A collection of links to 3d models, code samples, assets, sound libraries, animations for developing games and AR / VR applications in Unity 3D
5+ Yrs Unity 3D Game Development, C#, .NET Core, API / Web / Desktop / Mobile Developer, MVVM/MVC, SQL, Entity Framework, Code First
A collection of links to 3d models, code samples, assets, sound libraries, animations for developing games and AR / VR applications in Unity 3D
Documentation and Samples
Vuforia AR is now included in Unity 3d 2017.2 and higher so you don't need to download this SDK if you are using those versions of Unity
Links to Assets and Asset Stores
The best collection of mocap animations for the price- $60 for 810 mocap animations
A good first person shooter framework / system
A good inventory / crafting / questing system all in one package
A good system for creating decimated LOD meshes from high poly models, necessary for implementing LOD Groups
Links to Sound assets
This is the best sound asset on the Unity 3D Asset Store, it contains thousands of sounds and it is in a folder structure that helps you locate sounds when you need them