Temperature converter mobile app
You'll create a simple app to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit, and vice-versa. This project should be implemented as a mobile app.
You’ll practice full-stack mobile development, from building a UI that allows users to input break schedules, to saving break schedules in a database. This project will also serve as an introduction to working with push notifications.
You’ll create a simple, useful app to remind users to take breaks by customizing the time and length of their breaks. Get regular break reminders through push notifications.
Depending on your experience, this project may take 8 to 16 hours.
For an extra challenge:
This project can be delivered as either an iOS, Android, or cross-platform mobile app.
The awesome set of verified mentors will provide guidance and mentoring help when you are stuck.
Suresh Atta
You'll create a simple app to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit, and vice-versa. This project should be implemented as a mobile app.
Irregular sleeping patterns are a common problem. This mobile app will fulfill the user's needs in tracking their sleeping patterns, including duration and timings. This app will track three parameters: sleep time, wake up time, and sleep duration. Users can add, edit, or remove any sleep entries.
You will practice collecting user input, sending scheduled push notifications, sharing data between screens, and working with a database.
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