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Habit that made me a better developer

Published Jun 19, 2019
Habit that made me a better developerHabit that made me a better developer

Jun 3, 2015

In your opinion, what are some daily habits that made you a better developer.

— @FilipTepper tweet

Don’t be afraid of foreign code.

Have a problem with a Ruby gem or a lib? Instead of digging through StackOverflow, find a source code of it by bundle open or somewhere in the internet and read the code. Learn through it and solve your issues. Reading code of the gems or libs you are using gives you a better confidence, shows new techniques and sometimes can move you faster to a solution. It gives you also better understanding of it and can move you to solutions no one ever discovered.

It doesn’t matter is it a Ruby or JavaScript open source code on Github or a Java core package like javax.imageio.ImageReader or source code of Apache Solr facets calculating solution, reading through the code will definitely make you a better developer. So, don’t be afraid and next time just dive in the real code. It can only make you a better developer.

Good luck!

if you need help with your code/architecture/project/infrastructure let me know. I would be more than happy to help.

Rafał Piekarski
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