experience of Tasks, Workflow rules, and Triggers,Flows, Process builder . • Designed and developed Apex Triggers for various functional needs in the application. • Involved in Unit Testing and Test Coverage for triggers. • Experience on Force.com IDE, Data Loader, Import Wizard and salesforce.com Sandbox Environments, Github source control. • Customisations using Salesforce flow, Lightning Web Components , Aura Components.

Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Jesus Lugo
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (18 reviews)

Specialties: CSS, XHTML, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Web Standard Compliance Assesment, Web Accessibility Evaluation, Crossbrowsing Test / Fixes, jQuery, SEF/SEO, Lightning Web Components. I love when a site works properly, no errors, semantically correct, loading fast, optimizing resources usage and accesible for humans and machines (hello GoogleBot), I envision coding as a craft.

Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Anup Prakash ☁
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (4 reviews)

Anup is a Salesforce Certified System and Application Architect with a successful 9-year track record of working hands-on in all aspects of Salesforce implementations (architecture, development, and enhancements). He is a Lightning developer who is also experienced in creating solution designs and building advanced features using integrations, Apex triggers/classes, Visualforce, and so on. His primary industry domain is technology media telecommunication, real estate, and US government projects.

Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Faizal Patel
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (159 reviews)

10x Salesforce Certified with 11+ years of experience in Software Development. I have helped people at an individual scale transition to development roles from a non-technical background since 2019. * Salesforce Development (Apex, Triggers, LWC, VisualForce ..) * Salesforce Declarative tools (Flows, Process Builder, Validation Rules, Data Schema, Reports ..) * Web HTML/CSS and JavaScript * Multiplatform development using Flutter / Dart / Firebase (iOS, Android) * Java Programming If you need help with your project, fixing bugs, refactoring your codebase, and guidance on how to give your app a better architectural foundation, I'm your guy. \-- Special Programming Student Rate -- I have a programming student rate, for those who are starting to learn to program for the first time and need regular sessions (long-term). Contact me and tell me your needs. Technologies that I teach step-by-step live are Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Flutter, Dart, Git, GitHub, 2024 is a great year to start a career in Software Development, more than before we are seeing a shortage of developers around the world. Don't wait any further to have a career change let's get started! Feel free to book a mentoring session on my calendar. ☁️ Certifications: ● Salesforce Certified AI Associate ● Salesforce Certified Administrator ● Salesforce Certified Application Architect ● Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Architect ● Salesforce Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect ● Salesforce Certified Data Architect ● Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder ● Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II ● Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I ● Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I

Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Matt Goldspink
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (91 reviews)

I have been delivering technical training courses for over 7 years on a variety of subjects - I can help by giving full courses, pair programming to help you learn or if you have a specific problem you're trying to solve I'll work with you through it to help you resolve it and understand the solution. Outside of CodeMentor I am a Lead Engineer based in London & SF - I have experience working in large corporations & startups across Java, iOS, JavaScript & Web Technologies. ** If you belong to a group that is underrepresented in tech, and money is an issue, please ask me about reduced rates. **

Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer - Himanshu
Freelance Salesforce lightning Developer5.0 (65 reviews)

I am 19X Salesforce Certified Application/System architect with 14+ years of experience. Founder of favmate.com, sfdcbeginner.com, plancareer.org, Magicanvas.in and Active member of Salesforce stackexchange

SalesforceSalesforce lightningLightning Web ComponentsWordPressWordpress child themesAura ComponentsWordPress Custom Themes
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How to hire a freelance Salesforce lightning developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

How long do Salesforce lightning projects normally take?

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance Salesforce lightning project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance Salesforce lightning request on Codementor, check out our article.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance Salesforce lightning developer?

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for Salesforce lightning developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

What makes Codementor Salesforce lightning developers different?

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all Salesforce lightning developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing Salesforce lightning developers’ user satisfaction rates.

What happens if I’m not happy with the freelancer’s work?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your Salesforce lightning project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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