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Completed Next.js App Router course + Code + Deployment Done

Published May 30, 2024
Completed Next.js App Router course + Code + Deployment Done

I have taken up Next JS lately. This post contains the full code of the Next.js App Router course.

I have explained this in my previous post, I have decided to invest some time and energy over the next year, to upskill myself with some full stack development knowledge for my existing JS knowledge. I do tutor, and that is how I make my money.

I feel like a proper framework teaching, can help me with some extra work opportunities. I decided to follow along with the app router course at the official Next JS learn website.

There are a total of 16 steps (one of them is simply a discussion, and has no code as such), and total of 15 folders, one folder for each step of the tutorial that has code explanations.

The full code is available here. NextJS App Router Course Code

Also, I did a deployment of the final code, which is available here.

The course is very short, and I was able to finish the whole thing in about 15 to 20 hours. I tried to type as much code as possible by hand. Occasionally, I have directly copy pasted stuff from the main tutorial.

Also, I must note here that, the tutorial provides plenty of ‘pre built’ components. So, that means, this is not a full, hardcore tutorial. This also means, there is lot of opportunities here for me to dig deeper into the code and learn how these prebuilt components were built.

Further, the authentication does not include any examples of adding a new user or editing a new user or seeing all users. So, that is again, something for me to investigate.

Also, authorization is missing from the tutorial. Another topic for me to investigate.

Still, as a first-time exposure, I am very pleased with the contents and quality and quantity of the tutorial. A year from now, I will know if my time was well spent, but, as of now, I am pleased with Next.JS.

as usual, this is a copy of my original post, which is available here.

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Aura Lee
4 months ago

Ok got it, I’ll surely check this will that one help me with