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How I learned HTML and CSS

Published May 28, 2021

About me

I'm a professional web developer experienced with HTML, CSS, and Javascript for over 3 years.
And too I am a professional Ethical Hacker.

Why I wanted to learn HTML and CSS

Web Development is one of the important things in the world right now. The more, you are currently on a website and you are reading My post. This is what It does.

How I approached learning HTML and CSS

I was very excited to learn web development and I directly downloaded a website example. But I haven't understood anything. Because I don't know the basics. So I thought to learn the Basics of Basics. And I thought to learn by myself and no one haven't helped me. But I was strong in my way and my dream.

Challenges I faced

Well. My greatest hard while learning is JavaScript. Because it was a major hard language to understand.

Key takeaways

The Key was the PDF which Is available in the internet for free.

Tips and advice

If you want to be a web developer? Then always start with your own. And don't forget the hardest path. Because the hardest one will take you to the highest.

Final thoughts and next steps

After web Development. I personally request you to take a major as a Network Security or a Network Analyser. Because it will teach you how to keep yourself more secure while you are on the internet.

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