To-do list mobile app

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What you will practice

You will practice creating multiple screens, user inputs, time-based push notifications, passing data between screens, and working with file storage.


You will create a to-do list application by using your preferred mobile application development framework. People are finding it harder and harder to remember and manage daily tasks in this fast-paced world. By creating a to-do list app, users can create and manage their daily tasks more easily.


  • The application should open with a splash screen
  • There should be three categories at the top of the screen:
    • Pending
    • Completed
    • Overdue
  • If the to-do list is empty, show an empty state message: “No items to display. Please press “Add” to add new items.”
  • Show a fixed navigation bar at the bottom of the screen with an “Add” button, which allows the user to create a new task
  • Clicking the “Add” button will show a screen with the following elements:
    • Title (text input field)
    • Description (text input field)
    • Deadline (iOS or Android default date and time selector)
    • Confirm button
    • Cancel button
  • Each new task should have a deadline later than the current time. Adding a task will save it to the file storage in the text file.
  • Users can perform different actions by selecting single or multiple items:
    • “Pending” category
      • One item selected: the user can press “Delete,” “Edit,” or “Complete”
      • Multiple items selected: the user can press “Delete” or “Complete”
    • “Overdue” category
      • One item selected: the user can press “Delete,” “Edit” or “Complete”
      • Multiple items selected: the user can press “Delete” or “Complete”
    • “Completed” category
      • One item selected: the user can press “Delete” or “Edit”
      • Multiple items selected: the user can press “Delete” or “Edit”
  • When the user presses on the “Edit” button, a screen should pop up with:
    • Title (text input field with pre-filled data)
    • Description (text input field with pre-filled data)
    • Deadline (iOS or Android default date and time selector with pre-filled data)
    • Confirm button
    • Cancel button
    • Complete button
  • 10 minutes before the deadline of a task, users will receive a push notification to remind them of the task

Suggested Implementation

  • For iOS development, implement the app using Swift
  • For Android development, implement the app using Java and the Android SDK
  • To learn how to build multi-platform apps, use React Native

Before you begin the development of the application, make sure you understand the basic requirements of the application. It's always a good practice to create a sketch of the screens. Also, do check out existing to-do list applications on the Google Play Store and the App Store to gain an idea of the look and feel of similar applications.

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Suggested languages and frameworks

JavaReact NativeSwift



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