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Setup a React Component Library using Create React App, React Styleguidist and TypeScript

Published Jun 05, 2019

I was working on a personal project, where I developed a few components which I thought are worth sharing, but how? I can publish them on NPM, but the user should be able to tinker with them no just see the default examples, that’s when I found out React Styleguidist, I struggled around for 1 day to get this for the first time and now it takes around 10 minutes with styled-component setup.

We will use React Styleguidist, as not only one can interact with the components, one can also change the props and write a custom function to see how the component behaves.

React Styleguidist does not provide boilerplate like Create React App but its a plugin and can be integrated easily with CRA or to any React App with webpack, I have divided steps into 3 parts.

Create React App with TypeScript

  1. Add React Styleguidist
  2. Add TypeScript Support
  3. Create React App

Create a React setup using CRA using npx for the latest version or yarn create

// Using yarn
yarn create react-app my-component-library --typescript
// Using npm
npx create-react-app my-app --typescript
cd my-component-library
// Make sure App is running
yarn start

Add React Styleguidist

Let’s React Styleguidist to our project using

yarn add -D react-styleguidist

As we are going to use this project as a component library will never use the default start and build script. So we will replace them with styleguidist scripts, it should look like this

"start": "npx styleguidist server",
"build": "npx styleguidist build",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"

Let’s start our server using yarn start , the following page will show up.

This is because we haven’t told the styleguidist where our components are, we even don’t have any component yet.

Let's add a simple button component in src/components/button folder.

// src/components/button/Button.tsx

import  as React from "react";

class Button extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (
          border: "none",
          padding: "8px 12px",
          background: "hotpink",
          borderRadius: "4px",
          color: "white"

export default Button;

Add styleguide.config.js to root folder of the app and write following code inside it, it tells the styleguidist where our components are.

module.exports = {
  components: "src/components/**/*.tsx"

Start the server again using yarn start , note that we have made a change to styleguidist configuration for that to reflect we have to restart the server.

It should look something like this


To our component show up there we have to create a inside the button folder, like this, every component will have it’s own file where you can show a various example with different props.

// src/components/Button/

Talking of different props lets add a prop to our Button

// src/components/button/Button.tsx

import  as React from "react";

interface IProps {
    Size of the button
  size: "regular" | "large";

class Button extends React.PureComponent<IProps> {
  render() {
    const { size, children, } = this.props;
    return (
          border: "none",
          padding: size === "regular" ? "8px 12px" : "12px 16px",
          background: "hotpink",
          borderRadius: "4px",
          color: "white"

  static defaultProps = {
    size: "regular"

export default Button;

// src/components/Button/

<Button size="large">Button</Button>

The Above code and will result into


Props & Method section has been automatically added to our component description but the type is unknown, which should not be the case as we are using TypeScript and it should show ”regular” | “large” , React Styleguidist doesn’t support TypeScript by default it read props from PropType here it is using defaultProps to show the above, we need to add a parser which will parse props defined in typescript.

TypeScript Support
Add react-docgen-typescript using

yarn add -D react-docgen-typescript

Add parser tostyleguide.config.js

module.exports = {
  components: "src/components/**/*.tsx"
  propsParser: propsParser: require("react-docgen-typescript").parse

You can also add descriptions to IProps using JSDoc just above the prop, it will be shown in the description section


High five 🙌 We have a component library, now we can add an individual package.json file to every component and publish them on npm.

I have pushed the above setup on GitHub, you can check out for reference or use it directly.

Thank you for Reading!

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