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Docker and Node made easy

Published Jul 27, 2017Last updated Jan 23, 2018
Docker and Node made easy

Recently, I started working in a new project for a new client. The idea is to make an app that will list all the happy hours that are happening near you. I decided to use the same stack that I'm using in my other projects right, because I don't like change. That's Scala and PostgreSQL for the backend and Typescript with React for the frontend. We would deploy the app using containers through Heroku.

While I was preparing the containers, I made a wonderful discovery: sbt-docker. It's a plugin for sbt, the build tool I use when I program in Scala, to create containers from scala projects. It's nice for two reasons:

  • I can build the new image by just typing sbt docker.
  • I can write the specs of my docker image (i.e. the Dockerfile) using Scala. This let's me avoid having to remember the details of the Dockerfile syntax and at the same time, have all the project completily integrated.

I enjoyed so much that plugin, that I decided to look for something similar for Node and there was nothing that satisfied my expectatives completely. And so, I decided that I'd write my own.


This is what I want:

  1. I want to be able to cover 90% of the most usual cases without having to write any extra code. I want to do something like this in the main directory: name-of-the-awesome-tool --name container-name --tag container-tag --port 8080 and get a new image tagged as container-name:container-tag that will run the project on port 8080.
  2. I want it to be integrated in the node ecosystem. I.e. I want to be able to install it using npm and to create an script in the package.json file that will automatically run the command mentioned above.
  3. For the other 10% of the cases, in which I need something more particular, I want to be able to handle them using Javascript (no Dockerfile syntax, please, I have enough having to remember all the languages I use) and in an expressive way. As similar as possible to what you would do with sbt-docker.

Basic Dockerfile

Usually most of my node apps have a Dockerfile that looks something like this:

FROM node
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY package.json /app
RUN npm install
COPY . /app
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

Some notes about this approach:

  1. As you can see, I'm not defining a node version in the image I pull from. I do that in my apps, normally, but for this case I'll ignore it. It's not as simple as it may seem. For now, I'll use lastest version. In the future, I'll parse section engines to decide which one to specify.
  2. I'm copying first the package.json and then the rest of the directory. The reason is very simple: This way I can cache the step of running npm install. The benefit being not having to run it every time I modify something in the code that isn't related with my dependencies.
  3. I use the convention npm start. For the same reason than 1., I prefer to delegate as much logic as possible to the node configuration file. If you want to see how to start an app, you should look at package.json, not at the Dockerfile.

Ideally, my new app will create something very similar to that by default.

Basic usage

Let's start coding. The first thing that I want is a class to create Dockerfiles. Said class should accept a container name in the constructor and it should have different methods to describe how to create the Dockerfile.

I want the usage of this class to be something like this:

new Dockering(imagename)
  // Etc

I.e. I want to be able to chain different docker instructions in one statement. I also want the class to be immutable:

const dockerfile = new Dockering(imagename)
  .from('ubuntu'); // this is one dockerfile
const otherDockerfile = dockerfile
  .run(command); // this is a different one, based on the previous one

I decided to write this using Typescript, because I like to have a compiler that will detect my mistakes. Using Typescript, I'd create a new interface called Instruction and a new class called Dockering. The class will have a list of Instruction and a set of methods that will define the Docker instructions and return a new Dockering class according to that. I want also a method build that will compile all the instructions into a docker image.

import * as instructions from './instructions';

export default class Dockering {
    public name: string = path.basename(__dirname),
    public instructions: Array<instructions.Instruction> = [],
    public docker: Docker = new Docker({ socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock' })) { }

  run(command: string | Array<string>): Dockering {
    return this.withNewInstruction(new instructions.Run(command));

  cmd(command: string | Array<string>): Dockering {
    return this.withNewInstruction(new instructions.Cmd(command));

  expose(ports: Array<number>): Dockering {
    return this.withNewInstruction(new instructions.Expose(ports));

  add(srcs: Array<string>, dst: string): Dockering {
    return this.withNewInstruction(new instructions.Add(srcs, dst));

  shell(cmd: Array<string>): Dockering {
    return this.withNewInstruction(new instructions.Shell(cmd));

  // Etc.

  build(project: string = '.'): Promise<{}> {
    const tarStream = tar
      .pack(project, {
        ignore: (name: string) => name.indexOf('node_modules') === 0
    const dockerfileContent = => i.toString()).join('\n');
    tarStream.entry({ name: 'Dockerfile' }, dockerfileContent)
    return, { t: })
      .then((stream: Stream) => promisifyStream(stream));

  private withNewInstruction(newInstruction: instructions.Instruction): Dockering {
    return new Dockering(, this.instructions.concat([newInstruction]), this.docker);

You can see a full example of this here.

