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Imposter syndrome

Published May 26, 2022
Imposter syndrome

S o, i have been studying software engineering for almost 5 years, and i always had a problem, i always thought (and still now sometimes) that i don't know how to code, that I'm not even average, or that they are many genius programmers and I'm just one guy that struggle to write code.
But, two weeks ago, a friend of mine told me something that turned me upside down :

"you are a role model and i am working day and night to reach the coding skills that you have,i want to be just like you".

When she said that, i was shocked, so many things came to my mind :
_how can she want to be just like me when i spend my time on stack-overflow, when i can't remember some basics CSS rules?_But i realized something, coding is a journey, you will never be the best but you always have to work to be the best. Sometimes you may feel like you know nothing, but remember that those who answer your questions on Stack-overflow were one day just like you. Remember that there is someone out there who is working and hoping someday to be like you, to reach the level where you are now.

So whenever the imposter syndrome hits you , just remember what you have already done and say to yourself that you are just starting your journey. Always say to yourself that you are the best, that you are going to be the best, self confidence is the key.

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