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Organize your errors

Published Jan 09, 2019
Organize your errors

23 Apr 2017
(this article was originally written for my blog

There are two types or programmers: Those who handle errors properly, and those you don’t want to work with.

It’s happening over and over again. Something has stopped working and I need to fix it. After tens of minutes of debugging and diving deeper into the code base, I finally find it. Someone (including several-years-ago myself), ignored an error and left it unhandled.

The reason, why is this situation so annoying is simple. The error information, usually including the reason why the error is happening, was right there! Someone just had decided to ignore it.

Proper error handling: the old (Objective-C) times

The old times

Objective-C APIs have quite obscure way, how to signalize errors. Take NSData and its writeToFile function as an example:

- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path options:(NSDataWritingOptions)writeOptionsMask error:(NSError **)errorPtr;

The function returns a BOOL value indicating whether the operation was successful. When the value is NO, you can then find more info about the error inside the object referenced by errorPtr. Notice that erorrPtr is a pointer to a pointer to a NSError object.

NSData* data = [NSData new]; // some data
NSString* path = @"path"; // some path // ⚠️ DO NOT DO THIS ⚠️ 👎
// This code completely ignores the error and it will, sooner or later,
// bite you back (or ever worse: bite your colleagues).
[data writeToFile:path options:0 error:nil]; // YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN DO THIS 👎
// This is definitely better than the previous. However, you need 
// to check the returning value, not just the error pointer. 
// Some APIs could return non-nil error even for non-error states.
NSError* error1;
[data writeToFile:path options:0 error:&error1];
if (error1) { // Do something with the error. If nothing, at least log it // to the console.
NSError* error2;
if ([data writeToFile:path options:0 error:&error2]) { // Happy path
} else { // Here we're sure something went wrong if (error2) { // We even have more info about it }

Proper error handling: Swift

Even though Swift 2 made error handling easier and more straightforward, there are still many ways how not to do it properly.

let data = Data() // Some data
let url = URL(string: "url")! // Some URL // ⚠️ DO NOT DO THIS ⚠️ 👎
// Using try! will crash your app
// when an error occurs. Like implicitly
// unwrapped optionals - use try!
// only if you really know what you
// are doing (i.e. in your tests).
try! data.write(to: url) // ⚠️ DO NOT DO THIS ⚠️ 👎
// This particular usage of try?
// is also not good. When the write
// function fails, the error is
// silently consumed and no one
// will ever know about it.
try? data.write(to: url) // YOU CAN DO THIS 👍
// If the return value of the throwing
// function is what matters, it might be
// a good idea to use try?. You won't 
// have any further information about 
// the error, though.
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { // Something went wrong, but we don't why return
// Happy path: Everything is OK and we can use data
print(data.description) // BASIC ERROR HANDLING 👍
do { try data.write(to: url)
} catch { // You can access variable 'error' of // the type 'Error' within this scope.

You can't get runtime error

Custom error types in Swift

This is where the fun begins. You can define your own error types and make your functions throwing them:

enum Error: Swift.Error { case network(NetworkError) enum NetworkError { case notReachable case unknown } case device(DeviceError) enum DeviceError { case notEnoughSpace case unsupportedSystemVersion }

You can then handle specific errors a different way than the others:

// (WITH CUSTOM ERRORS) do { try doSomething() } catch let { // The returned error is a network error. print(type(of: error)) // prints `Error.NetworkError` // ... do something with the error (log it, etc.) } catch let Error.device(error) { // The returned error is a device error. print(type(of: error)) // prints `Error.DeviceError` // ... do something different with the error (show alert etc.) } catch { // Some other error without specific handling.
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