2002-2020: I played guitar, bass, & sang with a variety of cover, metal, folk, and industrial bands; I was a live & studio audio engineer, and I wrote & recorded music & sound FX for video games, but primarily I was a teacher of music.
2006: I launched a music education software startup
In 2017 I shifted focus to VR; I've installed 80+ VR theaters in 12 cities around the US, specializing in Pico, Vive, & HTC, large-scale video screens.
I've also run VR events for theaters, rock venues, and McCormic Center.
Virtual Reality systesm architect;
Modding VR games for event use using C#/Unity. Hosting & developing those mods. Livestr...
Virtual Reality systesm architect;
Modding VR games for event use using C#/Unity. Hosting & developing those mods. Livestreaming, custom hardware. Musical accompaniment.