I think most of that code explains by itself, with the exception of the build method. Some comments there:

  1. I'm using two external libraries: tar-fs to deal with tar files and docker-node-api to deal with the docker API.
  2. I don't include in the docker file the content of the node_modules folder.
  3. I don't actually create a Dockerfile in the user filesystem, but add it into the tar stream that will be passed to docker. No need to slow things down by saving to disk.
  4. The function promisifyStream receives an stream and returns a Promise that succeeds after the event end is fired and is rejected if the event error happened. On data, it prints the content in the terminal, so you can see the progress of the build.
  5. You can see the content of the instructions file here although that's not necessary to understand how this works.

The usage of that class is exactly what we were looking for.

Command line interface

Now we have to define a command line interface usage to cover most of the usual cases. To do so, I'll use the library minimist and create a function that receives arguments parsed by that framework to handle the command line behaviour.

export interface Args {
  cmd?: string;
  project?: string;
  name?: string;
  tag?: string
  port?: string;

export interface Package {
  name: string;

const getConfig = (path: string): Package => {
  try {
    return require(path);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('error', path, e);
    throw 'could not find package.json';

export default function (args: Args): Promise<{}> {
  const startCmd = args.cmd || 'npm start';
  const projectPath = args.project || process.cwd();
  const port = parseInt(args.port) || 8080;
  const confFile = `${projectPath}/package.json`;
  const configuration = getConfig(confFile);
  const name = ||;
  const tag = args.tag || 'latest';
  return (new Dockering(`${name}:${tag}`))
    .run('mkdir /app')
    .copy(['package.json'], '/app')
    .run('npm install')
    .copy(['.'], '/app')
    .cmd(startCmd.split(' '))

You can see the file here

As you can see, our command line tool will create a Dockerfile very similar to the one saw before! Which is exactly what we wanted.

With that, we can create a new executable in the project. For example, under bin/dockering:

#!/usr/bin/env node

const minimist = require('minimist'),
  command = require('../lib/command').default,
  Dockering = require('../lib/index').default;

if (require.main === module) {
  const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))
    .catch((err) => console.log('An error happened!', err))

Which is more than enough.

The usage of this command line tool, would be something similar to this:

dockering --name newimagename --tag tag --cmd "npm start" --port 8080 --project .

That way, we can create a new script in package.json to dockerify our node apps in one very simple step:

  "scripts": {
    "docker": "dockering"

And that's all!

You can check the full code example here and the npm package here.

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post comments4Replies
Victor H
7 years ago

Please use ZEIT NOW for Node apps unless you have a very good reason to use Docker.

Agustin Chiappe Berrini
7 years ago


Victor H
7 years ago

Simple + cheap + fast. The only reason I may use Node and Docker is for microservice usage, not for web apps / APIs

Agustin Chiappe Berrini
7 years ago

Uhm, no, no really. First, seems more of an alternative to Heroku than to dockerfiles. And a bad alternative :/. Problems I’m seeing in Zeit:

1.- Is less than a year old. I’m sorry, I’m not adding an step in the deployment process of any professional app that doesn’t come from a technology that is either supported by a very big vendor (i.e. Google, Facebook, …) or that has been around for enough time to be sure I can get information about it’s shortcomings.
2.- Is only Javascript. Most of my apps are part of an ecosystem that doesn’t involve just one language.
3.- Don’t seem to support third party libraries. What if I need imagemagick to be installed in the host of my web app? The only way that Zeit supports that is… Through dockerfiles :).
4.- Separates environments. One of the nice things about docker is that I can test my app while developing in the same environment I’d use it in production. This reduces a lot the margin of error.
5.- How do I connect my database to my app without them in different networks? Through… dockerfiles? To be fair, without dockerfiles, it seems like a solution only for serving frontend. That’s… kinda useless.
6.- I don’t see how the installation using now is easier than using dockerfiles for non-Node users.
7.- The consistency across platforms is also provided by… dockerfiles.
8.- How is easier to install in CIs? With docker I only need to do: “docker build; docker push”
9.- Docker also uses hashing for security.
10.- I can also select my node version…
11.- Docker is free.

Seriously, what does it provide that makes it provide that a docker+heroku, for example, doesn’t? I don’t see anything.

Don’t get me wrong, it may be an awesome service :). But I need something more strong than “simple (maybe… but simpler? Doesn’t seem like) + cheap (not cheaper, for sure) + fast (compared to what?)” after an statement like “Please use ZEIT NOW for Node apps unless you have a very good reason to use Docker.”

I won’t change an industry standard for a less than a year old solution that is particular for javascript applications that provides no integration with permanent storage (i.e., where is my database?).

Look at this to support my previous statement: How is using a remote database system faster? No way that’s faster than having your database in the same private network!

Sorry man, maybe you’re related with them or is your company or whatever, but it isn’t replacing docker (or heroku) in my stack anytime soon and I will not recommend to anyone to use it instead of them.

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