📋A hand-curated​ collection of useful and informative Swift Scripting materials.
Bearded iOS developer from Siberia 👨🏻‍💻
📋A hand-curated​ collection of useful and informative Swift Scripting materials.
Interesting​ articles​ about scripting, Swift Package Manager, Command Line etc.
Examples of using Utility framework. ArgumentParser and TerminalController are really useful.
Personally my favorite article. In format of tutorial with recommendations based on real expirience. And updated to Swift 4 🚀.
Simple introduction to Swift Scripting with Fibonacci Sequence.
Interactive Swift sessions right in your console.
Working with different toolchains. Might be helpful for Server-side Swift projects 🤔.
Step-by-step tutorial with output streams, command-line arguments, ​and interactive input.
As you can understand from the title, the author writes about deployment target overriding in Swift Script project.
Want to use ArgumentParser like a pro? You should definitely read this.
Videos form iOS conferences related to Swift Scripting
Awesome talk by open-source ninja. Contains real-world cases, good points, ​and live demo.
Mix of Swift Scripting and Localization.
Old but good talk. Pay attention to Dependency Management section.
Good stuff about Swift Scripting
A lot of John, but anyway - real Swift projects for your Package.swift file.